View Full Version : Lethargic lookin' Ja’Keivious is fully capable of rape and murder

Whitey Ford
02-18-2024, 09:42 PM

02-19-2024, 02:25 AM
After that, he allegedly admitted to sexually assaulting the victim. She woke up during the assault, the officer testified, and Arnold allegedly choked her again until she died, removed her clothes, and then sexually assaulted her corpse for “at least 20 minutes,” according to Shephard.


Jesus H. Christ. And this nigger's going to be years on trial, probably never having to worry about the death penalty, while its lawyers present a "He beez a good boi and just all trubbled an sheeit" or "mentally ill" defense. The only news we should have ever needed to hear about this nigger was that it was arrested, tried that same day, and executed at dawn.

02-19-2024, 09:43 AM

Jesus H. Christ. And this nigger's going to be years on trial, probably never having to worry about the death penalty, while its lawyers present a "He beez a good boi and just all trubbled an sheeit" or "mentally ill" defense. The only news we should have ever needed to hear about this nigger was that it was arrested, tried that same day, and executed at dawn.

We can DREAM, can't we?! I'd throw the nigger in a cage with 20 HUNGRY pit bulls!!

Niggers are Useless
02-19-2024, 10:54 AM
Nigger lawyers will be saying “he’s a good boy a pastor in the church and a Mensa member when he wasn’t the front man for an insurance company.
All this poor persecuted and misunderstood shining example of humanity wanted was a little Chinese for dinner. He should be rewarded with a statue and given reparations for this racist attack on his character “
If a nigger ever approaches a human and pretends to be nice and want to help, it’s up to something and wants to muh dik or steal or both.
I hope this woman’s family can exact retribution after the courts turn the nigger loose, we all know it will just get a slap on its paw.

02-21-2024, 07:40 PM
If a nigger ever approaches a human and pretends to be nice and want to help, it’s up to something and wants to muh dik or steal or both.

How many times have we heard of a nigger that pretended to be in "distress" and carjacked someone who stopped to help? There was even a nigger that got into an actual accident, then carjacked a Good Samaritan.

If you see a nigger supposedly in trouble, move on. It will save your property, maybe even your life. If you're a woman alone and a nigger tries walking with you, start screaming for help, because you will need it.

02-22-2024, 01:23 AM
Ja'Kevious or WTF it's name is, looks appropriate as the poster mug for Mensa, only the poster should say, "Humans welcome. Degenerate niggers, even magic niggers, are not". Then all the accusations of raycissms will fly about and you'll hear about it on national news!