View Full Version : Japanese embassy has had it with Biden calling them raycissss for not wanting crimmigrant invasion

Whitey Ford
05-04-2024, 10:35 AM

The Japanese Embassy on Friday issued a slight rebuke of President Joe Biden for referring to Japan as “xenophobic,” saying it raised concerns with administration officials over the remarks.

“It is unfortunate that some of the comments were not based on an accurate understanding of Japan’s policies,” the embassy said in a statement to POLITICO. “We have raised this point to the U.S. government and explained Japan’s positions and policies once again.”

“Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India?” Biden said during his speech. “Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants.”

Despite all the vibrant cultural enrichment, America is stalling badly too.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre subsequently said that the president “was trying” to say that “when it comes to who we are as a nation, we are a nation of immigrants.”


05-04-2024, 11:54 AM
What? Why don't the Japanese want vibrant diversity? Don't they know that Tokyo could look just like this - Mayor Dumbass Nigger Adams' idyllic New York?


We know that "xenophobic" means, "We don't want our cities to become offshoots of Nigeria and Haiti." Pretty rayciss.

05-04-2024, 10:08 PM
Xenophobia: well-honed survival instinct.

Joseph Palooka Robinette Biden: worst POTUS in history, who will be remembered mainly for trying to destroy his country - unless he succeeds, then it all goes down the memory hole.

SC Anemia
05-04-2024, 10:30 PM
Xenophobia: well-honed survival instinct.

Joseph Palooka Robinette Biden: worst POTUS in history, who will be remembered mainly for trying to destroy his country - unless he succeeds, then it all goes down the memory hole.

That's why I hardly watch the news anymore.

I truly wish that incompetent , incontinent, senile, lying, piece of excrement would just say home. Indoors and nowhere near the press corps or a TV camera.

I'm tired of being embarrassed. At least that tar pigeon Obama could assemble a coherent sentence.

Niggers are Useless
05-04-2024, 11:43 PM
Maybe Japan could send some Samuri to a white house event and further drive their point home. They don't want their country to look like the shithole our cities have become. That dumbass in the Whitehouse could learn a lot from the Japs. Karin diversity hire mop dog press monkey could barely cover that bunch of Biden bullshit. "what he was trying to say" .... wow this whole administration is a bunch of clowns.

05-05-2024, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I love how their "Press Secretary" is really just an interpreter for his constant senile rambling and undiplomatic gaffes. A spin doctor spewing bullshit.


What worries me though is that even if they are total clowns, they only look that way because they're just amateurs at pulling off the orders of the WEF, i.e. global socialism in our lifetimes, or at least our childrens'. The incompetent bumbling, and steadfast refusal to answer when asked in the Senate why they seem to be trying to destroy the country is just distracting everyone from their agenda. They are genuine traitors and if there was any justice, would be hauled out of their chairs and off to prison.

05-07-2024, 02:58 AM
niggers are the mercury in the pond. One tea spoon of spook and your world will start to rot. Niggers can only be useful maimed and chained.

Jim Crow
05-07-2024, 06:48 AM
niggers are the mercury in the pond. One tea spoon of spook and your world will start to rot. Niggers can only be useful maimed and chained.

Chained to a sinking ship would be nice!

05-07-2024, 07:56 AM
Chained to a sinking ship would be nice!

Great addition James ! :lol

Whitey Ford
05-07-2024, 12:24 PM