View Full Version : Hayshee migrant niggers take over NYC City Hall demanding more gibs muh

Whitey Ford
04-16-2024, 02:25 PM
Illegal immigrants swarm NYC City Hall to demand more aid, work permits


Hundreds of illegal immigrants swarmed New York City’s City Hall on Tuesday afternoon to demand more aid from the city as well as work permits.

Around 1,300 people gathered outside of City Hall, with only 250 people being allowed inside for a 10 am hearing on "the black experience in the city shelter system," the New York Post reported.

A source told the outlet that the large group was drawn to City Hall by an activist group. Dozens said they had been told by others in the community that if they showed up, they could get work visas or green cards.


Marse Igor
04-16-2024, 02:39 PM
Green Cards? We should be handing out these...

04-16-2024, 04:54 PM
Leftists really are a plague destroying the whole western world.

04-16-2024, 10:36 PM
The sane people will just keep leaving rather than pay for this useless monkey meat to live off of them.
Then NYC will be left a shithole for border violating shitskins.. I hope they finally eat each other then go back to eating their dirt cookies

04-17-2024, 10:49 AM
None of them speak English or Spanish. Only French.

Yet they want jobs? Nah. They want more GIBS. Are these Joe's pet niggroes from the border?

Here's how chimping groids are treated in their own hell hole:

In our countries, welcome mats, private jets, and welfare are provided.

Green Cards? We should be handing out these...

1965! When I glanced at that and saw "Rockwell", I thought "Norman". :lol

04-17-2024, 11:26 AM
Green Cards? We should be handing out these...

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

Jim Crow
04-17-2024, 07:44 PM
Nigg Yawk shitty is already a ghetto slum. Hayshee nigg Africoon nigg,what the fuck is the difference?

04-19-2024, 04:40 AM
They should have been wrangled and sent back to Haiti. We shouldn't be importing niggers. That should be an export only item.

04-19-2024, 12:13 PM
Illegal immigrants swarm NYC City Hall to demand more aid, work permits



Gibz DEM a leaky boat-ride back to hayshee!! Hayticoons are one of the WORST sub-species of NIGGER!! S. Florida is infested with them!! One of the MANY REASONS why I moved to N. Florida!!