View Full Version : Germany: "Man" stabs a 4-yo white girl at a grocery shop

04-04-2024, 04:49 PM
A four-year-old girl was attacked with a knife and seriously injured in a supermarket in Wangen im Allgäu on Wednesday. The two did not know each other until then, and there was probably no previous relationship, said a police spokeswoman on Thursday. The girl who was attacked had been in the store with her mother.
Of course, media does not mention the nationality of the guy. They call him "man", "knife man" etc. Ramadan - noooo, can't have to do anything with that!


Edit: Of course I was right. In the end I found an article that mentioned the nationality of the perpetrator. He is a Sand-nigger from Syria with a Dutch passport. Who would have thought...

Coon Town
04-05-2024, 12:57 AM
:fumeI know the term asslifter is popular, but they're still sandniggers to me.

04-05-2024, 07:55 PM
A four-year-old girl was attacked with a knife and seriously injured in a supermarket in Wangen im Allgäu on Wednesday. The two did not know each other until then, and there was probably no previous relationship, said a police spokeswoman on Thursday. The girl who was attacked had been in the store with her mother.
Of course, media does not mention the nationality of the guy. They call him "man", "knife man" etc. Ramadan - noooo, can't have to do anything with that!


Edit: Of course I was right. In the end I found an article that mentioned the nationality of the perpetrator. He is a Sand-nigger from Syria with a Dutch passport. Who would have thought...

Gee, these "German" (Swedish, British, Canadian, etc) "MEN' are getting really violent with the rapes, the knives, and machetes. I guess it's something new...

04-14-2024, 11:54 PM
Violent savages.