View Full Version : Poor white girl is in critical condition after CAT 5 Chimp Out

Whitey Ford
03-10-2024, 09:48 PM
WARNING: gruesome nigger violence.

A Hazelwood East High School student was critically injured and hospitalized following a fight that unfolded Friday at the intersection of Norgate and Claudine drives near campus, according to the St. Louis County Police Department.

The department said on Saturday, a 15-year-old suspect was arrested and is currently being held by St. Louis County Family Court on assault charges. The identity of the suspect will not be disclosed because they are a minor.

As of Sunday, the age of the victim remained unknown.

The incident, captured in a harrowing video that has since gone viral on social media, underscored the growing concern over teen violence in the area.


03-11-2024, 10:41 AM
"Teen violence."

03-11-2024, 11:43 AM
"Teen violence."

'There has to be a way to stop teen violence."

I can think of a way.

03-11-2024, 12:36 PM
'There has to be a way to stop teen violence."

I can think of a way.
Rope therapy works!!

Niggers are Useless
03-11-2024, 05:10 PM
Well, there was only one other white girl there and she was on the side of the opposing chimps. If this fight was over a nigger buck, well I got nothing to say but that's too bad. Eventually this white girl will pay the toll. Now if she was just wanting to whomp some nigger ass for another reason then I wish her a speedy recovery and advise to please her to attend some self-defense classes until she gets to the age to conceal carry. She will most definitely have learned to stay away from niggers from this, unless of course the former is the case and she was fighting over a nigger buck.

03-13-2024, 12:32 PM
Niggerology 101, they don't always kill , but they like to do head trauma if it all possible so the victim will never be the same.
This girl will likely have lifelong neurological problems due to having a huge nigger sow pounding her cranium into the concrete and sloshing her brain around.

Hard lesson to learn teenybop, next time you may pay the full toll for being around f#%@ing NIGGERS !

for all the visitors, lurkers.... AVOID THE GROID.

03-13-2024, 12:43 PM
This is all over the international news. The only good thing, is the article commentary is 90% nigger hating. Folk are sick to death of the nigger situation and they are becoming more opinionated. White folk are very surely but slowly starting to rise up and defend their way of life and values. The tide has turned.

03-13-2024, 02:10 PM
"Teen violence."

Equals NIGGERS chimping out!!

03-13-2024, 02:17 PM
This is all over the international news. The only good thing, is the article commentary is 90% nigger hating. Folk are sick to death of the nigger situation and they are becoming more opinionated. White folk are very surely but slowly starting to rise up and defend their way of life and values. The tide has turned.

I hope that it CONTINUES to turn!! I am GREATFUL that I live in a N. Florida city that is LESS than 2 % nigger!! Needless to say, the simians in my city tend to behave themselves. People in other parts of the country aren't so lucky!!