View Full Version : Christianity’s decline has unleashed terrible new gods

Whitey Ford
04-05-2024, 02:03 AM

Not since the road to Damascus has there been a more notable spiritual volte-face than the one made on LBC this week. Having spent a career breathing threats against the disciples of the Lord, a certain Richard Dawkins is struck by a moment of realisation. And lo, the voice of Rachel Johnson came unto him and said “Dawko, Dawko, why persecutest thou me?”

OK, perhaps it didn’t happen quite like that, but Professor Dawkins’ admission that he considers himself a “cultural Christian”, who is, at the very least, ambivalent about Anglicanism’s decline is an undeniably contradictory position for a man who in the past campaigned relentlessly against any role for Christianity in public life, railing against faith schools and charitable status for churches.

One reason for Dawkins’ change of heart might be good old-fashioned scientific observation. It doesn’t take the brains of an evolutionary biologist to work out that New Atheism was mistaken in its diagnosis of what would follow religion’s decline. The rational world we were promised hasn’t materialised and a nastier, less reasonable one is supplanting what was there before.

Not that things are much better south of the border, where we have de facto blasphemy laws under which a teacher can be forced into hiding for showing his class a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. Certainly not the neutral secular space we were promised with the erosion of Christianity’s central role in society.

Still, though Dawkins has spoken of his “cultural Christianity” before, this feels like another staging-post on a journey towards the good Professor finally admitting that the New Atheism, of which he was such a shining light, was wrong in crucial respects. First, in its almost touching naivety that a post-Christian world would give way to a values-neutral space, rooted in reason. Second, in its semi-adolescent diagnosis of Christianity as a retardant upon cultural and intellectual progress. A New Atheist would generally cite the Spanish Inquisition or some wacky US creationist as representatives of the world’s largest faith – conveniently ignoring any contradictory examples.

Like all good conversions, there’s an element of repentance; though unlike St Paul, Dawkins hasn’t had to go blind for three days to experience this epiphany. He also speaks of his concern at the rise of Islam in Christianity’s place; perhaps a tacit acknowledgement that some prominent atheists (though not he) focused excessively on Christianity, being an easy target compared to other religions.


Recognising Christianity’s cultural impact is the first step. The bigger task facing the West is living out these values in an age when they are increasingly under threat.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/03/christianity-decline-unleashed-terrible-new-gods/#:~:text=Not%20since%20the%20road%20to,by%20a%20mo ment%20of%20realisation

04-05-2024, 02:47 AM
Islam is the religion of shit, of hate, of everything putrid. There is no way their Allah is the same as the benevolent God of Judeo-Christian religion.

Atheists, liberals, LGBTQ, they/them weirdos, all exist in free societies that were founded upon Christianity, that allows tolerance. As this article points out, without Christianity buttressing society, the vacuum is filled with disorder and amorality. Freedoms are good, but the liberals are abusing it with their perversions, and you know what I mean. One thing important in Christian thought is being grateful and thankful for your blessings, and certainly living in the West confers great blessings.

But despite these blessings, who is UNGRATEFUL? Niggers, liberals, and border niggers. They never stop to thank, but to keep on taking without putting back in. In short, they are enemies of freedom and everything that is holy and righteous.

I don't want to pontificate and prattle about religion and Christianity; that's not my focus. Rather, it's that Christianity is the ideological framework that has produced the ages of exploration, enlightenment, rational thought, and modern Western society. And these are matters worth nurturing and sustaining and defending. Hence our aim here to repel and spread the truth about the religion of everything evil - Islam.

04-05-2024, 08:03 AM
There is no greater threat to Western Civilization than the satanist cult, Islam... It is the embodiment of pure, unadulterated evil. It is a dagger being plunged into our collective hearts. It must be fought as it has in the past... with the expenditure of both blood and treasure. None of us will be safe until every last one of these devils becomes part of the detritus food chain.

It being embraced by liberals is proof-positive of liberal's profound psychosis. Each and every lib-shit talking point is rejected in the strongest possible terms by Islamic scum. Alphabet people are set ablaze or, by koranic edict, throw out of windows or off roofs where they are promptly popped in the head by waiting demons. Women have the same social standing as toasters. And yet there the LibScums are, baying for their acceptance while the asslifters plot how to snuff out their lives... A nation gone totally mad.

They are easy to make fun of. I'm becoming more resistant to doing so. Islam is too evil and their stench can be found in the halls of local school boards to the United States Congress. Fuck Joe Biden is pandering to them at the expense of our one, dependable and consistent ally in the region, Israel.

Arm up... It's coming

04-05-2024, 08:18 AM
Islam is the religion of shit, of hate, of everything putrid. There is no way their Allah is the same as the benevolent God of Judeo-Christian religion.

Atheists, liberals, LGBTQ, they/them weirdos, all exist in free societies that were founded upon Christianity, that allows tolerance. As this article points out, without Christianity buttressing society, the vacuum is filled with disorder and amorality. Freedoms are good, but the liberals are abusing it with their perversions, and you know what I mean. One thing important in Christian thought is being grateful and thankful for your blessings, and certainly living in the West confers great blessings.

But despite these blessings, who is UNGRATEFUL? Niggers, liberals, and border niggers. They never stop to thank, but to keep on taking without putting back in. In short, they are enemies of freedom and everything that is holy and righteous.

I don't want to pontificate and prattle about religion and Christianity; that's not my focus. Rather, it's that Christianity is the ideological framework that has produced the ages of exploration, enlightenment, rational thought, and modern Western society. And these are matters worth nurturing and sustaining and defending. Hence our aim here to repel and spread the truth about the religion of everything evil - Islam.

Time for a second RECONQUISTA!!

Whitey Ford
04-05-2024, 02:30 PM
As this article points out, without Christianity buttressing society, the vacuum is filled with disorder and amorality. Freedoms are good, but the liberals are abusing it with their perversions, and you know what I mean. One thing important in Christian thought is being grateful and thankful for your blessings, and certainly living in the West confers great blessings.

But despite these blessings, who is UNGRATEFUL? Niggers, liberals, and border niggers. They never stop to thank, but to keep on taking without putting back in. In short, they are enemies of freedom and everything that is holy and righteous.

There is no greater threat to Western Civilization than the satanist cult, Islam... It is the embodiment of pure, unadulterated evil. It is a dagger being plunged into our collective hearts. It must be fought as it has in the past... with the expenditure of both blood and treasure. None of us will be safe until every last one of these devils becomes part of the detritus food chain.

Women have the same social standing as toasters. And yet there the LibScums are, baying for their acceptance while the asslifters plot how to snuff out their lives... A nation gone totally mad.

Let's not forget one of the most important contributions of the Culture of Christianity to the world: The Family. One Man + One Woman = One Family. This not only produced strong children who build strong civilization and culture, but it kept our gene pool properly mixed and (unlike islam) protected against inbreeding.



04-06-2024, 05:29 PM
Time for a second RECONQUISTA!!