View Full Version : He Dropped His "I Didn't Do Nuthin'!"

02-12-2024, 06:38 PM
Columbus, Ohio...

A funny clip featuring a stupid nigger on a bicycle.

Nigger Rashad was riding his bike on the sidewalk, which gave the two bicycle cops an excuse to stop his black ass. You hear one of the officers tell Nigger Rashad, now on the street, that if he doesn't stop his partner was going to push him over. The power of suggestion being what it is, Nigger Rashad attempts to jump off the bike and run on foot, but fails miserably, face-planting on the street.

As Nigger Rashad hits the ground, his gun falls out. Nigger Rashad, bounces to his feet and starts running, with the cop right behind him. The nigger and the cop crash through a picket fence, with the nigger loudly proclaiming he didn't do nuthin'. As the nigger and the officer struggle, the nigger's shoes and socks come off. This causes Nigger Rashad to proclaim those weren't his socks. What luck, as the socks were full of drugs!

After all this, the nigger, who pled guilty, was given PROBATION and counseling over the gun charges, while the city awaits lab results before slapping the nigger's wrist for that. A convicted felon with a firearm should do real prison time, mandatory. Double the time if it's a nigger.


02-14-2024, 12:48 AM
After all this, the nigger, who pled guilty, was given PROBATION and counseling over the gun charges, while the city awaits lab results before slapping the nigger's wrist for that. A convicted felon with a firearm should do real prison time, mandatory. Double the time if it's a nigger. That is the trouble. They keep catching and convicting these POSs but the nigs get almost no jail time.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-14-2024, 12:59 AM
Niggers will defend this nigger with “but dey shouldn’t had been stoppin hiyim in da furss place and dey woulda neva found dat!”. Niggers would rather a gun toting, drug dealer stay in the streets simply becuz “fug da poleece and he bes black like me!”

02-14-2024, 09:04 AM
Those once nice suburban neighborhoods. Niggers have infested them and destroyed them. Niggers need exporting immediately. I care not where.

02-14-2024, 07:48 PM
That is the trouble. They keep catching and convicting these POSs but the nigs get almost no jail time.

I think I've mentioned someone I knew in college, not really a friend in the end, but sometimes we hung out after classes, and he'd ride with me. I wasn't going to let him inside my car ever again once I heard he dealt a little pot on the side. What if I got stopped for speeding, or something a cop made up like not coming to a full stop, and my car got searched? What if he had a baggie on him that he'd hide, and claim it wasn't his?

You'd better believe that a young white kid like me would get prosecuted for felony dealing, and get passed around as fresh meat behind bars. A nigger could get caught with 10 pounds and still get a plea deal for no jail time from the local liberal DA.

02-15-2024, 12:43 AM
Those once nice suburban neighborhoods. Niggers have infested them and destroyed them. Niggers need exporting immediately. I care not where.

Niggers and their enablers. Drop them all off in the middle of the Pacific!