View Full Version : Triggering VIDEO: fat, stank she boon baboon school bus aide beats and abuses little autistic boys

Whitey Ford
04-10-2024, 12:56 PM
Littleton school bus aide accused of beating nonverbal autistic boys during rides


A Littleton school bus assistant repeatedly abused at least two severely disabled boys during trips to and from a school for kids with autism and developmental disabilities, police said, and they fear there could be additional victims.

Kiarra Jones, a 29-year-old paraprofessional, has been charged with a low-level felony on assault charges and has posted a bond at the Arapahoe County Jail.

Police said in her seven-month tenure as an assistant on a school bus for kids with special needs, she hit and physically abused at least two children by pulling their hair, elbowing them in the face, stomach, and back, and flicking their faces.

Neither of the boys can talk, but both were crying during the episodes on the bus, police documents said.


04-10-2024, 02:41 PM
Was just reading about this violent savage nigger.

Parents report their kids coming home with broken toes, missing teeth, cuts, bruises, etc.

A parents group has hired an attorney.

You don't get more evil than this. Beating autistic children who are unable to verbalize, and thus can't tell anyone. This is definitely a hate crime and this nigger belongs in a cage forever.

The face of pure evil:



Niggers are Useless
04-10-2024, 06:09 PM
Hey school districts keep hiring diversity. I hope they all go broke for this because the nigger won't pay a dime.

Oh also it's been a few days since I have posted this but it's time again.

Hey Colorado- You voted for this, you wanted commies on school boards, you voted for more diversity in everything, you voted to make skin color a major factor in hiring.
You did this, so until you change your behavior and it starts to reflect in your local and state elections, Enjoy this because it will not stop.
Once you accepted the communists premise that America sucks and all whites are racist you doomed yourself and your children to endless violence at the hands of primates and other street scum dressed up as employees.
You did this.
Enjoy it.

04-11-2024, 09:07 AM
"Paraprofessional," is that the new euphemism for "Nigger diversity hire"? A severely disabled autistic human kid is worth infinitely more than a million Niggers, and here's the proof. The betrayal of trust is brutally shocking, and I was just thinking I couldn't be shocked any more. Thank God for Chimpout, so I can be reminded just how far down the bottom is.

This needs an edit: one severely disabled autistic human kid is worth infinitely more than ALL the Niggers on the planet. That's better.

04-11-2024, 09:09 AM
Littleton school bus aide accused of beating nonverbal autistic boys during rides



That sheboon is 29?! It looks 50!!