View Full Version : Birds Chirp in the Night as the Bat Fairy Visits "Sharp" Nigger in Stolen Hyundai

04-15-2024, 08:25 PM
Richmond, Virginia...

Allow me to introduce 20 year old Nigger Kenneth Sharp for your viewing pleasure.

Richmond Police were called after neighbors saw our nigger protagonist and his ho sitting on top of what turned out to be a stolen car, with a rifle.

Police officers discover Nigger Kenneth and ho passed out in the car. The officers decided to open the door to the car. At this point Nigger Kenneth raises the rifle and the officer quickly issues a set of batwings.

The funniest part is when the officer peaks in the car and asks the ho if she's alive! She was so put of it, she had no idea what happened! I suspect drugs may have aided in that condition.

One thing about it, being passed out in a stolen Korean shitbox, while armed with a rifle, is probably not the best idea. Also, an AR is not a "quck draw" weapon, in case you are wondering.

Another criminal mastermind lost in his prime!


04-16-2024, 07:38 PM
Richmond, Virginia...

Allow me to introduce 20 year old Nigger Kenneth Sharp for your viewing pleasure.

Richmond Police were called after neighbors saw our nigger protagonist and his ho sitting on top of what turned out to be a stolen car, with a rifle.

Police officers discover Nigger Kenneth and ho passed out in the car. The officers decided to open the door to the car. At this point Nigger Kenneth raises the rifle and the officer quickly issues a set of batwings.

The funniest part is when the officer peaks in the car and asks the ho if she's alive! She was so put of it, she had no idea what happened! I suspect drugs may have aided in that condition.

One thing about it, being passed out in a stolen Korean shitbox, while armed with a rifle, is probably not the best idea. Also, an AR is not a "quck draw" weapon, in case you are wondering.

Another criminal mastermind lost in his prime!


An officer with a set of brass ones...the tunnel rats of american society!

SC Anemia
04-16-2024, 08:37 PM
An officer with a set of brass ones...the tunnel rats of american society!


What would make this better would be :tyrone photo shopped sticking out of the hole. :lol

Marse Igor
04-16-2024, 10:02 PM
Now that's some fine wrangling and the resulst of range time well spent.

Whitey Ford
04-17-2024, 12:41 PM
Steal a car.
Sleep in stolen car.
Sleep in stolen car with an AR15 (prolly stolen, too) in your lap.


04-17-2024, 10:48 PM
Steal a car.
Sleep in stolen car.
Sleep in stolen car with an AR15 (prolly stolen, too) in your lap.


Niggers never let you down!

04-18-2024, 07:35 AM
Richmond, Virginia...

Allow me to introduce 20 year old Nigger Kenneth Sharp for your viewing pleasure.

Richmond Police were called after neighbors saw our nigger protagonist and his ho sitting on top of what turned out to be a stolen car, with a rifle.

Police officers discover Nigger Kenneth and ho passed out in the car. The officers decided to open the door to the car. At this point Nigger Kenneth raises the rifle and the officer quickly issues a set of batwings.

The funniest part is when the officer peaks in the car and asks the ho if she's alive! She was so put of it, she had no idea what happened! I suspect drugs may have aided in that condition.

One thing about it, being passed out in a stolen Korean shitbox, while armed with a rifle, is probably not the best idea. Also, an AR is not a "quck draw" weapon, in case you are wondering.

Another criminal mastermind lost in his prime!


Bat Fairy deserves a HIGH five!!

04-18-2024, 09:56 AM

What would make this better would be :tyrone photo shopped sticking out of the hole. :lol

Damn you! :lol


SC Anemia
04-18-2024, 07:19 PM
Damn you! :lol


You rock Diva! Still laughing my butt off. Gracious !


04-18-2024, 10:09 PM
Comments are golden. The high's'a'kite coon didn't even have time to know it had been bat winged. Hopefully the useless spook didn't get to breed and spread its sin before it was gooded.

04-18-2024, 11:26 PM
Damn you! :lol
