View Full Version : Pickaninny Wildflowers...and a mudshark.

Coon Town
03-23-2024, 12:01 AM
Ugh! Yesterday as I was getting ready to have lunch (I work from home) I heard all three of my dogs going apeshit. I live in a rural area, so we get the occasional wild animal that just make my dogs go batshit. I wasn't expecting any deliveries, so I went outside to see what was the matter. There was an SUV parked square across my driveway with its hazards on. Some nigger was sitting in the driver's seat babbling on its sail foam. As I was about to tell the nigger to move the fuck on, a typical pear-shaped mudshark came rolling up my driveway with the ugliest little sproggette that I've ever seen in tow.

I live across from a public park, and since early this month people have been stopping across the street to admire the wildflowers growing there. Both mammy and her turdler had pulled great handfuls of them. Before the Coal Burner can get half way up my drive, I let it know in no uncertain terms that I was unhappy that she and her pet nigger were blocking my driveway. This worthless cunt then has the audacity to ask if they could pick some of the bluebonnets growing around a tree in my front yard. Of course I said "no", and told it to leave, and never block my drive again.

As it was leaving I pointed to the mud puddle at the end of the drive, and told it that it was not welcomed to swim in that one. It shot me a confused look and got into the car with the nigger. The car still sat there for several minutes until I pulled myself to my full height, flicked my cig at the windshield, and started toward the car. The nigger driving seemed to get the message and peeled off.

Saw the same mudshark in the local convenience store today letting the little shitlet paw at everything on the racks.

I really don't know what I hate more; niggers, or the YT filth that would lay with them.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-23-2024, 12:09 AM
Hy but you’ll get a good laugh when you see her in the news beaten half to death or worse by her nigger buck.

Coon Town
03-23-2024, 12:13 AM
Hy but you’ll get a good laugh when you see her in the news beaten half to death or worse by her nigger buck.

Just as long as her pet ape goodifies the mudhsark and the turdler, I'll get a great laugh.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-23-2024, 12:21 AM
Just as long as her pet ape goodifies the mudhsark and the turdler, I'll get a great laugh.
Or she will be on some dating site soon with the little fugly niglet in the back ground with a caption that reads “If you can’t accept my mixed babuh, you aint man enough for me”.

03-23-2024, 02:48 PM
Ugh! Yesterday as I was getting ready to have lunch (I work from home) I heard all three of my dogs going apeshit. I live in a rural area, so we get the occasional wild animal that just make my dogs go batshit. I wasn't expecting any deliveries, so I went outside to see what was the matter. There was an SUV parked square across my driveway with its hazards on. Some nigger was sitting in the driver's seat babbling on its sail foam. As I was about to tell the nigger to move the fuck on, a typical pear-shaped mudshark came rolling up my driveway with the ugliest little sproggette that I've ever seen in tow.

I live across from a public park, and since early this month people have been stopping across the street to admire the wildflowers growing there. Both mammy and her turdler had pulled great handfuls of them. Before the Coal Burner can get half way up my drive, I let it know in no uncertain terms that I was unhappy that she and her pet nigger were blocking my driveway. This worthless cunt then has the audacity to ask if they could pick some of the bluebonnets growing around a tree in my front yard. Of course I said "no", and told it to leave, and never block my drive again.

As it was leaving I pointed to the mud puddle at the end of the drive, and told it that it was not welcomed to swim in that one. It shot me a confused look and got into the car with the nigger. The car still sat there for several minutes until I pulled myself to my full height, flicked my cig at the windshield, and started toward the car. The nigger driving seemed to get the message and peeled off.

Saw the same mudshark in the local convenience store today letting the little shitlet paw at everything on the racks.

I really don't know what I hate more; niggers, or the YT filth that would lay with them.

Brother, I FEEL yer PAIN!! :unigger:dindu:bucket:gibsme:bcoal:bobble

03-23-2024, 07:51 PM

03-24-2024, 12:04 PM
Ugh! Yesterday as I was getting ready to have lunch (I work from home) I heard all three of my dogs going apeshit. I live in a rural area, so we get the occasional wild animal that just make my dogs go batshit. I wasn't expecting any deliveries, so I went outside to see what was the matter. There was an SUV parked square across my driveway with its hazards on. Some nigger was sitting in the driver's seat babbling on its sail foam. As I was about to tell the nigger to move the fuck on, a typical pear-shaped mudshark came rolling up my driveway with the ugliest little sproggette that I've ever seen in tow.

I live across from a public park, and since early this month people have been stopping across the street to admire the wildflowers growing there. Both mammy and her turdler had pulled great handfuls of them. Before the Coal Burner can get half way up my drive, I let it know in no uncertain terms that I was unhappy that she and her pet nigger were blocking my driveway. This worthless cunt then has the audacity to ask if they could pick some of the bluebonnets growing around a tree in my front yard. Of course I said "no", and told it to leave, and never block my drive again.

As it was leaving I pointed to the mud puddle at the end of the drive, and told it that it was not welcomed to swim in that one. It shot me a confused look and got into the car with the nigger. The car still sat there for several minutes until I pulled myself to my full height, flicked my cig at the windshield, and started toward the car. The nigger driving seemed to get the message and peeled off.

Saw the same mudshark in the local convenience store today letting the little shitlet paw at everything on the racks.

I really don't know what I hate more; niggers, or the YT filth that would lay with them.

Ugh. I feel the same way, and I often think I hate mudsharks (and beta oil drillers) more than I do niggers. They make the decision to defile and help destroy their own race.

So the mudshark wanted flowers?

Haha! She'll be pushing up daisies soon enough when she does something to annoy her buck. :lol

03-25-2024, 07:36 AM
Ugh. I feel the same way, and I often think I hate mudsharks (and beta oil drillers) more than I do niggers. They make the decision to defile and help destroy their own race.

So the mudshark wanted flowers?

Haha! She'll be pushing up daisies soon enough when she does something to annoy her buck. :lol

COUNT on it!!

Jim Crow
03-25-2024, 09:18 AM
Ugh! Yesterday as I was getting ready to have lunch (I work from home) I heard all three of my dogs going apeshit. I live in a rural area, so we get the occasional wild animal that just make my dogs go batshit. I wasn't expecting any deliveries, so I went outside to see what was the matter. There was an SUV parked square across my driveway with its hazards on. Some nigger was sitting in the driver's seat babbling on its sail foam. As I was about to tell the nigger to move the fuck on, a typical pear-shaped mudshark came rolling up my driveway with the ugliest little sproggette that I've ever seen in tow.

I live across from a public park, and since early this month people have been stopping across the street to admire the wildflowers growing there. Both mammy and her turdler had pulled great handfuls of them. Before the Coal Burner can get half way up my drive, I let it know in no uncertain terms that I was unhappy that she and her pet nigger were blocking my driveway. This worthless cunt then has the audacity to ask if they could pick some of the bluebonnets growing around a tree in my front yard. Of course I said "no", and told it to leave, and never block my drive again.

As it was leaving I pointed to the mud puddle at the end of the drive, and told it that it was not welcomed to swim in that one. It shot me a confused look and got into the car with the nigger. The car still sat there for several minutes until I pulled myself to my full height, flicked my cig at the windshield, and started toward the car. The nigger driving seemed to get the message and peeled off.

Saw the same mudshark in the local convenience store today letting the little shitlet paw at everything on the racks.

I really don't know what I hate more; niggers, or the YT filth that would lay with them.

I hate them equally.But sometimes I have more animosity for the shark. Because mud sharks were born human. They chose to lay with the filthy beast nigger. Mud sharking is very selfish. the shark only thinks about itself. Not the family it is disgracing, and the zebras that she brings into this world that will never have the choice she did. Best scenario would be Mudshark and zebras getting deleted by its buck.

03-30-2024, 06:45 PM
Ugh! Yesterday as I was getting ready to have lunch (I work from home) I heard all three of my dogs going apeshit. I live in a rural area, so we get the occasional wild animal that just make my dogs go batshit. I wasn't expecting any deliveries, so I went outside to see what was the matter. There was an SUV parked square across my driveway with its hazards on. Some nigger was sitting in the driver's seat babbling on its sail foam. As I was about to tell the nigger to move the fuck on, a typical pear-shaped mudshark came rolling up my driveway with the ugliest little sproggette that I've ever seen in tow.

I live across from a public park, and since early this month people have been stopping across the street to admire the wildflowers growing there. Both mammy and her turdler had pulled great handfuls of them. Before the Coal Burner can get half way up my drive, I let it know in no uncertain terms that I was unhappy that she and her pet nigger were blocking my driveway. This worthless cunt then has the audacity to ask if they could pick some of the bluebonnets growing around a tree in my front yard. Of course I said "no", and told it to leave, and never block my drive again.

As it was leaving I pointed to the mud puddle at the end of the drive, and told it that it was not welcomed to swim in that one. It shot me a confused look and got into the car with the nigger. The car still sat there for several minutes until I pulled myself to my full height, flicked my cig at the windshield, and started toward the car. The nigger driving seemed to get the message and peeled off.

Saw the same mudshark in the local convenience store today letting the little shitlet paw at everything on the racks.

I really don't know what I hate more; niggers, or the YT filth that would lay with them.

Well done, sir! Luckily, you've got well-trained dogs. I am just joking of course, no animal on earth needs to be trained to hate niggers :D. Animals have a natural instinct for self-preservation, in contrast to mudsharks / oildrillers. I agree with Jim, mudsharks decided by their own free will to give up their membership with humans, by mating with the beast. That's absolutely evil. They are at least as bad as niggers.

04-07-2024, 08:17 AM
You need a giant Trump banner in your front yard. Nothing scares niggers more than knowing a Patriot may be home.

Coon Town
04-07-2024, 11:59 PM
You need a giant Trump banner in your front yard. Nothing scares niggers more than knowing a Patriot may be home.

Funny thing: I have one on order. Would have thought the Rebel Flag hanging in my front bedroom window would have been a clue, but hey, sharks and their pet niggers aren't known for being intelligent or observant.
