View Full Version : "We want Sharia law in UK"

04-07-2024, 07:51 PM
They openly tell us what's going to happen when they become majority. Yet we still let them in:

"We don't like and don't care about British values ​​and laws. We don't want homosexuals. Islam is better and we want Sharia law in UK. We Muslims believe only in Allah!" This fanatic was very clear.

Yep. But everybody who pointed that out in recent years, has been declared to be a Nazi.

Coon Town
04-08-2024, 12:06 AM
Anjekem Chouderhead has been saying this shit for better than a decade, and the libtards among the Brits just brush it off.

04-08-2024, 02:09 PM
The second reconquista !!!

Whitey Ford
04-09-2024, 12:39 AM


04-09-2024, 08:36 AM
They openly tell us what's going to happen when they become majority. Yet we still let them in:


Yep. But everybody who pointed that out in recent years, has been declared to be a Nazi.

It's the same way in the uS!! "Dearbornistan", anyone?!

Niggers are Useless
04-09-2024, 06:40 PM
It's the same way in the uS!! "Dearbornistan", anyone?!

The other day in Dearbornistan the sandniggers were chanting death to America at their rally. Isn't that special. I say if that's how they want it we cut off all their free gibs and tell em to figure it out. But communist democrats will never go for that, they love sandniggers as much as their regular niggers.


04-10-2024, 07:45 AM
The other day in Dearbornistan the sandniggers were chanting death to America at their rally. Isn't that special. I say if that's how they want it we cut off all their free gibs and tell em to figure it out. But communist democrats will never go for that, they love sandniggers as much as their regular niggers.


ANd I can think of a sand nigger and a sand nigger-nigger who are BOTH members of congress and took an oath on the koran!! Jihad squad again!!

04-11-2024, 09:27 AM
Note to Asslifters who want Sharia law, take a page from the Rolling Stones: you can't always get what you want. Hell, if I always got what I wanted, you wouldn't even exist.

04-11-2024, 02:34 PM
ANd I can think of a sand nigger and a sand nigger-nigger who are BOTH members of congress and took an oath on the koran!! Jihad squad again!!
Oh man, don't mention these bitches (I do not apologize for my language here, because these things are not human, hence can't be insulted imho. But their sheer existence is an insult to every human!)

04-11-2024, 10:13 PM
Oh man, don't mention these bitches (I do not apologize for my language here, because these things are not human, hence can't be insulted imho. But their sheer existence is an insult to every human!)

Tru Dat!!