View Full Version : Scary New Orleans snakehead runs over his snowbunny coalburner with an SUV driving her through the wall of a house

Whitey Ford
03-16-2024, 12:53 PM
What really pisses me off is pretty burners who could easily attract a real man, but instead choose to fornicate with cockroaches. Disgusting!

SUV driver slams girlfriend ‘through wall,’ killing her, after heated argument: court docs


A motorist allegedly slammed into his girlfriend on a New Orleans sidewalk, sending her crashing through a wall and killing her, moments after a heated argument, according to police and reports.

Anthony Cooper, 31, is facing second-degree murder charges for allegedly fatally ramming into Anastasia Rayborn, 21, after she got out of his Ford Edge SUV and called him a “f–cking bitch,” Nola.com reported, citing court documents.

And a sproglet was hatched unfortunately.

Rayborn and Cooper shared a 2-year-old during their relationship, which family said was rife with contention, according to reports.

“I never really liked him,” the victim’s sister Skye Guillory told WWL.

Her sister doesn't burn the coal and has human children.

The two began dating when Rayborn was just 17 and Cooper was 27. The pair were recently “couch surfing,” Guillory said.

Oh. Aged nigger preys on much younger underage girl and ends up homeless. Just great.

The sibling also mentioned how she gave Rayborn a “safe word” because of mounting concerns over the toxic relationship.

“I got her out of that situation more than once,” she said. “I’m livid. That’s how I feel.”

The fatal incident was initially deemed a car accident before it was reclassified as a homicide.

A "car accident."
Muh feets jusss hits da pedal axe-a-dentally offisuh!

Whitey Ford
03-16-2024, 01:14 PM
Instagram comments are open.



Her days as a niglet incubator are thankfully over. ;)


03-16-2024, 02:06 PM
Holy crap! I can smell the nigger-stank and jemkem from HERE!

03-16-2024, 03:41 PM
Instagram comments are open.



Her days as a niglet incubator are thankfully over. ;)


Having a niglet in the oven is WORSE than being in a COVEN!!

Jim Crow
03-16-2024, 08:14 PM
Her looks don’t matter.She made the ugly decision to ride the tootsie pole and paid the ultimate price for the sin of beastiality.Death.Good riddance skank ho says I!

03-20-2024, 02:18 PM
Once she bedded down with a buck she became a nigger herself. The thing we should be thankful for is that when a foul nigger kills his shitlets and his ho, he is actually doing us honkies a favor. He's truly douing the Lord's work eliminating them, saving us the effort, and saving us from being called "racist", and jail.

03-22-2024, 10:19 AM
We have a winner in the Coal Burning Competition to see who can find the blackest, fugliest, most feral buck to screw while giving the finger to her family and society.

Anastasia gets Gold! Too bad she's not around to enjoy the victory.

Seriously, and they won't admit it, but her family must feel a little relief that this disgrace has been put out of her misery and that they don't have to worry about rescuing her over and over while they wait for the inevitable ending to this love story.

Goddammit, Anastasia. What was the attraction to this monochromatic pavement ape?24590

Only a 2nd-degree-murder charge for killing girlfriend by ramming her with a vehicle in the street? In this New Orleans case, Anthony Cooper, 31, will most likely be offered a plea deal of involuntary manslaughter for the murder of 21-year-old Anastasia Raybon and then be on his merry way.

Ladies, if you are going to be victim of domestic violence at least choose a guy who's not black. The odds are better they'd be charged with 1st-degree murder and justice would be served.


03-22-2024, 04:24 PM
which family said was rife with contention

There's a shocker.

03-22-2024, 04:34 PM
We have a winner in the Coal Burning Competition to see who can find the blackest, fugliest, most feral buck to screw while giving the finger to her family and society.

Anastasia gets Gold! Too bad she's not around to enjoy the victory.

Seriously, and they won't admit it, but her family must feel a little relief that this disgrace has been put out of her misery and that they don't have to worry about rescuing her over and over while they wait for the inevitable ending to this love story.

Goddammit, Anastasia. What was the attraction to this monochromatic pavement ape?24590


This has to be the most blackest, niggerest, dirtiest nigger complete with a snakehead. What this girl saw, she really probably had a thing for gorillas and dark apes. Seriously, there should be laws against these abominations, and they were called anti-miscegenation laws. Society suffers when immoral beastial pairings and their offspring are allowed.

Those who say we're all the same humans are deluded. Clearly there are humans and there's animals. Niggers ARE animals. Just on looks it's obvious, more so, how they act. They can't help but act as niggers. So who's to blame, but the humans who keep enabling the falsehoods that we're the same species? Damn you liberals!

03-22-2024, 05:32 PM
This has to be the most blackest, niggerest, dirtiest nigger complete with a snakehead. What this girl saw, she really probably had a thing for gorillas and dark apes. Seriously, there should be laws against these abominations, and they were called anti-miscegenation laws. Society suffers when immoral beastial pairings and their offspring are allowed.

Those who say we're all the same humans are deluded. Clearly there are humans and there's animals. Niggers ARE animals. Just on looks it's obvious, more so, how they act. They can't help but act as niggers. So who's to blame, but the humans who keep enabling the falsehoods that we're the same species? Damn you liberals!

All the years before the New Agenda, humans could read about and see the unspeakable savagery and violence niggers in nigger countries perpetrated on each other. What they just don't seem to GET is that all the homegrown niggers and now all the imported ones have not evolved one iota and behave exactly the same in our countries when unleashed and declared a protected species. How can anyone be so fatally DUMB?

Niggers are Useless
03-22-2024, 11:00 PM
Good riddance. At least her parents can have at least she wasn't racist etched in her headstone. Unfortunately for the parents and sister they got rid of one recurring problem and are now stuck with the fallout raising the shitlet.
Toll paid one more future felon factory successfully shutdown in the early production stages.


03-29-2024, 05:33 PM
This has to be the most blackest, niggerest, dirtiest nigger complete with a snakehead. What this girl saw, she really probably had a thing for gorillas and dark apes. Seriously, there should be laws against these abominations, and they were called anti-miscegenation laws. Society suffers when immoral beastial pairings and their offspring are allowed.

Those who say we're all the same humans are deluded. Clearly there are humans and there's animals. Niggers ARE animals. Just on looks it's obvious, more so, how they act. They can't help but act as niggers. So who's to blame, but the humans who keep enabling the falsehoods that we're the same species? Damn you liberals!

These nasty burners should be treated the way poor French women were treated after the war, for taking up with German soldiers: Drag them into the street, shave their heads, and tattoo an "M" for mudshark on their foreheads.


Whitey Ford
03-29-2024, 08:46 PM
These nasty burners should be treated the way poor French women were treated after the war, for taking up with German soldiers: Drag them into the street, shave their heads, and tattoo an "M" for mudshark on their foreheads.


Kind of like The Scarlet Letter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scarlet_Letter#:~:text=Set%20in%20the%20Purita n%20Massachusetts,(for%20%22adultery%22).). ;)

But, an M tattoed on the forehead of a mudshark could serve as a warning for any human suitors who might otherwise date an exmudshark. Save them the trouble of getting treatment for STDs and getting shot at by her exnigger.

04-08-2024, 12:40 AM
What really pisses me off is pretty burners who could easily attract a real man, but instead choose to fornicate with cockroaches. Disgusting!

SUV driver slams girlfriend ‘through wall,’ killing her, after heated argument: court docs


And a sproglet was hatched unfortunately.

Her sister doesn't burn the coal and has human children.

Oh. Aged nigger preys on much younger underage girl and ends up homeless. Just great.

A "car accident."
Muh feets jusss hits da pedal axe-a-dentally offisuh!

Holy hell! That nigger is so black charcoal would make a white mark on it!

How could anyone or anything, including another nigger, be attracted to that?

06-28-2024, 08:32 AM
Her snakehead buck bought her the SUV he later used to waste her but never let her drive it.
The two began dating when Rayborn was just 17 and Cooper was 27. The pair were recently “couch surfing,” Guillory said.

“He (Cooper) got her a car that he never let her drive and ultimately he killed her with it,” she told the station. https://nypost.com/2024/03/12/us-news/anthony-cooper-allegedly-fatally-hits-anastasia-rayborn-with-car-after-fight/

08-07-2024, 06:00 AM
... will most likely be offered a plea deal of involuntary manslaughter for the murder of...Likely a plausible reason for expecting an appeal-downing in Canada of all places :rolleyes: ?:


...Ross asked the judge to consider a sentence of between six and 10 years. "It was a very spontaneous act on the night in question,"...
...Ross asked the judge to consider a sentence of between six and 10 years. "It was a very spontaneous act on the night in question,"...

https://i.cbc.ca/1.5460630.1712703499!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/melissa-blommaert.jpg​https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcalgary.ctvnews.ca%2Fcontent%2Fda m%2Fctvnews%2Fen%2Fimages%2F2020%2F2%2F10%2Fbownes s--death--79-st--34-ave--body-1-4805036-1627395969303.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=59fd3b72bd3d05778d464e593ba450e8d78bfcc4c31b9c a6f9c6d2e27d739211&ipo=images

08-07-2024, 11:37 AM
Likely a plausible reason for expecting an appeal-downing in Canada of all places :rolleyes: ?:


Of course, the nigger's slimeball lawyer - like lawyers everywhere - is all, "My nigger dindunuffin'". We'll see later in the month if the whining works.

I'm always surprised to hear about niggers in cowboy country places like Calgary. But even if there was only one nigger buck in the entire city the mudshark would find it.

No matter where the niggers and mudsharks are, it's always the same old shit: Subsidised housing, evictions, domestic violence, (probably) drugs, and shitting out mutant sprogs they can't support.

They're always so happy to show off the bliss they find with their ferals. Until their pets delete them, that is.

"Look at me. I'm not rayciss!"


08-12-2024, 04:03 PM

"Look at me. I'm not rayciss!"


Nor am I, for FACTS are not racism.

I agree with the concensus here that this is one NASTY UGLY coon, but NO NIGGER has ever pushed my Nig-Disgust-o-Meter as much as that coal black ape liver-lipping Heidi Klum. I can't seem to find a news site that doesn't have at least three or four posts of this same slimy monkey on EVERY PAGE.

BTW, I wonder if "selena.renyell" passed third grade english...