View Full Version : Nigger cRaps Violent Threats at Police

02-24-2024, 11:45 PM
This shit would never fly in Texas.

Police are called to wrangle Nigger David Gilmore. Nigger David had been making violent threats aimed at the niggers "working" at the fine establishment.

Police show up and Nigger David denies being a violent nigger, then busts out his cRapping game, and cRaps violent threats towards police. This nigger needed the Black beat off his ass. Unfortunately the police let the nigger carry on. WORSE, the nigger was given probation. There was a time making terroristic threats came with jail time. That's why crime is off the charts in these Democrat run shit-holes.

These niggers FORCE you to hate them. It's impossible not to.


02-25-2024, 01:29 AM
These niggers FORCE you to hate them. It's impossible not to. Libturds love to croak out that I learned my racism at home. No sirree, I learned to hate niggers from niggers.

02-25-2024, 11:20 AM
Libturds love to croak out that I learned my racism at home. No sirree, I learned to hate niggers from niggers.

Same here. Except for the one trip through nigger-town in St. Louis which I described in a former post, I had not seen but four niggers in my entire life before entering the military. My first eight weeks were a hellish nightmare and a rude introduction to the real world. The place was overrun with freaking NIGGERS1 In the barracks when no Wranglers were near, they set up such a din it was nearly unbearable. Everywhere there were niggers cursing, screaming vulgarities at eaxh other, fighting and, after bootcamp whenever they got the chance, swilling gallons of Thunderbird and Night Train. When they wanted to be especially high class and "im-potent", they would go to Ripple.

I learned more about nigger Homo erecti than I ever wanted to kinow. But the best thing I learned was to "Avoid the Groid"!

02-25-2024, 11:48 AM
This shit would never fly in Texas.

Police are called to wrangle Nigger David Gilmore. Nigger David had been making violent threats aimed at the niggers "working" at the fine establishment.

Police show up and Nigger David denies being a violent nigger, then busts out his cRapping game, and cRaps violent threats towards police. This nigger needed the Black beat off his ass. Unfortunately the police let the nigger carry on. WORSE, the nigger was given probation. There was a time making terroristic threats came with jail time. That's why crime is off the charts in these Democrat run shit-holes.

These niggers FORCE you to hate them. It's impossible not to.


If you live ina dhimmirat city, life is $HITTY!!

Jim Crow
02-25-2024, 03:14 PM
Niggers keep getting dumber every day!