View Full Version : Cadbury renames Easter Eggs to Gesture Eggs (again)

03-27-2024, 01:46 PM
Cadbury (British chocolate brand owned by Mondelez) renamed its Easter Eggs “Gesture Eggs”. Now the company claims that they didn't know and it was just a retailer's idea, not company policy etc. But: They tried that back in 2017, and various online shops call the Cadbury Easter Eggs "Gesture Eggs". , or “Gesture Easter Eggs” as well. That's why I don't believe them. The only good thing is that Cadbury chocolate is absolute cheap crap that sells for a lot of money, so I would never buy it anyway.


2017 National Trust and Cadbury face boycott as outcry spreads over 'ridiculous' Easter egg row:

03-27-2024, 05:59 PM
I know Easter is associated with eggs, but I haven't researched why. Why the resurrection is supposed to have a relation with eggs. Being a Christian (Catholic in fact) I'm very much opposed to Muslims.

I know there's good and evil in the world, that's why there's humans, and there's niggers. I will not accept them ever as my equals, much less my brothers and sisters. They're not even worthy to be pets.

03-27-2024, 06:23 PM
Cadbury (British chocolate brand owned by Mondelez) renamed its Easter Eggs “Gesture Eggs”. Now the company claims that they didn't know and it was just a retailer's idea, not company policy etc. But: They tried that back in 2017, and various online shops call the Cadbury Easter Eggs "Gesture Eggs". , or “Gesture Easter Eggs” as well. That's why I don't believe them. The only good thing is that Cadbury chocolate is absolute cheap crap that sells for a lot of money, so I would never buy it anyway.


2017 National Trust and Cadbury face boycott as outcry spreads over 'ridiculous' Easter egg row:

Okay, then. I'll add the word "E**ter" to my ever-growing list of "problematic words." We'll just "the E-word".

03-28-2024, 08:17 AM
I think they're more interested in prolonging the shelf stock time of these products. It's a logistical pain for these companies and retailers to get these products in for such a short time frame. Remember, it's only ever about the money. They don't give a fuck about Easter, just sales.

03-30-2024, 09:36 AM
I think they're more interested in prolonging the shelf stock time of these products. It's a logistical pain for these companies and retailers to get these products in for such a short time frame. Remember, it's only ever about the money. They don't give a fuck about Easter, just sales.
That's probably true. (Although I don't think people are buying more candy. They're just buying a different variety - egg instead of bar.)
But it still massively annoys me, when they try to kill Christian (western) holidays. They'd never dare to do so with sand-nigger holidays. Even worse, at least over here, they now try to officially make Whites to celebrate Ramadan as well.

Niggers are Useless
03-30-2024, 02:05 PM
That's probably true. (Although I don't think people are buying more candy. They're just buying a different variety - egg instead of bar.)
But it still massively annoys me, when they try to kill Christian (western) holidays. They'd never dare to do so with sand-nigger holidays. Even worse, at least over here, they now try to officially make Whites to celebrate Ramadan as well.

I thought the same. Yet another small way of destroying Christian beliefs and traditions. The muslim will never stop their conquest to remove all Christianity from the planet. Good versus evil it's been that way forever. To me this looked like just another thing the godless barbarians win on and we concede under the guise of sure it's just a chocolate after all.

03-30-2024, 04:01 PM
they now try to officially make Whites to celebrate Ramadan as well.

In the UK, the Fireworks celebration or ' Guy Fawkes ' night on November 05, is now a ' joint ' Hindu Diwali festival of lights. So there you go SIT, you are right as usual.

03-30-2024, 06:35 PM
In the UK, the Fireworks celebration or ' Guy Fawkes ' night on November 05, is now a ' joint ' Hindu Diwali festival of lights. So there you go SIT, you are right as usual.
I didn't know that (Guy Fawkes night is British only, as far as I know), but of course it doesn't surprise me. Whites shall not have anything. Or, as the devil himself Klaus Schwab (or, probably, more precisely his overlords) once said: You own nothing anymore, but you'll be happy. I doubt that! If shit hits the fan, I'll very well remember who brought this upon us, and I'm sure I won't be the only one.

Jim Crow
03-31-2024, 07:32 AM
Fuck those liberal candy companies. I don’t eat candy! If I’m going to consume empty calories, I’ll make it a shot of Jack Daniels black! Jack Daniels not only makes a good drink, he’s a good ol boy too!