View Full Version : Deion's Excellent DC Adventure... Another April Fool!

04-11-2024, 04:09 PM
April 1, District of Columbia...

Another win for the Jumpout Boys!

An officer with DC's Violent Crime Suppression Division's Robbery Suppression Unit (whew!) laid eyes on Nigger Deion Hinnant (31) who was in possession of a firearm, and gave chase.

Nigger Deion runs and the officer starts administering lead therapy. Nigger Deion ends up face down in the McDonald's drive-thru. Sadly the Bat Fairy was denied satisfaction.

Nigger Deion was charged with:

Assault on a police officer

Carrying a pistol without a license

Possession of an unregistered firearm.

Possession of unregistered ammunition

Possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance

A lot of charges. Nigger Deion is looking at weeks in a DC jail!

I get stacking charges in order to make something stick, but all of those gun charges are unconstitutional. Especially the need for a "license" to exercise a Constitutionally guaranteed and protected Basic Human Right. Not that niggers are human or entitled to human rights, but this greatly disturbs me.

The unconstitutional gun laws don't stop, or even slow down crime. The District of Columbia is one of the most dangerous, crime ridden shit-holes in the country! All this does is infringe upon and unlawful burden law abiding citizens Right to keep and bear arms.

Seems to me it would better serve the American people if the "justice system" concentrated on crime and criminals. If someone commits a crime using a firearm punish them harshly but don't punish law abiding Americans for what criminals do. Especially when criminals, especially niggers, are not punished in any meaningful way.

OK... off my soapbox.


Whitey Ford
04-12-2024, 03:06 AM
I've read reports that suggest that in the event of a nuclear war, D.C. would be the first to get hit. That's prolly the only upside to a nuclear war.

04-12-2024, 08:00 AM
April 1, District of Columbia...

Another win for the Jumpout Boys!

An officer with DC's Violent Crime Suppression Division's Robbery Suppression Unit (whew!) laid eyes on Nigger Deion Hinnant (31) who was in possession of a firearm, and gave chase.

Nigger Deion runs and the officer starts administering lead therapy. Nigger Deion ends up face down in the McDonald's drive-thru. Sadly the Bat Fairy was denied satisfaction.

Nigger Deion was charged with:

Assault on a police officer

Carrying a pistol without a license

Possession of an unregistered firearm.

Possession of unregistered ammunition

Possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance

A lot of charges. Nigger Deion is looking at weeks in a DC jail!

I get stacking charges in order to make something stick, but all of those gun charges are unconstitutional. Especially the need for a "license" to exercise a Constitutionally guaranteed and protected Basic Human Right. Not that niggers are human or entitled to human rights, but this greatly disturbs me.

The unconstitutional gun laws don't stop, or even slow down crime. The District of Columbia is one of the most dangerous, crime ridden shit-holes in the country! All this does is infringe upon and unlawful burden law abiding citizens Right to keep and bear arms.

Seems to me it would better serve the American people if the "justice system" concentrated on crime and criminals. If someone commits a crime using a firearm punish them harshly but don't punish law abiding Americans for what criminals do. Especially when criminals, especially niggers, are not punished in any meaningful way.

OK... off my soapbox.


Everything that you said is 100% TRUE!! In the past I lived in between d.c. and Ba Mo'. Both are HEAVILY nigger-FUXATED $HI+H)LE$!!

04-13-2024, 01:00 AM
I've read reports that suggest that in the event of a nuclear war, D.C. would be the first to get hit. That's prolly the only upside to a nuclear war.

Indeed! They say cockroaches can survive nuclear war, so it might not effect DC at all!

04-13-2024, 04:50 AM
I've read reports that suggest that in the event of a nuclear war, D.C. would be the first to get hit. That's prolly the only upside to a nuclear war.

GOOD point!!