View Full Version : Sushi turns her garage into a Dead Nigger Storage after her niglet self batwings with her hi-point

Whitey Ford
04-10-2024, 08:14 PM
It only got two years at sentencing. Wow.


Sushi!? Does it have sisters named Sashimi and Ramen, too?

The woman who pleaded guilty to hiding the body of her son in a garage for months wants to withdraw her plea and have her sentence reconsidered.

Staples pleaded guilty to endangering the life or health of a child, a Class 3 felony on Jan. 4.

Staples wrote to the court that she’s a first-time felon who has learned her lesson and she should be given probation and not be sent to prison or a mental health facility.

She said she sought mental health treatment before her son died and she’s “fully capable of doing upon release.”

She said a new sentence is necessary to get her other children back.

She has MOAR niglets!? Make sure babydaddy leaves his hi-point laying around, OK?


04-11-2024, 09:00 AM
It only got two years at sentencing. Wow.

Sushi!? Does it have sisters named Sashimi and Ramen, too? :lol

She has MOAR niglets!? Make sure babydaddy leaves his hi-point laying around, OK?

Yes, PLEASE leave at least one gun lying around. Use if on yourself first though, you disgusting Nigress monster.

04-11-2024, 09:08 AM
It only got two years at sentencing. Wow.


Sushi!? Does it have sisters named Sashimi and Ramen, too?

She has MOAR niglets!? Make sure babydaddy leaves his hi-point laying around, OK?


Does this sheboon have a sista named "sashimi?!"

04-11-2024, 11:12 AM
"Sushi"? I saw one sow on my court shows named, "Toshiba". Nigger mammies hear these words, don't know what they mean, think it sounds nice, and bestow them on their shitlets.

But yes, let the mammy go. It's perfectly normal to stash the carcass of your dead niglet in a garage for months. I'm sure it's done all the time.

So what does the pappy think of all this? Yeah, I know. :lol

04-11-2024, 01:28 PM
"Sushi"? I saw one sow on my court shows named, "Toshiba". Nigger mammies hear these words, don't know what they mean, think it sounds nice, and bestow them on their shitlets.

But yes, let the mammy go. It's perfectly normal to stash the carcass of your dead niglet in a garage for months. I'm sure it's done all the time.

So what does the pappy think of all this? Yeah, I know. :lol
Of course mammy was busy collecting her dead shitlet's welfare benefits, but dat wuz a mennil health issue.

08-25-2024, 10:14 PM
It only got two years at sentencing. Wow.

Sushi!? Does it have sisters named Sashimi and Ramen, too?

She has MOAR niglets!? Make sure babydaddy leaves his hi-point laying around, OK?


What was funny was she was trying to tell the cops she only had her niglet's birth certificate because it's a forgery and she was using it to bilk welfare. Then the cops were going to arrest her for fraud.


08-26-2024, 06:30 AM
Of course, here we go with the lame excuses again, muh menil health issues. What a load of bullshit, I can guarantee you if it had been any other human that it would not get a light tap on the wrist for something like that. But of course since it's a nigger it has to get lighter punishments because muh racism. Also, what the hell kind of name is sushi? What did the parents of that mammy gave birth to her in the back of an alley where they served sushi or something? Or did they call this dumbass sushi because they thought it looked "Asian"? Whatever the reason is, it's a stupid one no doubt about that. Sushi, what a fucking stupid name for an equally stupid bitch. Lol

Jim Crow
08-26-2024, 06:37 AM
Of course mammy was busy collecting her dead shitlet's welfare benefits, but dat wuz a mennil health issue.

All niggers are retarded! I wouldn’t give nigger any time for hiding it’s shitlet’s smelly corpse.Who cares? After all, a dead shitlet means one less future criminal and welfare recipient But,it should have gotten 25 yrs for fraud!

Niggers are Useless
08-26-2024, 06:18 PM
Sushi Staples. That has to be the stupid nigger name of the day. Now if this sow was at all an entrepreneur it could have offered dead nigger storage for its fellow sows. She could have convinced more sows to off their shitlets and sat back and collect the free gibs. I find it funny that this sow was going to cop to a different felony. God these animals are stupid. They are not like us.

08-26-2024, 10:12 PM
Of course, here we go with the lame excuses again, muh menil health issues. What a load of bullshit, I can guarantee you if it had been any other human that it would not get a light tap on the wrist for something like that. But of course since it's a nigger it has to get lighter punishments...

Yeah, this crap has bugged me since forever. I've come to the conclusion that the liberal courts, and white liberals in general, coddle niggers by giving them all kinds of gubmint gibs, push them through skoo without passing a single class, give them light sentences, and lots more, not entirely for love of the hideous beasts. Somewhere down in the twisted psyche of liberals, even they must realize niggers are completely incapable of being held to human standards. It buys Democrat votes and gets the libs off the guilt hook for being RAAAAAYCISSSSSSS. In truth, condescending to niggers is one of the worst forms of racism in modern times, but niggers are too stupid to realize that. I'm convinced that NOBODY, including the most ultra-far-left "progressive", really loves niggers for the disgusting animals they are, but for whatever "benefit" they can gain by manipulating the apes.

08-27-2024, 01:01 AM
...what the hell kind of name is sushi? What did the parents of that mammy gave birth to her in the back of an alley where they served sushi or something?...


...I saw one sow on my court shows named, "Toshiba"...The Japanese light bulbs delivered with my Japanese cars were called that. They also make great computer monitors and electronics in general
...she was trying to tell the cops she only had her niglet's Birf certificate because it's a forgery...
...if this sow was at all an entrepreneur it could have offered dead nigger storage for its fellow sows...Dey wuzz Kangz. Real Egyptians were capable of embalming. Today's pros use acid baths for disposal

08-27-2024, 11:09 AM
The Japanese light bulbs delivered with my Japanese cars were called that. They also make great computer monitors and electronics in general

I have a Toshiba TV in one room. It works great!

I'm pretty sure THIS Toshiba doesn't work at all.

08-27-2024, 06:34 PM
I have a Toshiba TV in one room. It works great!

I'm pretty sure THIS Toshiba doesn't work at all.
25298 It could have been spelled Towsheeba.

08-28-2024, 02:48 PM
...I'm pretty sure THIS Toshiba doesn't work at all...You never know. For all we know, she could also be running a canning for Gibsmedats cheques business from either a basement or garage