View Full Version : "disabled" homeless DC nigger gets stomped to death by 3 mini boons who then celumbrates the carnage

03-30-2024, 07:40 PM
No loss here, but damn what the hell are mammys teaching their niglettes these days, talk about no respect for elders,
just monkeyfoot them to death...

can't wait to see the vdo...

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/03/30/23/83071349-13255865-Reggie_Brown_of_Northwest_D_C_was_64_years_old_whe n_he_was_bruta-a-1_1711839668605.jpg


03-30-2024, 07:57 PM
The DailyMail comments are totally 'fill in the blanks' racist against the nigger beast. The only good news here, is an old silverback will not cost us diminishing band of taxpaying idiots any more of our diminishing cashflow.

Whitey Ford
03-30-2024, 08:22 PM
And, always remember, Black Lives Matter! :lol


Jim Crow
03-31-2024, 07:25 AM
So much tragedy,sadness and disappointment in the news today. It’s great that I can come here and read something that cheers me up, like an ancient nigger stomped to deff and a teenaper sow shot daid. totally warms my heart!

animal mother
03-31-2024, 09:51 AM
This sounds like another pavement ape tic tok challenge, "stomp the old silverback". Hope it catches on.

03-31-2024, 10:50 AM
This sounds like another pavement ape tic tok challenge, "stomp the old silverback". Hope it catches on.

In "blue" cities, COUNT ON IT!! It will INCREASE in tampon, apelanta, Ba Mo', filthadelphia, (this happened in district of coons) , newark, coonden, chimpcongo, harlem...........................YOU get the idea!!

04-01-2024, 08:19 PM
I would hesitate to call them "Mini-Boons" merely because of their age. Some of these sowlets at 10 or 12 years may be carrying 250 pounds or more.

04-01-2024, 09:46 PM
And, always remember, Black Lives Matter! :lol

Yes! They have to matter to us. To niggers they matter not at all. So everyone is so shocked, trying so hard to understand how this could have happened. Not a single person will dream of mentioning this seems to happen a lot since niggers were let off the leash to behave as they wish. This is how they behave in the wild.

In a shocking twist of events, the 12-year-old girl linked to the crime was shot in her apartment on Friday at around 4am.

What a shame.

I bet the silverback was a good ol' nigger, a skreet godpappy. Yeah, he's gone, but when those vicious little sluts are turned loose in a year or two they'll start breeding like cockroaches.

04-01-2024, 10:33 PM
This is proof that niggers are violent to no matter who, or what. They are evil towards humans, animals, even those of their own species. They all belong in jail, or in Africa, or on the moon. I'd say China can control them, but how do we get them there? They'll be clubbed by the Chinese for the sub-simian shit that they are!

Poor old nigger, killed by it's great grand chimps! Bye coon. Say hello to your fellow uglies.

04-06-2024, 12:05 AM
More proof that nigger sows, regardless of age, are by far the most dangerous of the species.