View Full Version : Alabama's new coongressional district was drawn up to get niggers elected & flip the House to Democrap

Whitey Ford
03-06-2024, 11:54 PM
Thousands of Voters in Alabama District Drawn to Boost Black Political Power Got Wrong Information

About 6,000 voters in a new congressional district formed to boost Black representation received postcards with incorrect voting information ahead of Tuesday’s primary election


MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — More than 6,000 voters in a newly formed congressional district drawn to heighten Black voting power in Alabama received postcards with incorrect voting information ahead of Tuesday’s primary, alarming advocates concerned about the potential impact on a race seen as crucial to boosting Black representation and Democrats’ hopes to flip the U.S. House in November.

James Snipes, chair of the Montgomery County Board of Registrars, said 6,593 county voters received postcards listing the incorrect congressional district after the county's election software misidentified some people living in the 2nd Congressional District as living in the 7th.

Deliberately drew up a district to get niggers elected. That's totally batshit loony. They're not even trying to hide their bullshit at this point.

Snipes said voters arriving at the polls were still able to vote for the correct candidates. The county had sent about 2,000 notices to affected voters as of Tuesday evening and will send out an additional 4,000 on Wednesday, he said.

".........still able to vote for the correct candidates." i.e. nigger democraps. When we call ourselves a 'Democracy' we are only kidding ourselves at this point.

“Everyone who came to their precinct was able to vote for the correct candidates," Snipes said, attributing the incorrect information to a “software glitch” made when adjusting to the recent shift in state congressional districts. “This was a good-faith effort.”

The "correct candidates." :melon

The redrawn map could lead to the election of two Black congressional representatives from the state for the first time. After the districts were redrawn, Black residents will comprise nearly 49% of the 2nd district's voting-age population, up from less than one-third.

“For many Black voters in that district, this is the first election where they have the opportunity to elect a representative who looks like them,” said Camille Wimbish, national director of campaigns and field programs for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “This could have caused many Black Alabamans to just stay home and not vote at all.”
