View Full Version : CNN Nigger Ashley Allison: Niggers feel connected to OJ because he killed White people

04-13-2024, 06:03 AM
Clown-world. I'd go into jail for hate speech, had I said this about niggers on TV. Nigger sow Ashley Allison (CNN whore, Harvard graduate, former Biden staffer) praises OJ Nigger on CNN because it killet two humans:

“He wasn't a social justice leader, but he represented something for the black community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there were two white people who had been killed. And the history around how black people have been persecuted during slavery."



CNN sow Ashley Allison:

Edit: Humans need to separate from the beat! We will never be safe, if there isn't at least one ocean between us and the ape! Even better would be a seperate planet, I say send them to Venus, nice and hot there, just as they like it!

Marse Igor
04-13-2024, 02:42 PM
Nicole Brown was as good as dead the moment she decided a majikal TV nigger apethlete was a viable breeding partner. Unfortunately, it’s apparent her lesson has been lost on many Humans to this very day.

I consider the greedy sleaze bag lawyers who lined up to defend the nigger even worse that the “victim”. The former Human called Niclole may have suffered from mental illness while those who defended the defective primate sold their souls for lucre knowing fully well the deeds of their client. I get a little satisfaction knowing that quite a few of the so called “Dream Team” met an early demise and I hope the others are haunted to the end of their days.

I’ll add that the especially despicable virtue signaling shyster Robert Koondashian croaked at a relatively early age but left behind a gaggle of probable ˝ breed sprogs that act, breed, and endlessly defile themselves in the worst imaginable ways. Word has it the former Human wife of Koondashian, known as Kris, laid with the beast called OJ, hence the sickening and sadly ubiquitous brood. The Mudshark Mortuary posts for them here at CM are inevitable and eagerly awaited.

04-23-2024, 01:39 AM
Clown-world. I'd go into jail for hate speech, had I said this about niggers on TV. Nigger sow Ashley Allison (CNN whore, Harvard graduate, former Biden staffer) praises OJ Nigger on CNN because it killet two humans:



CNN sow Ashley Allison:

Edit: Humans need to separate from the beat! We will never be safe, if there isn't at least one ocean between us and the ape! Even better would be a seperate planet, I say send them to Venus, nice and hot there, just as they like it!

It's a real mystery as to why so few people watch CNN or take it seriously. A true mystery.

04-24-2024, 10:40 PM
It's a real mystery as to why so few people watch CNN or take it seriously. A true mystery.

CNN, the "communist news network." About as bad as MSNBC, marxist, socialist narcissists being CORRUPT!!

04-25-2024, 09:26 AM
"He wasn't a social justice leader, but he represented something for the white community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there was a Nigger who had died. And the history around how white people have been persecuted since desegregation."

How do you suppose that would fly if a journalist said this about Derek Chauvin? And Chauvin didn't even murder anyone. This bitch is insane.

04-28-2024, 11:55 PM
"He wasn't a social justice leader, but he represented something for the white community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there was a Nigger who had died. And the history around how white people have been persecuted since desegregation."

How do you suppose that would fly if a journalist said this about Derek Chauvin? And Chauvin didn't even murder anyone. This bitch is insane.


06-01-2024, 09:59 AM
CNN, the "communist news network." About as bad as MSNBC, marxist, socialist narcissists being CORRUPT!!

Absolutely! What really surprises me is why are these channels still around? I've read so many times that they lose viewers faster than niggers lose their pants, and yet they're still around.

06-02-2024, 06:54 AM
Absolutely! What really surprises me is why are these channels still around? I've read so many times that they lose viewers faster than niggers lose their pants, and yet they're still around.

George Soros Contributions?! I LOVE the fact that these clown networks are losing funds!! I'll have an ORGASM when the "view" is cancelled!! If a rapist is arrested he should be FORCED to watch that "show!!" His d@ck would NEVER get hard again!!

Jim Crow
06-02-2024, 11:16 AM
First of all, look at where the OJ trial took place. Liberal fucking California!The rest of America knew the nigger did it. They appointed a bumbling judge and two idiot prosecutors who were muhdikin each other.
That was coupled with the fact that OJ did have a fantastic team of lawyers who knew how to race bait(species bait!LOL!)And the city was chicken shit because they knew niggers would burn it down if OJ was found guilty.
And of course niggers feel connected to a fellow crimnigger/murderer. Because they’d all like to get away with killing white people. So,go ahead liberals,protect your murderous pets thinking they’re loyal to you. Lol!

06-08-2024, 10:55 AM
George Soros Contributions?! I LOVE the fact that these clown networks are losing funds!! I'll have an ORGASM when the "view" is cancelled!! If a rapist is arrested he should be FORCED to watch that "show!!" His d@ck would NEVER get hard again!!

My sentiments, exactly!