View Full Version : Gay Africoon Dr. Who fed up with "White mediocrity".

04-21-2024, 07:37 PM
Ncuti ooked of his battle for acceptance. “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black niggers, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’”

That's right. Rump-roasting, flawless Africoons have accomplished so much more than those mediocre YTs.



I aint bin dun did dat!
04-22-2024, 07:03 AM
Ncuti ooked of his battle for acceptance. “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black niggers, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’”

That's right. Rump-roasting, flawless Africoons have accomplished so much more than those mediocre YTs.


The irony here is amazing. Underperforming, low IQ niggers that have never accomplished anything deserve praise and admiration? You want a trophy for being kangs of crime? How about for leading in STD infection rates? Go suck a nigger muh dikk nigger. We won’t be celebrating you today.

Niggers are Useless
04-22-2024, 06:20 PM
Send that down low nigger to Pakistan for it's celebration. It will love them.

Whitey Ford
04-23-2024, 12:14 AM
Looks like some mudshark shit afoot. :burner

Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday. She's the new Dr. Who "companion."

I don't get these assholes at the BBC. Niggers don't like sci-fi and stuff like Dr Who. And smart guys who like sci-fi don't really dig niggers for the most part.

You know what sci-fi I liked from the BBC was Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. First season had a couple niggers, but it wasn't overbearing. If it was nigger-free it would've been a masterpiece. ;)



04-23-2024, 09:38 AM
Looks like some mudshark shit afoot. :burner

Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday. She's the new Dr. Who "companion."

I don't get these assholes at the BBC. Niggers don't like sci-fi and stuff like Dr Who. And smart guys who like sci-fi don't really dig niggers for the most part.

You know what sci-fi I liked from the BBC was Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. First season had a couple niggers, but it wasn't overbearing. If it was nigger-free it would've been a masterpiece. ;)

Exactly! You think groids are watching Dr. Who, or "All Creatures Great and Small", etc? They watch BET and pornographic cRap vids 'n' sheeiitt.

True, they might watch Dr. Who now if someone tells them they might see some down-low action or mudsharking.

The BBC is obsessed with niggers. We got it - you're very woke and liberal. Enough, already. I guess the "Defund the BBC' demand isn't working.

04-23-2024, 12:33 PM
Ncuti ooked of his battle for acceptance. “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black niggers, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’”

That's right. Rump-roasting, flawless Africoons have accomplished so much more than those mediocre YTs.



Nigger butt-pirate reminds me of don lem on!! Lil' butt-pirate apefreacoon!!

04-26-2024, 09:11 AM
I love me some science fiction, always have, ever since I was a little kid seeing "2001" for the first time. Here's a great little poem by one of my favorite writers, H.P. Lovecraft:

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.

04-26-2024, 11:13 AM
I love me some science fiction, always have, ever since I was a little kid seeing "2001" for the first time. Here's a great little poem by one of my favorite writers, H.P. Lovecraft:

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.

Wow. That got me looking around. Found a forum where someone is wailing about how terribly rayciss Lovecraft was.

Another of his awesome passages:

One of Lovecraft’s notable tales concerns a troubled detective who comes across a “hordes of prowlers” with “sin-spitted faces . . . [who] mix their venom and perpetrate obscene terrors.” They are of “some fiendish, cryptical, and ancient pattern” beyond human understanding, but still retain a “singular suspicion of order [that] lurks beneath their squalid disorder.” With “babels of sound and filth,” they scream into the night air to answer the nearby “lapping oily waves at its grimy piers.” They live within a “maze of hybrid squalor near an ancient waterfront,” a space “leporous and cancerous with evil dragged from elder worlds.”

What part of that isn't accurate? I haven't read Lovecraft since I was in high school. Might be time to start again.


04-26-2024, 03:54 PM
The org that awards sci-fi prizes every year used to have a bust of Lovecraft as its trophy, but some Nigger "writer" (i.e. culture-appropriator) complained and they changed it. This is some years ago, they were ahead of their time in grabbing those valuable cuck points.

04-26-2024, 06:19 PM
The org that awards sci-fi prizes every year used to have a bust of Lovecraft as its trophy, but some Nigger "writer" (i.e. culture-appropriator) complained and they changed it. This is some years ago, they were ahead of their time in grabbing those valuable cuck points.

At least some people on the "Lovecraft was RAYCISS' forum are still capable of rational thought:

How prevalent is Chinese Supremacy? How many Blacks are racist? How about the Caste system.

Nope. Crickets, its always bash the white race into subjugation day.

Sorry, I'm not buying into this one sided discussion. All races have racists. Within races are socio economic boundaries and bigots. On and on it goes. Even within families are "slopes" of equality.

The author of the Harry Potter books was accused of genderphobia crap, let's stop reading and watching those movies as well.

Jesus Christ, let's cancel all books, media, politics, and anything else while we're at it.

Just to be safe...

It's looking that way.

04-26-2024, 09:57 PM
At least some people on the "Lovecraft was RAYCISS' forum are still capable of rational thought:

Jesus Christ, let's cancel all books, media, politics, and anything else while we're at it.
Just to be safe...

It's looking that way.

Yup, then we can all goose-step around to that swingin' socialist anthem, the Horst Wessel song.

04-29-2024, 12:45 AM
Yup, then we can all goose-step around to that swingin' socialist anthem, the Horst Wessel song.

I'm constantly reminded (and reminding, because Democrats love calling people NAZIs) that the National Socialist Germans took their inspiration and policy ideas directly from the diseased "progressive" ideologies of the American Democrat Party. So yes, we might all be goosestepping soon if we don't get a handle on things.

04-29-2024, 11:40 AM
And the ones who don't goosestep will be in Gulags, or concentration camps, whatever term you prefer.

04-29-2024, 05:47 PM
And the ones who don't goosestep will be in Gulags, or concentration camps, whatever term you prefer.

Anyone who disagrees with them is a "Nazi".

The future is not looking bright since the rise of toxic social media, the Feminazi, and the Nu-Male:


04-30-2024, 09:51 AM
This is the leftist mindset in a nutshell: ban books and free speech and pull down statues while accusing your opposition of being the Fascists. Can a human being be retarded and insane at the same time? You bet.

06-08-2024, 11:09 AM
Ncuti ooked of his battle for acceptance. “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black niggers, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’”

A flawless nigger, that's an oxymoron. Besides, it's funny how it's always the people with the most useless jobs who think they have any value to society. Thespians are no more than just professional liars! Every K9 is thousand times more worth than this despicable nigger!

06-11-2024, 06:10 PM
I was just watching this great display of "White Mediocrity" in show biz. Too bad there weren't more niggers to show YT how it's really done.

Nigger free. Enjoy!


06-16-2024, 08:12 AM
I was just watching this great display of "White Mediocrity" in show biz. Too bad there weren't more niggers to show YT how it's really done.

Nigger free. Enjoy!


That's why I enjoy TCM. Old movies devoid of niggers (mostly)

06-16-2024, 12:27 PM
The irony here is amazing. Underperforming, low IQ niggers that have never accomplished anything deserve praise and admiration? You want a trophy for being kangs of crime? How about for leading in STD infection rates? Go suck a nigger muh dikk nigger. We won’t be celebrating you today.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

06-16-2024, 01:05 PM
That's why I enjoy TCM. Old movies devoid of niggers (mostly)

Yes, I love these beautiful old movies too! And any niggers were usually portrayed correctly, as train porters, silly waddymelom-eatin' caricatures, or servants.