View Full Version : School principal Cornelius steals money from school to pay hitman to kill teacher sow he knocked up

Whitey Ford
03-01-2024, 09:06 AM
Muh Dik + murder for hire + monetary theft = niggerschool! :lol

A SCHOOL principal has admitted that he was behind a murder-for-hire plot to kill a fellow educator who was pregnant with his child.

Cornelius M. Green confessed in court on Wednesday that he used stolen money from his school to pay a gunman to kill 30-year-old Jocelyn Peters in 2016.


Green, principal at Carr Lane Visual Performing Arts Middle School, was married to another woman in 2015 but was also in a romantic relationship with Peters, who became pregnant with his child.

His co-defendant, Phillip Cutler, is accused of fatally shooting Peters, who was 7 months pregnant at the time, for $2,500.

Sometime in early 2016, Green began planning Peter's murder with Cutler, his longtime friend, according to investigators.

Green sent Cutler a text message on February 29, 2016, asking him to come to Missouri at the end of March, a criminal indictment said.
"Ok, that will work, u gonna b sending the pacge (sic)," Cutler responded.

On March 7, 2016, Green sent a UPS package to Cutler containing $2,500 in cash, the indictment read.

Records show that Green used the address of the middle school as the return address for the package that had the money, which had been taken from the school.


Carr Lane Visual & Performing Academy :lol

03-01-2024, 09:13 AM
And the hit man was a filthy 'nog as well......... One dead sow.. One dead shitlit not yet launched... And two filthy bucks in for an extended stay at Nigger U. These stories just keep getting better

03-01-2024, 11:08 AM
The usual nigger method to deal with an unplanned blessed event. Just as well. Look at those two and imagine the ugly sprog that would have resulted.

Muh dik muh dik muh poosay muh poosay - niggers think of little else but the urge to rut, right here and right now. The "principal" and that stupid sow couldn't conceive of "tomorrow" or consequences.

03-01-2024, 11:11 AM
Muh Dik + murder for hire + monetary theft = niggerschool! :lol


Carr Lane Visual & Performing Academy :lol

Impressive! Wowzah!

03-01-2024, 12:06 PM
Muh Dik + murder for hire + monetary theft = niggerschool! :lol



Carr Lane Visual & Performing Academy :lol

That is one RETARDED looking nigger!!

Niggers are Useless
03-01-2024, 11:44 PM
This story made me smile. I love it when niggers prove their worthlessness in full view of their media coddlers and their nigger loving officials. Not that it matters to them, they want these niggers to act in this manner, they need these niggers to act in this manner, because the communists effectively use the niggers as a divisive tool. The story still made me smile, it' always nice when a felon factory gets shut down by school administrators.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-02-2024, 08:16 AM
Impressive! Wowzah!
Dat be black excellence. Look at how fat those nigger sows already are.

03-02-2024, 10:27 AM
Any story of a gooded coon exercises all 13 of my smile muscles. A wogless world is a wonderful world !

03-02-2024, 11:11 AM
Dat be black excellence. Look at how fat those nigger sows already are.

Gee, when I was in high school I didn't have a big sloppy, jiggling gut hanging down. Of course, being a nigger high skoo they could be 25 and already shat out a few sprogs.

03-02-2024, 12:57 PM
This touches so many points of TNB, but stealing his school's money to pay for a hitman is 100% niggerfuxated TNB

03-02-2024, 06:13 PM
made me smile..

That is one impressive nigger avatar you've got there... The snakes are perfect! The best and brightest!

03-02-2024, 09:26 PM
Damn this is damn near nigger bingo. Only thing missing is the crack pipe

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-03-2024, 02:02 AM
Gee, when I was in high school I didn't have a big sloppy, jiggling gut hanging down. Of course, being a nigger high skoo they could be 25 and already shat out a few sprogs.
They’re so oppressed here. Without whitey, they would be in a national geographic magazine woth their udders hanging loose for everyone to see. Isn’t that hilarious how we used to just put them in magazines like animals? :lol

03-03-2024, 04:05 AM
Impressive! Wowzah!

Indeed, I suppose you mean how impressive is it that the lard overstressing virtually every costume is not bursting them wide open ? :lol

03-03-2024, 08:45 AM
This story has it all! TNB at its best, and the nigger's name is Cornelius - what more could we ask for?

03-03-2024, 11:21 AM
They’re so oppressed here. Without whitey, they would be in a national geographic magazine woth their udders hanging loose for everyone to see. Isn’t that hilarious how we used to just put them in magazines like animals? :lol

When I was in high school, they put them in NatGeo-type documentaries on TV, when there was zero sex or nudity to be seen anywhere. Even the bucks were shown naked, with the Tootsie rolls flopping around, something not displayed by humans until just recently (except in porn) so yes, nigger nakedness was considered to be in the same category as the nakedness of animals! :lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-05-2024, 01:44 AM
When I was in high school, they put them in NatGeo-type documentaries on TV, when there was zero sex or nudity to be seen anywhere. Even the bucks were shown naked, with the Tootsie rolls flopping around, something not displayed by humans until just recently (except in porn) so yes, nigger nakedness was considered to be in the same category as the nakedness of animals! :lol
:lol I used to see nigger udders flapping loose in nat geo magazines at doctor’s offices when I was a kid. That’s how not taboo it was. “Here we have the nigger in its natural habitat”. :lol

03-05-2024, 03:15 AM
:lol I used to see nigger udders flapping loose in nat geo magazines at doctor’s offices when I was a kid. That’s how not taboo it was. “Here we have the nigger in its natural habitat”. :lol

The editors knew then, what we all know to this day.
A nigger sow in the buff is so disgusting even a horny teen would just view it with disinterest and/or horror, because blackaroons are just monkey ugly !

03-05-2024, 11:13 AM
The editors knew then, what we all know to this day.
A nigger sow in the buff is so disgusting even a horny teen would just view it with disinterest and/or horror, because blackaroons are just monkey ugly !

Right. Even the horniest teen boy with a perpetual woody would wilt at the sight of those long, hanging, pancake udders. To me, an innocent young girl at the time, the muh diks were puzzling. To this day seeing a human peen on TV or in a movie is extremely rare and taboo (not sure why) but totally naked niggers prancing around on your screen at prime time? Why sure! It's not like they're human.

03-05-2024, 06:29 PM
Right. Even the horniest teen boy with a perpetual woody would wilt at the sight of those long, hanging, pancake udders. To me, an innocent young girl at the time, the muh diks were puzzling. To this day seeing a human peen on TV or in a movie is extremely rare and taboo (not sure why) but totally naked niggers prancing around on your screen at prime time? Why sure! It's not like they're human.

One of my girlfriends explained when we were younger that when women see a penis in a movie or cable show, they tend to react because it's funny in a way, not salacious. "Yeah yeah, he's got one." Mrs. S laughs whenever some actor shows his butt for the first time. I guess when something's really impressive, though, that's when men also take notice. "Damn, that guy's blessed!" or "No way, that has to be a prosthetic!"

But niggers? That's like seeing a horse or bull with its extended extension. "Oookay, that was really unnecessary to put in."

Niggers are Useless
03-05-2024, 06:37 PM
That is one impressive nigger avatar you've got there... The snakes are perfect! The best and brightest!

Thanks, someone here was able to crop this niggers mug from an article about some type of extravagant nigger behavior. I don't have the skills to do stuff like that so I gave a shout out when I saw this picture and asked if it could be made as an avatar.
He's not as cool as your lizzo cheeseburger but I think Ill keep it until a better specimen appears on this site. We get a wide selection of possibles everyday.

03-05-2024, 06:39 PM
One of my girlfriends explained when we were younger that when women see a penis in a movie or cable show, they tend to react because it's funny in a way, not salacious. "Yeah yeah, he's got one." Mrs. S laughs whenever some actor shows his butt for the first time. I guess when something's really impressive, though, that's when men also take notice. "Damn, that guy's blessed!" or "No way, that has to be a prosthetic!"

But niggers? That's like seeing a horse or bull with its extended extension. "Oookay, that was really unnecessary to put in."

I have a lot to say about this, but I'll merely say that at this point in time, I do not want to see any bare asses or any other private parts of anyone. EVER. Not human parts and for sure not nigger parts. Just the thought makes me queasy. Ugh.

03-05-2024, 07:01 PM
I have a lot to say about this, but I'll merely say that at this point in time, I do not want to see any bare asses or any other private parts of anyone. EVER. Not human parts and for sure not nigger parts. Just the thought makes me queasy. Ugh.

Between Mrs. and me, I'm the one who goes to church faithfully, and yet she's probably more Harriet than I am Ozzy. :D We've watched Game of Thrones, Rome, and enough other things to see how gratuitous all the nudity and simulated sex (maybe not so simulated?) is, but we'll still watch a good show. What we don't put up with, though, is mudsharking and oildrilling. If Daenerys had shacked up with a buck, even if it was a means to an end, we would have stopped right then and there.

03-05-2024, 11:57 PM
Between Mrs. and me, I'm the one who goes to church faithfully, and yet she's probably more Harriet than I am Ozzy. :D We've watched Game of Thrones, Rome, and enough other things to see how gratuitous all the nudity and simulated sex (maybe not so simulated?) is, but we'll still watch a good show. What we don't put up with, though, is mudsharking and oildrilling. If Daenerys had shacked up with a buck, even if it was a means to an end, we would have stopped right then and there.

Oh, my. Yeah, so there are exceptions to every rule (including mine) and I will not lie and say I didn't tremendously enjoy a few of the more explicit sexy scenes in Rome. 24539

Sorry. Where was I? Oh, yes. I watched GoT fairly recently. I was more disturbed by the cruelty and torture than the endless (female)nudity. That merely annoyed me as it was 98% women only getting constantly naked while men mostly remained completely dressed (unless it was played for laughs like naked Hodor because male frontal nudity cannot be erotic) and it all made me wonder if this was produced by teenage boys with an obsession for naked women.

If Daenerys had shacked up with a buck, even if it was a means to an end, we would have stopped right then and there.

I was really afraid that was going to happen with that big nigger who was itching to get his black paws on her. No way could I have watched that as it would have been worse than watching torture.

03-06-2024, 01:07 AM
Muh Dik + murder for hire + monetary theft = niggerschool! :lol



Carr Lane Visual & Performing Academy :lol

That is the absolute epitome of nigger culture.

Bonus for the video. Holy hell was a shit-show!

03-06-2024, 02:54 AM
Maybe someone can explain to me: why do niggers love the color purple? Is purple yam a staple of gorillas? Is there something culturally significant about purple? I really haven't understood why.

Whitey Ford
03-06-2024, 03:12 AM
Between Mrs. and me, I'm the one who goes to church faithfully, and yet she's probably more Harriet than I am Ozzy. :D We've watched Game of Thrones, Rome, and enough other things to see how gratuitous all the nudity and simulated sex (maybe not so simulated?) is, but we'll still watch a good show. What we don't put up with, though, is mudsharking and oildrilling. If Daenerys had shacked up with a buck, even if it was a means to an end, we would have stopped right then and there.

Just watched the new Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. Oil Drillin' Rick Grimes gets reunited with his she boon. His she boon goes looking for him and meets a nigger and his preggo burner. Thankfully they both die. I don't think that I'm going to watch the rest of this series. Two episodes in and I already wanna throw up. :mad:

What I've been told is really good now is The Octopus Murders. I would imagine that they would have to try pretty hard to fit niggers into that one.


What I would really recommend is Narcos: Mexico. It's the story of The Mexican Connection drug pipeline controlled by Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo and the Feds that chased him and eventually took him down. I enjoyed that show immensely.


This is the funniest scene, ever. :lol


Not all of it is Spanish, the parts that are are subtitled. I also liked the original Narcos set in S America.

Whitey Ford
03-06-2024, 03:38 AM
Maybe someone can explain to me: why do niggers love the color purple? Is purple yam a staple of gorillas? Is there something culturally significant about purple? I really haven't understood why.

It reminds them of Grape Drank. :lol

03-06-2024, 01:06 PM
It reminds them of Grape Drank. :lol Well I think it goes with the "wee wuz kangz" shyte because purple is the emperor's color.

03-06-2024, 07:54 PM
Oh, my. Yeah, so there are exceptions to every rule (including mine) and I will not lie and say I didn't tremendously enjoy a few of the more explicit sexy scenes in Rome. 24539

Sorry. Where was I? Oh, yes. I watched GoT fairly recently. I was more disturbed by the cruelty and torture than the endless (female)nudity. That merely annoyed me as it was 98% women only getting constantly naked while men mostly remained completely dressed (unless it was played for laughs like naked Hodor because male frontal nudity cannot be erotic) and it all made me wonder if this was produced by teenage boys with an obsession for naked women.

I was really afraid that was going to happen with that big nigger who was itching to get his black paws on her. No way could I have watched that as it would have been worse than watching torture.

I'd have tolerated it if she'd died soon after as "lesson learned," especially stranged or muh dikked to death, but there's no way Hollywood would do that. Niggers have to be magical, and I'm surprised what happened to that buck happened. Remember the outrage about the magic niggersow getting killed off?

You bring up an interesting point with the percentage. Is it that female nudity isn't that big a deal to straight women, but a lot of male nudity will turn off straight male viewers? Like Elaine Benes said in the episode about Jerry's house nudist girlfriend? "The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for gettin' around. It's like a Jeep."

Jim Crow
03-06-2024, 07:58 PM
Stealing, irresponsibly knocking up a ho,murdurous,but being too stupid to pull it off.Sounds like a nigger being a nigger!

03-06-2024, 09:41 PM
I'd have tolerated it if she'd died soon after as "lesson learned," especially stranged or muh dikked to death, but there's no way Hollywood would do that. Niggers have to be magical, and I'm surprised what happened to that buck happened. Remember the outrage about the magic niggersow getting killed off?

You bring up an interesting point with the percentage. Is it that female nudity isn't that big a deal to straight women, but a lot of male nudity will turn off straight male viewers? Like Elaine Benes said in the episode about Jerry's house nudist girlfriend? "The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for gettin' around. It's like a Jeep."

I recall reading complaints that people were acting "rayciss" towards the sow. The children wouldn't talk to her! In a show filled with unspeakable violence, murder, torture, etc - that's what bothered them, that people in a medieval setting were not politically correct!

As for the male nudity, it seems that producers - overwhelmingly male - say, "No one wants to see that!" Meaning they don't want to. I guess they're afraid someone might think they're gay or something. I don't want to see it either, but I am sick of looking at naked women all the time and have no interest in such. Either cut it all out (I would prefer that) or make it more equal.

03-07-2024, 08:43 PM
I'd have tolerated it if she'd died soon after as "lesson learned," especially stranged or muh dikked to death, but there's no way Hollywood would do that. Niggers have to be magical, and I'm surprised what happened to that buck happened. Remember the outrage about the magic niggersow getting killed off?

You bring up an interesting point with the percentage. Is it that female nudity isn't that big a deal to straight women, but a lot of male nudity will turn off straight male viewers? Like Elaine Benes said in the episode about Jerry's house nudist girlfriend? "The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for gettin' around. It's like a Jeep."What character are you referring to?