View Full Version : Why is so much effort used to improve their self esteem?

02-19-2024, 07:05 PM
I have never understood why every 28 minutes all US made entertainment must remind us of black plight and why they are great.

Or why the fuck some no talent jerk off that can rhyme booty with duty is called "a great artist" when there are dozens of other American composers and musicians completely ignored and dying in obscurity while some hood rat clown gets to attend the Oscar's, is on Howard Stern, and gets To make an ass of himself on national television and every just claps.

When I was little and I heard the Run DMC shitty crossover with Aerosmith, I thought people were joking when they said "this is great music and so catchy".

35 years later and I'm still dumb founded why people like rap, it blows my fuckint mind it's as popular as it is.

Especially when rap music live is just horrid.

I get why people like Beyonce. she at least can sing and presents herself well...but all the other trashy bitches; Missy Elliott, Dua Lipa, Ice spice, and they shark bitch from new Zealand Iggy Azalia are ALL awful.

Then all the "Lizzo is beautiful" horse shit is just a bold lie to make fat white bitches feel better about their marshmallow asses.

Seriously, Lizzo looks like a marshmallow I dropped in a fire pit and then coated in bacon grease.

WHY AMERICANS!?!?!? why?

Niggers are Useless
02-20-2024, 06:57 PM
Communists are using niggers as a tool to create chaos and discord. The nigger is part of the plan to take down the US from within. Thats why.

02-22-2024, 08:29 AM
Lizzo isn’t beautiful, she’s an obese ape bitch. I’m so tired of the overall “sizest” agenda to promote “beauty is on the inside” and “big is beautiful.” What a bunch of bullshit! Being overweight is not healthy and shouldn’t be promoted as being good or normal. Sure looks aren’t everything but don’t tell me that being overweight is beautiful. That’s such bullshit! All they’re doing is making our youth fatter because they think “why work out when I’ll be accepted no matter how fat I am?!” In fact, they’re even applauding these fat, lazy bitches and calling them “brave” when they test the limit of yoga pant material. Haha what bullshit!

These Victoria secret ads with obese women make me sick. I liked it better when the women in ads were actual models not women being hired for the sake of “inclusivity.” Not everyone can be a model and when I was younger that was ok! Now anyone can be anything and you better not say otherwise. Now you can’t see a commercial without every color of the rainbow and every size of person in it.

The meaning of beauty has been lost and replaced by lies. Not everyone is beautiful and that’s ok. We need to stop changing the rules so people’s feelings don’t get hurt. About 2/3 of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese… this isn’t ok! Before we know it everyone will be diabetic and being of healthy weight will be a crime. I hate the direction our country is going… this is bullshit.

02-22-2024, 02:56 PM
Lizzo isn’t beautiful, she’s an obese ape bitch. I’m so tired of the overall “sizest” agenda to promote “beauty is on the inside” and “big is beautiful.” What a bunch of bullshit! Being overweight is not healthy and shouldn’t be promoted as being good or normal. Sure looks aren’t everything but don’t tell me that being overweight is beautiful. That’s such bullshit! All they’re doing is making our youth fatter because they think “why work out when I’ll be accepted no matter how fat I am?!” In fact, they’re even applauding these fat, lazy bitches and calling them “brave” when they test the limit of yoga pant material. Haha what bullshit!

These Victoria secret ads with obese women make me sick. I liked it better when the women in ads were actual models not women being hired for the sake of “inclusivity.” Not everyone can be a model and when I was younger that was ok! Now anyone can be anything and you better not say otherwise. Now you can’t see a commercial without every color of the rainbow and every size of person in it.

The meaning of beauty has been lost and replaced by lies. Not everyone is beautiful and that’s ok. We need to stop changing the rules so people’s feelings don’t get hurt. About 2/3 of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese… this isn’t ok! Before we know it everyone will be diabetic and being of healthy weight will be a crime. I hate the direction our country is going… this is bullshit.

Niggerpotamuses, even before Lizzo, gave new meaning to the "parachute pants" that niggers love. Because it takes as much material to make a parachute just for one niggerpotamus.

You're absolutely right about the sickening ads promoting obesity, and on the flip side are the unnaturally thin models (often Photoshopped anyway) that lead so many teen girls into anorexia and bulimia. The conflicting messages are insane. On the one hand, people are told "body positivity" and to be happy with themselves. On the other hand, the globalists have the Lame Stream Media telling us how fat and unhealthy we are, and their solution is to shut down our real sources of nutrition so we can eat bugs.

02-23-2024, 04:05 PM
I have never understood why every 28 minutes all US made entertainment must remind us of black plight and why they are great.

Or why the fuck some no talent jerk off that can rhyme booty with duty is called "a great artist" when there are dozens of other American composers and musicians completely ignored and dying in obscurity while some hood rat clown gets to attend the Oscar's, is on Howard Stern, and gets To make an ass of himself on national television and every just claps.

When I was little and I heard the Run DMC shitty crossover with Aerosmith, I thought people were joking when they said "this is great music and so catchy".

35 years later and I'm still dumb founded why people like rap, it blows my fuckint mind it's as popular as it is.

Especially when rap music live is just horrid.

I get why people like Beyonce. she at least can sing and presents herself well...but all the other trashy bitches; Missy Elliott, Dua Lipa, Ice spice, and they shark bitch from new Zealand Iggy Azalia are ALL awful.

Then all the "Lizzo is beautiful" horse shit is just a bold lie to make fat white bitches feel better about their marshmallow asses.

Seriously, Lizzo looks like a marshmallow I dropped in a fire pit and then coated in bacon grease.

WHY AMERICANS!?!?!? why?

The NIGGER Industrial complex!! Libtardism is a MENTAL Disorder and libtards are a MAJORITY in this country (Albeit by a VERY small Margin.) Let's hope that Trump wins and "woke" get's BATWINGED!! Gnomesayin'?! :unigger:fling:dindu:gibsme:racist