View Full Version : "What Did I do?" Two Armed Nigger Bucks Wrangled in Columbus

03-18-2024, 05:26 PM
A short but sweet video.

It starts with what looks like an arrest of a white girl, for who who knows what (probably drug related) when a sow comes up and tells police a couple of niggers had been pointing guns at her and threatening to goodify her.

Police quickly found the two Rhodes Scholars, based on the sow's detailed description. One of the upity niggers immediately cried foul, demanding to know why they were being detained.

The officer wasn't playing and told our nigger protagonists to get their hands "all the way up." Once wrangled, police pulled guns out of the pockets of each nigger. It's a wonder these morons don't shoot their muh diks off all the time!

Stupid niggers!


Jim Crow
03-19-2024, 03:34 PM
If Mudsharking was a crime that ugly white whore at the start of the video should do double life! The sin of beastity was written all over her ugly face! And as far as the two niggs go,, they don’t call them dindu’s for nothin!

03-19-2024, 06:02 PM
If Mudsharking was a crime that ugly white whore at the start of the video should do double life! The sin of beastity was written all over her ugly face! And as far as the two niggs go,, they don’t call them dindu’s for nothin!

Once a mudshark starts, the countdown on her life begins. They're lucky to live past the first encounter.

03-19-2024, 10:07 PM
Once a mudshark starts, the countdown on her life begins. They're lucky to live past the first encounter.

And if they do live they get STDs!!