View Full Version : Caliphate of Germany

04-11-2024, 02:40 PM
Caliphate of Germany. Words fail me:

By the way, that's in Dresden. Supposedly the most conservative town in Germany. Of course, traitor media praises this as "The breaking of the Ramadan fast on the banks of the Elbe becomes a place of encounter."



04-12-2024, 08:43 AM
Caliphate of Germany. Words fail me:

By the way, that's in Dresden. Supposedly the most conservative town in Germany. Of course, traitor media praises this as "The breaking of the Ramadan fast on the banks of the Elbe becomes a place of encounter."



Germany needs to be like Denmark and DEPORT those @$$lifter$!!

04-14-2024, 11:38 PM
We have these savages chanting "death to America" on OUR soil, and nothing is being done about it.

These animals are not compatible with civilized human society.

05-20-2024, 07:26 AM
An Anti-caliphate petition in need of signing:


...The ghostly rally of radical Islamists at the end of April 2024 caused a stir across Europe: more than a thousand supporters of the organization “Muslim Interaktiv” unabashedly called for the introduction of a caliphate in Germany on the streets of Hamburg. Despite these tangible and undoubted efforts to establish an Islamic reign of terror, politicians have so far only responded with timid lip service and so the activities of the caliphate movement continue in a feisty manner...

05-20-2024, 07:36 AM
Caliphate of Germany. Words fail me:

By the way, that's in Dresden. Supposedly the most conservative town in Germany. Of course, traitor media praises this as "The breaking of the Ramadan fast on the banks of the Elbe becomes a place of encounter."



Why did Germany let so many F@CKING turks in the country in the first place?!

05-20-2024, 07:48 AM
Probably to catch up with the Brits?


06-01-2024, 09:26 AM
Why did Germany let so many F@CKING turks in the country in the first place?! In fact, they were forced to do so by the United States: It was the price for the army bases in Turkey, and for Turkey giving up its neutrality and joining Nato. (Turkey had way to many unemployed (unemployable) people in the 50/60s, and at the same time Turkey begann to lean towards the mohammedan countries. The US wanted them to join the Nato.) It's a myth Germany "needed" a bunch of illiterate (and they literally were) Turks. Sadly, there are probably more illiterate people in Germany today than in Turkey.

06-02-2024, 06:57 AM
In fact, they were forced to do so by the United States: It was the price for the army bases in Turkey, and for Turkey giving up its neutrality and joining Nato. (Turkey had way to many unemployed (unemployable) people in the 50/60s, and at the same time Turkey begann to lean towards the mohammedan countries. The US wanted them to join the Nato.) It's a myth Germany "needed" a bunch of illiterate (and they literally were) Turks. Sadly, there are probably more illiterate people in Germany today than in Turkey.

That SUCKS!! Germany needs a Leader like Geert Wilders. I like what he is doing in the Netherlands. Also I heard that Denmark deported criminal @$$lifter$ and crime went down 31%!! I wonder how much rape went down?!

06-04-2024, 03:16 AM
In fact, they were forced to do so by the United States: It was the price for the army bases in Turkey, and for Turkey giving up its neutrality and joining Nato ...Germany's neighboring countries have no shortages of Turks themselves. Upon getting hooked up in Denmark, back in early '87, there were plenty of Turks occupying the small town we were living in. Some even peddling vegetables on their market stands.
Travelling in on my American (also a N.A.T.O. member country) passport, Danish authorities were strict about when my visa was to expire. Also being an E.U. member, if I wished to reside in neighboring Belgium, for example, there's no way they'd let me stay, unless I were to either secure employment or bring in my personal wealth, if I had it. Simultaneously, there are Mudslime ghettos in every major Belgian urban center, full of non-E.U. occupants. One standard for them and another standard for us, looks like

06-05-2024, 01:21 AM
Here, an article clipping dating back 6 years, when visual forensic evidence was still available. The phantom photograph depicts one of eleven gang rapists:


06-06-2024, 05:52 AM
A tar stain on a fresh cigarette's filter. Dashcam screenshots taken in a there goes the neighborhood a few years ago. Children up to their eighth year are allowed to ride their bicycles on the sidewalk, here. This teenaged Sand-youff is even riding in the wrong direction:


06-08-2024, 02:54 AM
Another article dating back to 2017. Ennwerds surround a pair of women and begining to sexually accost them, to the point of violently assaulting both, before a taxi shows up and rescues them, through inviting entrance into the cab which left the scene:


06-08-2024, 10:17 AM
Germany's neighboring countries have no shortages of Turks themselves. Upon getting hooked up in Denmark, back in early '87, there were plenty of Turks occupying the small town we were living in. Some even peddling vegetables on their market stands.
Travelling in on my American (also a N.A.T.O. member country) passport, Danish authorities were strict about when my visa was to expire. Also being an E.U. member, if I wished to reside in neighboring Belgium, for example, there's no way they'd let me stay, unless I were to either secure employment or bring in my personal wealth, if I had it.

That is no surprise to me, because EU countries are still independent (at least in theory) countries. The freedom of travel&work within the EU for Europeans was just implemented ~1990 with the Schengen II teaty. I assume that people from outside the EU will continue to need a separate work permit for each EU country in which they wish to work/settle permanently. But since 1990, travel visas have also been Schengen visas.

Simultaneously, there are Mudslime ghettos in every major Belgian urban center, full of non-E.U. occupants. One standard for them and another standard for us, looks like
Yes, absolutely crazy!! Not only Belgium, but also Germany, France and even Switzerland are flooded with niggers. And everywhere the legal people have to overcome thousands of hurdles, while the colonialists get everything for free. It's sickening!
But don't worry, it's similar in the USA: I've been through border control a few times, and despite having an H1B visa, I got treated like a criminal. (Especially from nigger officers.) But illegal immigrants receive free health insurance, free housing and get amnesty. Apparently liberals in every country in the world want to get rid of White people. It's sickening!

06-08-2024, 10:37 AM
That SUCKS!! Germany needs a Leader like Geert Wilders. I like what he is doing in the Netherlands. Also I heard that Denmark deported criminal @$$lifter$ and crime went down 31%!! I wonder how much rape went down?!

Oh yes, Geert Wilders is a blessing for the Netherlands! But despite his victory, he had to make massive sacrifices. Because none of the other parties wanted to form
a coalition with him. (It took more than half a year before he was able to form a government.) From "get rid of mohammedans" to "the criminals have to leave"...

Denmark by the way is a very special case: Leftist government, yet sane. A true miracle. They even publish statistics on crime and costs of immigrants by country, and it's mind-boggling. I posted this a while ago because it's safe to assume that the numbers in any western country would be the same, if shown:

06-10-2024, 01:41 AM
A 17 year old Doonkoon accosts two human Wimmens, before two male Humans intervene. The Doonkoon pulls out a can of pepper spray, before even more Subhumans join in and proceeded to gang stomp both rescuers. One of the stompers owned a German passport and another was a Wigger who Wigmigrated from Poland:


06-10-2024, 03:28 PM
That is no surprise to me, because EU countries are still independent (at least in theory) countries. The freedom of travel&work within the EU for Europeans was just implemented ~1990 with the Schengen II teaty. I assume that people from outside the EU will continue to need a separate work permit for each EU country in which they wish to work/settle permanently. But since 1990, travel visas have also been Schengen visas.

Yes, work visas are not Schengen visas. I have seen a Chinese man having trouble at German-French border. There was a state of emergency in France after mudslime attacks and there was a border control. The Chinese had German work visa and was sent to negotiate something at Airbus. He had no clue that he had to have also the visitor's (Schengen) visa to enter France.

06-11-2024, 07:25 AM
Yes, work visas are not Schengen visas. I have seen a Chinese man having trouble at German-French border. There was a state of emergency in France after mudslime attacks and there was a border control. The Chinese had German work visa and was sent to negotiate something at Airbus. He had no clue that he had to have also the visitor's (Schengen) visa to enter France.

That's true. And while annoying for honest and legal immigrants/expats, the reason why they changed these rules was simply that some EU member countries in the past sold work/residence visas for cheap, predominantely to sand-niggers. These people then immedialtely moved from Greece, Cyprus... to e.g. the UK. There they usually immediately claimed social benefits. For that reason the system was changed a few years ago, and work/residence visas aren't schengen visas anymore.

06-12-2024, 01:34 AM
An ass-lifting Afghan attempts to get punished as a juvenile, through claiming to have been 17 years old, during when it raped then fatally strangled a 19 year old student of medicine at a river's shore:

24923 https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.bild.de%2F5d3ecb771d250400 01777af2%2F4feb29864f8f888bc017a5bea208b635%2Ce261 2636%3Fw%3D1280&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a79cce69e9e6f6b0a10f42358afaa4366cdf36510f8ce0 458e6913e331df2970&ipo=images

06-13-2024, 02:29 AM
Just after EU parliamentary elections have taken place, the Caliphate's "defense" minister proposes re-instating mandatory conscription. Wimmenz will also be exposed to decision-making.
It will be interesting to witness how many will go along with this scheme. Is this to include Enrichers? Will draftees be defending the country from within (rhetorical question)? Would males be able to opt out, through identifying as females or dogs?:


...Women who turn 18 would also receive the letters, Pistorius said, but would not be obliged to answer, since Germany’s constitution does not foresee mandatory service for them (yet?)...

Enrichers on bicycles gang up on two teens, fist assaulting one. After having taken flight, the second teen was causght up with and robbed:


06-17-2024, 03:28 AM
Just to highlight how immigration of this type bakes these horrors into the cake:


...She was beaten, raped, suffocated and strangled by an Ethiopian immigrant at her school.

Luna was a friendly little girl, loved by everyone in her class. Now she has permanent brain damage...

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqTBFaTXsAElXGY?format=jpg&name=small ​https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP_FmopWEAA1OMa?format=jpg&name=medium

06-18-2024, 03:38 AM
A citizen of Romania gets "life" imprisonment for severely physically assaulting a Human, before raping and killing her. A further trial is scheduled for the murder of a 20 year old French tourist in Austria. Whether or not a sexual assault in that case had taken place or not was not mentioned.
The second article reports on police intervening in a Sandchimpout taking place within an asylum housing facility. An officer was not ready for taking a head butt onto the nose. The ordeal was set forth, through sending a police dog to finish the job.
The third article reports on law enforcement authorities clearing a train station of a North African invader sexually accosting two 17 year old girls while drunk. The suspect was also charged with publically urinating. Upon securing its identity, it was discovered that outstanding warrants for theft and driving under the influence of alcohol were issued:


06-19-2024, 01:54 AM
The first article is essentially a repeat of the one above. The second involves an attempted armed gang robbery of a streetcar. At this point, no exact forensic description was released to the public. The robber holding a gun was described as having spoken broken German with an "eastern European" accent and that this person was of relatively short stature which could hint at being a member of an ethnic group of which has been in Europe for centuries and have originated in the southern Indian continent


06-20-2024, 03:33 PM
A male victim was Northafrichimped at a bus stop, attacked with an unidentified sharp object.
The second article describes a cash box theft perpetrated by an Afghan and a second unidetified suspect at an open market stand:


06-21-2024, 01:28 AM
Also referring to post #18 from the previous page, this Afghan was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in Greece for attempted murder, through shoving a woman from a high wall. Shortly after sentencing, it was turned back loose onto society, so that it could enter Germany on the pretence of being an underaged "asylum" seeker. It was taken in by an obviously liberal foster family and thus commited this murder while in their residencey.
The second article reports on a dark-skinned male of below average height who approached a 66 year old woman in the vicinity of a cemetary, demanding money of which was handed out. The suspect thankfully knocked the woman out and fled:


06-22-2024, 01:15 AM
The first article deals with both previously mentioned rapes and murders, reporting on excuses given as testimony.
The second reports a cellphone robbery at switchbladepoint, the perpetrator being dark-skinned and comparitively of shorter stature, using the German language without accent, hinting on a second generation immigration background


06-23-2024, 02:24 PM
Bedouins running pedarast brothels:

Here, the regime blocks access to the truth:


Two of the video's screenshots:


06-24-2024, 02:19 AM
A second generation Bedouin takes on a delivery job for either Amazon or one of Amazon's competition, before planning on using a vehicle of theirs as a weapon of mass destruction, plowing it into a Christmas market. The suspect enjoys dual citizenship of which prevents it's deportation


06-24-2024, 04:42 PM
The following isn't even news anymore. Events like these have become the new normal, here


06-25-2024, 03:31 AM
Daring to walk home in the middle of the night, two women on separate occasions were accosted by a dark-skinned male rummaging his junk in front of them. The same assailant is supected in both cases.
An 18 year old and a friend of hers attended a discotheque. There, she accepted a drink from an undescribed male. Both females left the discotheque at around midnight. Appearantly, both departed in different directions, before the one was ambushed by the person who gave her that drink. The initial assailant was immediately joined by other assailants who joined in on the assault of unspecified degree.
A 28-year old repeat offender who hid in a university's female restroom and raped a victim was sentenced to only four years prison and to pay a 5.000€ fine to the victim. The rapist testified to not having remembered anything of the event.
The public transport facility offering a women's taxi, because of rampant sexual crime, has now made it possible for women to buy their ticket within the bus itself where they will be safer to do so


06-26-2024, 03:58 AM
A male of comparatively short stature claiming to having origins in Sarajevo, Bosnia approached persons who were caring for grave maintenance in a cemetary, claiming to have found a gold ring and attempting to trade the ring for a sum of money supposedly to equal a 100€ reward for the ring's return. During both attempts, the victims were gullable enough to hand over the cash for both fake rings


06-26-2024, 08:47 AM
The following isn't even news anymore. Events like these have become the new normal, here

The rapists, judges, lawyers, parole and immigration officials up to the highest level need the piano wire treatment, and it needs to be filmed and broadcast. Well, goodbye Germany, because that's not going to happen. And is it just me, or does this depraved cuck insanity get worse the closer you get to Davos? Coincidence?

06-27-2024, 04:46 AM
Thanks to ancient Egyptian liberal immigration policies, authentic Egyptians have been repaced by breed-like-rats Bedouins. On of these 17 year old imported enrichers head-butted and subsequently stabbed an unacquainted 16 year old for no appearant reason


06-28-2024, 02:10 AM
Attend Wigger school, having the privilege of paying a 50€ monthly tuition, to learn a Brazilian "art" form:



Body language says it all. No shortage of Barsoap-Dropper buns, fat Feminasties and blond Rasta flea hotels, here:


This is the self-pleasurising one gets for it's money:


06-29-2024, 03:22 AM
On Saturday morning, just before 5:00 A.M., a Gambian "Asylum" seeker followed a female victim into a restroom and locked the cabin's door behind him, before attempting to rape her. The victim's scream allerted another female patron who then allerted discotheque staff. The staff managed to subdue the "suspect", until law enforcement authorities arrived.
This particular discotheque had previously twice barred "Asylum" seekers from entering, due to similar assaults


07-01-2024, 12:44 AM
A Somali "Asylum"-seeker enjoyed various drugs of which most of them were unavailable back home where it belonged. Thereafter, this miscreant pulls a knife and downs three victims permanently. Free lodging in a psychiatric facility was the reward:


...Accordingly, the 24-year-old Somali regularly and frequently consumed drugs such as crystal meth, heroin, cannabis and alcohol. As a result, he was diagnosed with “drug-induced psychosis” and “delusional disorder.”...

Has this ruling, since then, set an example for further no-fault deeds?


...On June 25, 2021, he randomly attacked people with a knife. Three women died and nine people were injured. However, due to a mental illness, the court ruled the man incapable of guilt...

07-02-2024, 03:47 PM
He had a delusional disorder all right: it's called Islam. This was a hate crime, and this piece of shit skated thanks to leftists, full stop.

07-03-2024, 07:03 AM
A woman was pushed off of her bicycle, so that a robber who spoke broken German could grab her purse. He was accompanied by two others.
What was described as a "black African" attacked a German with a bottle to the head, after the German reportedly punched his attacker first


07-04-2024, 03:59 PM
Northafrichimping after the wrong German's girlfriend was accosted. As the Tunisian was verbally reprimanded, he threw a punch of which was answered. During which the young woman was also punched. The repeat offender was then taken into police custody and delivered to a hospital in handcuffs for injury treatment, after having threatened the officers and resisting arrest


07-09-2024, 03:25 AM
This just happened recently. Accurate forensic description once again resumes, after years of hushing. Nothafrichimping from behind, as a victim gets tripped to stumble, before a carry bag was taken


07-10-2024, 03:35 AM
Ten years ago, this article appeared, claiming a local demographic exaggeration:


In any event, silent Trojan Horse-styled ethnic-cleansing subsidized by the working tax payer is making a "Baby Boom" of an invasive sort possible. The following lists statistics from 3 years previous to the first posted article above.





Interesting to note that only one of the following deceased isn't German. As the number of German deaths superceed the number of reported German births by quite a wide margin, it is evident to see that the number of deceased is not getting replaced by indegenous births, by any means:


The following statistic shows a dramatic increase in invasive births, including those resulting from Mudshark drops:


07-11-2024, 12:27 AM
Anti-Woak news source becomes victim of organized bank-tampering, preparing to off-shore their donor accounts to anti-Woak Hungary:

Major anti-globalist TV station debanked in Germany and Austria - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/major-anti-globalist-tv-station-debanked-in-austria-and-germany/?utm_source=daily-usa-2024-07-11&utm_medium=email)

...“We were already a painful thorn in the side of the political and media cartel during the coronavirus era, and now that the Great Reset is being prepared and implemented at breathtaking speed on many levels, we are even more in their way,”...

07-12-2024, 04:58 AM
Both victim and assailant first met at a party and then encountered each other behind a building for some unexplained reason, before getting sucker-punched and robbed of his wallet. The assailant was described as of either Noth African or Bedouin origin.
A dark-skinned assailant attacks from behind and demands a wallet. Then takes flight, after the victim successfully takes defense measures.
A repeat offender bearing citizenship papers from Serbia and Montenegro threatens park visitors with a broken-off beer bottle and hurls another bottle at an aging couple, before getting handcuffed and charged with resisting arrest and with physically assaulting law enforcement officers


07-16-2024, 03:22 AM
Japanese government issues travel warning to tourists planning on visitting Germany:


...The Mocro Mafia is primarily involved in the drug trade and is already well-established in The Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. It is increasingly operating in Germany, bringing with it extreme violence and the use of explosives and automatic weapons...
...The Mocro Mafia is primarily involved in the drug trade and is already well-established in The Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. It is increasingly operating in Germany, bringing with it extreme violence and the use of explosives and automatic weapons...

Northafrichimpin' together a shipping container for torturing gang rivals, beginning at 23 minutes and twelve seconds into this following video:
Northafrichimpin' together a shipping container for torturing gang rivals, beginning at 23 minutes and twelve seconds into this following video:


In another of the several shipping containers searched, one of them contained police uniforms and bullet-proof vests allegedly to be used for capturing unknowing victims destined to the dentist chair.
Various cheap hardware store tools, including a blow torch, were also collected. These, of course, were suspected to be used as instruments of torture

07-23-2024, 03:33 AM
No shortage of tents with feet and litter, here. See this video, before it gets pulled for "privacy rights" breaching, because of failures to pixel out faces:


07-24-2024, 01:58 AM
A typical day, riding a streetcar in Berlin:

Angriff am Alexanderplatz: Berliner Polizei fahndet nach Männern (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/de-de/nachrichten/panorama/angriff-am-alexanderplatz-berliner-polizei-fahndet-nach-m%C3%A4nnern/ar-BB1qtCrz?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=a21d70d1ad0443118a1dbbb5cf04f4f8&ei=16#)

[quote=]...A group that included the three suspects pictured is said to have gotten into an argument with a 23-year-old on May 22, 2022 at around 5:10 a.m. on the U2 platform at Alexanderplatz station. The man is said to have been kicked, beaten and attacked with a glass bottle from the group. The 23-year-old suffered injuries to his face and head...
...A group that included the three suspects pictured is said to have gotten into an argument with a 23-year-old on May 22, 2022 at around 5:10 a.m. on the U2 platform at Alexanderplatz station. The man is said to have been kicked, beaten and attacked with a glass bottle from the group. The 23-year-old suffered injuries to his face and head...


07-31-2024, 11:43 PM
Germans need to make Germany German again, but not enough are interested, at least not openly. If you dare to be open about it, the government classifies you as a bigot and criminal.

08-14-2024, 11:51 PM
German policy forbids deporting to home countries which endanger the lives of the to-be-deported, even when any of those to-be-deported have been convicted of rape and murder. Simultaneous to that, these same "asylum" seekers have booked vacations to exactly these home countries of which are claimed to be life threatening:

https://www.achgut.com/artikel/erst_aus_afghanistan_fluechten_dann_dort_urlaub_ma chen

...Even if it is vacation time: According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Afghan refugees are only allowed to travel to Afghanistan in exceptional cases, as the country is considered dangerous and not even criminals can be deported there. Despite these regulations, many Afghans still travel back home, as RTL researched. Even former Bundeswehr helpers, the so-called local staff, who are considered particularly at risk, are among them. Anyone who travels to Afghanistan as a refugee without a good reason is risking their protected status; after all, it is incomprehensible how one can go on vacation in a country where one is allegedly being persecuted. However, there are no statistics on how often this actually led to revocation.
Travel agencies assist asylum seekers in planning illegal trips through Iran and are thus complicit. They use a “double-entry visa”, a loose sheet of paper that can be easily removed from passports so that the trip is not noticed. However, many travelers do not miss postings on social media about their carefree visit home.
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser does not feel responsible, but refers to local immigration authorities, who continue to shift responsibility to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, which in turn sees the Federal Ministry of the Interior as responsible.

The following video is 7 years old, aready. Evidently, an absence of administrative will prevails:


09-02-2024, 02:31 AM
Afghan Rapefugees rewarded with 1000€ each, before deportation has stubbornly taken place, just before a major state election was to take place during this weekend in which a rightist party made significant gains, despite the gaslight deportation:


...Friday's deportation comes as the German government faces growing calls to curb illegal migration and take tougher action against dangerous and convicted asylum seekers, following a series of high-profile crimes by migrant suspects...

Here, in detail:


...Following the deportation of 28 criminals to Afghanistan, a debate has been sparked online due to the fact that deportees were also given 1,000 euros allowance money each. “It's unacceptable that rapists and other felons receive a handout of 1,000 euros when they return to their home country! “Is the government now finally deserted by all sense of decency?” wrote the Hamburg CDU member of the Bundestag Christoph Ploß on X.The post led to a lively debate. Users referred to a decision by the Federal Administrative Court from 2022, which is based on the fact that a foreigner who is obliged to leave the country is able to satisfy his most basic needs over a foreseeable period of time after his return, if necessary through return assistance granted to him...

10-11-2024, 03:48 AM
Selective money-laundering bust ends up with a female judge (statistically notorious for selective lenient sentencing of certain offenses) sentencing at least one defendant to more jail time than a Rapefugee would get for first degree criminal sexual conduct:


...However, the presiding judge also considered the "substantial criminal drive" of the two managing directors while determining the sentence...
...However, the presiding judge also considered the "substantial criminal drive" of the two managing directors while determining the sentence...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamesundbusiness.de%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F11%2FTipico_Kampagne_wp .jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8191a721c55ddb401faefc728d5f042527d7574c5df3fe 6b5390aa7f193c5e04&ipo=images