View Full Version : "I Gots to Go!" Silverback Shoplifter Tries to Outrun Two Fit Lady Cops (And Fails)

04-13-2024, 05:54 PM
Who steals from a Dollar Store? A nigger, that's who!

Akron police were called to deal with a nigger menace and constant thief. The two officers were a little lax with Nigger Jesse, who had on a parka, mask, and was walking with a cane. The intention was to just cite Nigger Jesse for trespassing, and ban him from the store. Being a typical shifty nigger, he shucked and jived his way to the exit, getting outside. Quickly the nigger announces that he gots to go, and takes off running. The ladies weren't having it. Despite Nigger Jesse having a decent lead, he was quickly face down in the snow!

Also being a typical nigger, Nigger Jesse goes all limp, forcing the two officers to drag his ass back across the street to the car. He also goes limp while they try to frisk him. (A nasty job,for sure) More officers show up and Nigger Jesse starts mumbling about being shot up with heroin. It's unclear, but the nigger seems to be claiming someone else shot him up. Of course he's difficult all the way, as they stuff him into the back of the cop car.

At booking Nigger Jesse really starts in with the TNB and niggerbabble. It's a shame they couldn't give the nigger a little lightning therapy.

Niggers are England's revenge on America. If the British hadn't imported these monkeys we wouldn't be up to our eyeballs in these monkeyshines today.


SC Anemia
04-13-2024, 06:42 PM
I sure hope his homies saw this scrotum ran-down by two white wimmenz and turned into their bitch. Street cred = 0


UNSOLICITED EDIT: Is it just me or is the cop at the register kinda hot ? Now I wanna play cops and robbers too! :lol

Jim Crow
04-14-2024, 07:30 AM
No wonder most cops are always in a shitty mood. They have to listen to that annoying babble from niggers. Nobody gives a fuck about what a nigger has to say. It’s all bullshit and senselessness anyway. Where is the batwingfairy when you need her?

04-14-2024, 05:57 PM
Niggers are England's revenge on America. If the British hadn't imported these monkeys we wouldn't be up to our eyeballs in these monkeyshines today.

I don't think anybody decent would wish niggers upon any other nation. Niggers a global community cancer. Wakanda is the only place where nigger shit don't stink !

04-14-2024, 07:01 PM
All the "customers" were niggers. I feel sorry for the cashier, just imagine how much stench and monkeyshines she has to endure every day!

04-14-2024, 10:55 PM
I sure hope his homies saw this scrotum ran-down by two white wimmenz and turned into their bitch. Street cred = 0


UNSOLICITED EDIT: Is it just me or is the cop at the register kinda hot ? Now I wanna play cops and robbers too! :lol

Tall and lean. She could cuff me any time!