View Full Version : Grand Opening, Grand Closing : Apes Run Wild At Six Fags Over Africa / Atlanta

Ray Cizzums
03-03-2024, 06:35 AM
What fucking genius thought opening a Six Flags in Atlanta was a good idea, for fuck's sake ?
Day one, the teenapers did their thang, rioting, shooting at police, with one nigger batwinged.

One congo-bat was shot during a gunfight with police outside of Six Flags Over Georgia, just after an “unruly” crowd of stank blackaroons sparked a massive brawl during the park’s opening day on Saturday.

Cobb County Police responded to the African Safari park just outside of Atlanta around 6 p.m. — two hours before the park closed — to help deal with a crowd of wild niggers fighting and causing problems inside the gates.

“A sizeable unruly crowd” of approximately 500 to 600 nig-tards were “running through the park and fighting,” the Cobb County Police said in a statement to WSB-TV.

Social media footage obtained by Fox 5 Atlanta captured nearly a dozen Zulu mongoloids kicking and punching a person on the ground before several ran away, leaving the beaten-up individual lying motionless.

An unknown number of suspects fired shots at police, and hit nothing, as security pushed the crowd out of the park.

Notice the "news" on YouTube - not one black is visible in the "report".


03-03-2024, 09:26 AM
That's comedy gold!
"Six Flag is insisting that such unruly conduct is not representative of the average park goer". :D They really manage to open an amusement park in Apeland and then wonder that niggers do what niggers do?

03-03-2024, 09:44 AM
Of course they're not going to report on nigger crime. That interferes with the agenda they are trying to cram down our throats

Whitey Ford
03-03-2024, 10:50 AM
Shooting, fights, absolute chaos at Six Flags Over Georgia Opening Day 2024 | FOX 5 News


They need to make their own separate parks for niggers. They could call it ChimpLand and niggers would be encouraged to chimp out and shoot each other there. :lol

animal mother
03-03-2024, 11:04 AM
Shooting, fights, absolute chaos at Six Flags Over Georgia Opening Day 2024 | FOX 5 News


They need to make their own separate parks for niggers. They could call it ChimpLand and niggers would be encouraged to chimp out and shoot each other there. :lol

I would open a firearms concession there and rent out uzi's and mac 10's to the apes. Lord knows it would take a nigger at least 30 rounds for a bat wing shot.

Whitey Ford
03-03-2024, 11:16 AM
I would open a firearms concession there and rent out uzi's and mac 10's to the apes. Lord knows it would take a nigger at least 30 rounds for a bat wing shot.

You could do it on the cheap and get a gunsmith to engineer a full auto 'Glock Switch' for Hi-Point pistols.

03-03-2024, 02:02 PM
What fucking genius thought opening a Six Flags in Atlanta was a good idea, for fuck's sake ?
Day one, the teenapers did their thang, rioting, shooting at police, with one nigger batwinged.

One congo-bat was shot during a gunfight with police outside of Six Flags Over Georgia, just after an “unruly” crowd of stank blackaroons sparked a massive brawl during the park’s opening day on Saturday.

Cobb County Police responded to the African Safari park just outside of Atlanta around 6 p.m. — two hours before the park closed — to help deal with a crowd of wild niggers fighting and causing problems inside the gates.

“A sizeable unruly crowd” of approximately 500 to 600 nig-tards were “running through the park and fighting,” the Cobb County Police said in a statement to WSB-TV.

Social media footage obtained by Fox 5 Atlanta captured nearly a dozen Zulu mongoloids kicking and punching a person on the ground before several ran away, leaving the beaten-up individual lying motionless.

An unknown number of suspects fired shots at police, and hit nothing, as security pushed the crowd out of the park.

Notice the "news" on YouTube - not one black is visible in the "report".


Niggers doing what niggers do. Worthless oxygen thieves.

03-03-2024, 02:06 PM
Shooting, fights, absolute chaos at Six Flags Over Georgia Opening Day 2024 | FOX 5 News


They need to make their own separate parks for niggers. They could call it ChimpLand and niggers would be encouraged to chimp out and shoot each other there. :lol

I like the way you think!

Have like a scavenger hunt sort of deal. The niggers can rent the guns, but unloaded. The magazines would be in various locations throughout the park accessible once all the niggers are locked inside and no human life is in peril. Have plenty of cameras to record the festivities!

03-03-2024, 05:53 PM
"Disruptive behavior of the underaged youths." I guess that's Lib-speak for typical darkie savagery and tribal wars over clown shoes and cRap beats.

Why is anyone acting like this is some big deal? It's always what happens when a groidal is present - niglet birfday party, wedding, funeral, etc. Always.

03-04-2024, 02:45 AM
Must've been a real "Planet of the Apes Day". God I hate the negroid species.

03-05-2024, 06:35 PM
"Disruptive behavior of the underaged youths." I guess that's Lib-speak for typical darkie savagery and tribal wars over clown shoes and cRap beats.

Why is anyone acting like this is some big deal? It's always what happens when a groidal is present - niglet birfday party, wedding, funeral, etc. Always.

They forgot to put in "underserved" and "underprivileged." Those are the new libtard terms for nigger "communities" that are solely responsible for their poverty (they are niggers, after all) but want to blame YT "structural racism."

I have friends who have a bucket list item of going to every Six Flags in the country. I need to tell them about this, if they haven't heard already, because I hope to God they will now realize they can't do all the parks. I don't think they've even been to Georgia, let alone Apelanta.

Niggers are Useless
03-05-2024, 06:43 PM
I like the way you think!

Have like a scavenger hunt sort of deal. The niggers can rent the guns, but unloaded. The magazines would be in various locations throughout the park accessible once all the niggers are locked inside and no human life is in peril. Have plenty of cameras to record the festivities!

I saw the Headline on this news article and immediately started laughing. What happened..... NIGGERS lol thats what happened. Oh man "What happened at six flags" ugh

03-05-2024, 10:06 PM
I saw the Headline on this news article and immediately started laughing. What happened..... NIGGERS lol thats what happened. Oh man "What happened at six flags" ugh

The best part? One of those Six Flags is the Confederate flag. Not the Stars and Bars, but the actual Confederate flag. Maybe that's what set the niggers off!!