View Full Version : Wewuzslave descendants say they’re owed $74B in reparations from St. Louis University

Whitey Ford
02-14-2024, 06:19 PM
Slave descendants say they’re owed $74B in reparations from St. Louis University


Descendants of slaves that were forced to build St. Louis University say the Jesuit school owes them more than $70 billion in reparations.

The figure was calculated by economists, based on 70 people identified as slaves of the Jesuits earning a low wage of $0.05 an hour between 1823 and 1865, and adjusted for inflation, according to a PBS article posted on the website of Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved last week.

DSLUE consists of 200 people that trace their lineage to the slaves, and have called on the university to come up with a plan to compensate them “what they are rightfully owed” for the sins of its founders.

The group’s lawyer told The Post Wednesday that the figure derived by experts was “conservative,” and the start of a fair discussion, not a demand.

“I haven’t asked them to give us $74 billion, so let’s be real clear,” said Areva Martin.


02-14-2024, 09:28 PM
"Areva" ain't axed for 74 billion gibsmuhdats ... ? huh

Niggers think their "victim value " is unlimited... why not ask, no TELL that University they have to pay it.
Just waiting for that to come around, we all know niggers are worthless, and less , and less as time goes on.

And the more worthless they get, the more gibs they think they deserve, forever.

Give 'em a coupon for a 10 piece, and kick 'em out of court. :kick