View Full Version : Coon Cam

Tar Remover
02-20-2024, 08:15 AM
HAHA Stupid thieving nigger. :lol
Stole 900.00 dollars worth of shit from Best Buy, on camera, then returns the next day. Sell a kidney and cry harder....


Listen too it screeching in the back of the patrol unit.

02-20-2024, 09:30 AM
HAHA Stupid thieving nigger. :lol
Stole 900.00 dollars worth of shit from Best Buy, on camera, then returns the next day. Sell a kidney and cry harder....


Listen too it screeching in the back of the patrol unit.

I saw this one a while ago. COMEDY gold!! :unigger:rofl:dindu:racist:gibsmetyrone

Tar Remover
02-20-2024, 09:59 AM
On CoonCam no less....

Whitey Ford
02-20-2024, 02:50 PM
The big mistake this nigger made was not committing this crime in San Fransicko. Nobody would've even cared there. He could've even taken a hot, steamy dump on the sidewalk on his way out.

Niggers are Useless
02-20-2024, 06:12 PM
Sheeet that nigger was high on jenkem the day before. It don't member being at the bestest buyz picking up its reparations. Dang Can't a chimp chimp anymore? I mean look at it's fur that just screams innocent.

02-21-2024, 08:40 AM
The big mistake this nigger made was not committing this crime in San Fransicko. Nobody would've even cared there. He could've even taken a hot, steamy dump on the sidewalk on his way out.

I was in SF a few months back doing the tourist thing. There were niggers openly selling drugs off of tables set up on the street corners. Why do we put up with these ridiculous string heads ? Niggers are a depletion on human society. They need to be gathered and exported immediately. Niggers are hopeless. Always were and always will be.

02-21-2024, 10:38 AM
Man, this is one of the NASTIEST-looking niggers I have EVER SEEN! Looks like that mop on its haid was used to clean a bathroom floor in some nigger nest.

Niggers aren't known for being smart, but this one has some SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID! Steals nearly a thousand dollars worth of stuff, then comes back to the SAME STORE for another load of repuhrayshuns the next day. It tries to lie it's way out, then pulls a Leroy Brown on the popo. Once wrangled and stuffed into the nigger limo for a free ride to NU it throws a masterful episode of nigger-whine. "I'se sorry! I's SORRY, BRUH!" Yeah, sorry it got caught!

Whitey Ford
02-21-2024, 10:55 AM
I was in SF a few months back doing the tourist thing. There were niggers openly selling drugs off of tables set up on the street corners. Why do we put up with these ridiculous string heads ? Niggers are a depletion on human society. They need to be gathered and exported immediately. Niggers are hopeless. Always were and always will be.

There used to be an awesome old cop drama called The Shield. It was about a psycho, corrupt police detective named Vic Mackey. One day he noticed that crime was going out of control in one part of the city. Police presence had been seriously decreased by the Mayor's Office causing crime to go crazy and he didn't get it. The Mayor was also corrupt and had been Vic's mentor when he was a young cop, so he went down there and asked him what the hell was going on. It turned out that the Mayor had purposefully cut police presence to that part of the city to make crime go out of control. Why? To make property values go down so he could buy up choice pieces of real estate there for pennies on the dollar. Once he acquired all the real estate he wanted, he intended to reinstate police presence so that propert values would go back to normal. Vic's mind was blown by this.