View Full Version : I took one for the team by watching Till

03-06-2024, 02:45 AM
In the interests of research, to further understand what niggers have been churning out, I decided I'll watch the movie about nigger Emmett Till, entitled "Till". I was joking around with my GF that I'd watch it, so she said ok. I said I'll do it for black history month, but I think I saw it early March. If anything, I can jeer and ridicule it as I watch. This is a continuation of me having seen Six Years a Slave, The Help, etc., so I can laugh at nigger achievements. Disclaimer: I haven't seen Color Purple, Glory, and many other magic nigger movies.

So Till was from Chicago and went to Mississippi to hang out with its cousins. It saw the white wimminz Mrs. Bryant, who he said " looked like a movie star" and when he left the store, Till whistled at the woman. That's when I let out a laugh, and said, " you're gonna burn, boy" to which my GF shushed me and told me to quit being such a racist.

Long story short, it was about how other niggers pleaded with Till's mother sow have to be brave and her attending the trial. Funny parts were the explicit calling of the monkey characters as "hey nigger man" to which I again laughed.

I played along saying to my GF, well, perhaps the white guys got too carried away by the excessive violence, but, I said, it was defending a woman's honor that mattered. And I said, I think I've seen another movie in which the racists told Till that he needs to apologize and that's it, but Till was defiant. Surprisingly, she said she'd also seen that movie. So I insisted, Till was in the wrong, and it's a he said she said scenario, and, Till was forewarned not to behave the way it behaves in Chicago. In essence, it was supposed to keep a low profile since he's in a different part of the country.

I kept interjecting saying that slavery was bad, because now we still have to pay for the uselessness of blacks. My GF agreed; I warned her that it's just us talking, that she shouldn't say that out loud in public, though true. She tries to appear she was a fair person and not a racist, though in reality she knows I'm right. Another point I made was "it was wrong to have slaves pick cotton, because we're still affected to this day by the antics of the race that's eternal victims". So in a roundabout way, I made my views known that niggers are worth too much trouble that slavery was an unwise move.

All Till had to do was keep his nose clean, but typical arrogant nigger thought he'd get away with his antics. Wrong.

It was fun watching the preposterous nobility of niggers. Plus they were all monkey looking anyway.

animal mother
03-06-2024, 10:08 AM
Thanks for watching. My raysiss flat screens will not allow me to watch any nigger propaganda movies.


Whitey Ford
03-06-2024, 01:37 PM
I skimmed through the bluray. There's no way I could've watched the whole thing. What I did see was just typical pro-nigger/anti-whitey propaganda like Roots. Roots was actually friggin' hilarious, tho. It portrays Apefrica as an idyllic, picturesque groid utopia where the dindus live in peaceful harmony and brotherhood amidst prosperity and plenty. Then, big bad whitey comes along and traps them and puts them on a ship. Pure agitational propaganda laid on so thick as to be a comical joke.

The one scene that was particularly weird and melodramatic was the autopsy scene. Even that came off as dumb, tho. The director of this is a nigerian she boon. And apparently has a racial axe to grind like most ungrateful niggers that are granted the privilege of living in the society created by whitey.

Hey, look! It's Cauliflower Face. :lol


Niggers are Useless
03-06-2024, 05:16 PM
I got 9 minutes into "you people" and lost my shit, my wife turned it off saying it was too late anyway. So, my hat is off to you for your extreme levels of endurance.

03-07-2024, 02:36 AM
I got 9 minutes into "you people" and lost my shit, my wife turned it off saying it was too late anyway. So, my hat is off to you for your extreme levels of endurance.

Granted, all movies with niggers are long indeed, but I think of it like watching a Nat Geo animal show of nigger behavior, or like watching zoo animals only this time the ape's pretend to be human.

I couldn't stop laughing that the niggers were so damn ugly and self-righteous when nigger Till was clearly in the wrong.

03-08-2024, 12:16 PM
I got 9 minutes into "you people" and lost my shit, my wife turned it off saying it was too late anyway. So, my hat is off to you for your extreme levels of endurance.

I agree. I don't watch nigger-loving movies because they make me too angry. I watched "7 Years a Slave" late one night on some obscure channel.

I did get a laugh at how the uppity nigger got tricked, grabbed, and railroaded into slabery, but the rest wasn't amusing at all. Every single YT spent their days tormenting and torturing their niggers, just because YTs are all evil, all the time, with absolutely no redeeming features. The YT women are even more evil. The po' nigger slaves are all paragons of virtue, of course.

That was years ago and I'll never watch another groid sob story.

03-08-2024, 10:14 PM
This reminds me of another movie, "The Murder of Mary Phagan". Mary was a 12-year-old white girl who worked at a pencil factory in Atlanta around 1912. She went on a Saturday when the factory was shut down to pick up her pay, when the only people in the building were the manager, the janitor and an office boy. A short while after she left the office the boy found her naked dead body in another part of the building. She had been raped and stabbed to death. Because the manager was from New York and a Jew, he was railroaded and eventually lynched for her murder even though there was no evidence. The nigger janitor was ignored though it had blood on it's shoes. The worthless POS drunken nigger janitor lived to a ripe old age, and only in the 1980's was it determined without doubt that the nigger was the murderer. So the little girl and the manager were dead, and the nigger got off scot free.

This movie infuriates me every time I think about it.

Jim Crow
03-09-2024, 07:46 AM
You have a stronger tolerance than I do for niggers and liberals. I can’t even stand to look at them. Although I must admit seeing a picture of nigger Till daid in it;s casket makes me laugh.Would be nice to see Robert DNero and all the libs/niggs in the world laying in the same condition.