View Full Version : Always trust your “Spidy”senses(niggdar)

Jim Crow
04-25-2024, 02:34 PM
So, I get a call from what was definitely a white woman. A well spoken/paid office worker. Insurance adjuster or some kind of a legal secretary. She wanted me to go to her in-laws for a shower rebuild estimate.
Talking to her, my “Spidey”senses were tingling. By that I mean, my niggdar sensor was off the richter! Even my crazy Cuban nigg hating partner was like “Jim, you’ve been going on chimp out too much” .But there was something about that call that screamed “nigger/mudshark” to me. It was a combination between the tone of her voice and the way she worded things.
I always trust my Spidy senses. And they were right again! I get to the house, two ancient decrepit old monkeys and a fugly shark! I quoted a fairly higher price. And the white girl/mudshark is going to pay for it!
After that,mudshark wants me to go to her house and price out a master bath remodel. There I will get to meet the shark’s bank manager buck and honor student (future felon/felon factory)zebras. lucky me!
It’s OK, because I will be charging an extra $1000 for starters.And all this will be done with a smile on my face.While,in my head, I’m wishing for the bat fairy to visit soon. But not till after I get they money!
And while I hate niggers and won’t work in the ghetto. I will work for the edjumacated “magic”niggers who gots a little cabbage and live in the burbs. I always keep my guard up as well as my prices! 50% up front. My hatred doesn’t get in the way of my cash flow. I’ve worked for trannies,liberals ,gays,niggs,sharks,ect.I just charge “rayciss” Tax!

04-25-2024, 08:38 PM
Charging coal scuttles extra is the Patriotic American thing to do

04-26-2024, 08:19 AM
So, I get a call from what was definitely a white woman. A well spoken/paid office worker. Insurance adjuster or some kind of a legal secretary. She wanted me to go to her in-laws for a shower rebuild estimate.
Talking to her, my “Spidey”senses were tingling. By that I mean, my niggdar sensor was off the richter! Even my crazy Cuban nigg hating partner was like “Jim, you’ve been going on chimp out too much” .But there was something about that call that screamed “nigger/mudshark” to me. It was a combination between the tone of her voice and the way she worded things.
I always trust my Spidy senses. And they were right again! I get to the house, two ancient decrepit old monkeys and a fugly shark! I quoted a fairly higher price. And the white girl/mudshark is going to pay for it!
After that,mudshark wants me to go to her house and price out a master bath remodel. There I will get to meet the shark’s bank manager buck and honor student (future felon/felon factory)zebras. lucky me!
It’s OK, because I will be charging an extra $1000 for starters.And all this will be done with a smile on my face.While,in my head, I’m wishing for the bat fairy to visit soon. But not till after I get they money!
And while I hate niggers and won’t work in the ghetto. I will work for the edjumacated “magic”niggers who gots a little cabbage and live in the burbs. I always keep my guard up as well as my prices! 50% up front. My hatred doesn’t get in the way of my cash flow. I’ve worked for trannies,liberals ,gays,niggs,sharks,ect.I just charge “rayciss” Tax!

A nigger surcharge!! My best friend's family used to own a convenience store and he would charge a "nigger surcharge!!" Entitled bootlips would knuckle-drag into his sto' and say "hey maing, gibs muh a discount!!" He would smile and say "sure theotis" and then charge an extra 80 cient fo' da nigger's Schlitz malt likka and pack of newpoats!! Niggers NEVER counted their change so he got away with it!! Funniest thing was when a nigger bought a half-smoke and grape drank and said "Gibs muh a pack o"" and my friend gave it some "newpoats!!" Nigger said "how'd you know dat, maing?" and my frined said "I'm clairvoyant!!" Nope, he just say 89 OTHER niggers buy "newpoats" earlier in the day!! He charged extra fo' da pack o' newpoats as well!!