View Full Version : Bridge collapse comedy: Nigger sow "journalist" is angry that people call nigger major a DIE nigger

03-30-2024, 09:29 AM
Baltimore niggerz beez angry that YT calls them incompetent.

Baltimore Leader Says Conservatives "Should Be Afraid" For Calling Him The "DEI Mayor"
Baltimore leader Brandon Scott appeared on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show to assert that white conservatives “should be afraid” of the consequences of calling him the ‘DEI Mayor’ and that his “purpose in life” was to make them uncomfortable.



They are so stupid, they don't even notice that they confirm that DIE is racist against Whites. :D I love it when magic niggers ridicule themselves without even realizing it!

“We know what they want to say and they don’t have the courage to say the n-word,” he ludicrously added, before appearing to make some kind of veiled threat.
“The fact that I don’t believe in their untruthful and wrong ideology and I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them, because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable while everyone else suffers is going to be at risk and they should be afraid because that’s my purpose in life,” said Scott.
And there you have it, in his own words.
Scott’s “purpose in life” is to make white people uncomfortable and afraid.

03-31-2024, 11:04 AM
Baltimore niggerz beez angry that YT calls them incompetent.



They are so stupid, they don't even notice that they confirm that DIE is racist against Whites. :D I love it when magic niggers ridicule themselves without even realizing it!

Ba Mo' niggers are a SPECIAL kind of INCOMPETENT!! Ba Mo' niggers are SIMILAR to filthadelphia niggers!! As a LONG term anthropologist I've observed BOTH species in their natural habitat!! I'm glad that I did this decades ago and not now as the "field" is DANGEROUS and EVERYTHING that I have observed is what we talk about here. Niggers in "blue" cities have gotten WORSE!! :unigger:dindu:gibs:bobble:lobsta:racist

Niggers are Useless
03-31-2024, 02:13 PM
Niggers in Blue communist shithole cities believe that not only are they special, but they also believe they are gods knuckling among us and that we must always worship them and offer them everything they want. It's insane.
I am so sick of niggers getting worshipped. If the damn media asshats would stop shoving niggers into everything then this would back off a factor or two. We all know the nigger brain is worse than a squirrels so if the nigger doesn't see itself in the TV all the time it will quickly go back to being just a welfare grubbing drain on society and not the number one problem with America.
This DEI mayor is just a racist as us. The media allows it to ook it's hatred of whitey from the bully pulpit instead of telling it it's a nigger and not anything special. If this had been a white mayor out there saying niggers hated whites because we are in power imagine what a shit storm that would bring. It makes me smile thinking about it.

03-31-2024, 03:36 PM
Niggers in Blue communist shithole cities believe that not only are they special, but they also believe they are gods knuckling among us and that we must always worship them and offer them everything they want.

This is true, and it's 100% because of the Fake News Media and coddling libtards. They treat them like a golden calf and so they really do believe they're untouchable.

03-31-2024, 08:26 PM
Niggers in Blue communist shithole cities believe that not only are they special, but they also believe they are gods knuckling among us and that we must always worship them and offer them everything they want. It's insane.
I am so sick of niggers getting worshipped. If the damn media asshats would stop shoving niggers into everything then this would back off a factor or two. We all know the nigger brain is worse than a squirrels so if the nigger doesn't see itself in the TV all the time it will quickly go back to being just a welfare grubbing drain on society and not the number one problem with America.
This DEI mayor is just a racist as us. The media allows it to ook it's hatred of whitey from the bully pulpit instead of telling it it's a nigger and not anything special. If this had been a white mayor out there saying niggers hated whites because we are in power imagine what a shit storm that would bring. It makes me smile thinking about it.

Hey the ape is INCOMPETENT!! I BELIEVE in calling a SPADE a SPADE, GNOMESAYIN'?! FUCKING apes!!

04-09-2024, 04:23 PM
“purpose in life” was to make them uncomfortable.

so what is the new "threat" here... oh that he will sick his coonmunity on civil society and fuck it up real good like ?

That's every nigger's sole mission in their useless life already.. and EVERYBODY knows it..