View Full Version : Kanye gets denied by ozzy... did it anyway

02-10-2024, 02:34 AM
https://metalinjection.net/news/ozzy-osbourne-blasts-kanye-west-for-using-an-uncleared-black-sabbath-sample-i-want-no-association-with-this-man?fbclid=IwAR0_24n7h7qlaR8HcEshFvFLEwDdzVzbtOfHp X2GnS1FDi-e12lYv7xbVd0

Kanye asked to use an audio sample from an 83 ozzy show and got told no. Being the nigger he is he used it anyway. Story above. No surprise right?

Jim Crow
02-10-2024, 07:34 AM
I grew up listening to Ozzy.I always thought of him as a crazy,burned out druggie. And,my opinion hasn’t changed.But,at least he has enough sense to say “no” to a nigger.Getting involved with a nigger never ends well for the human!
As far as the nigger using his song anyway,that’s expected.Niggers are all criminals.It’s in their DNA.And they are protected by their liberal cucks.Hopefully,Ozzy can sue the spook.but,niggers are like crime.they don’t pay!

02-13-2024, 01:19 AM
I grew up listening to Ozzy.I always thought of him as a crazy,burned out druggie. And,my opinion hasn’t changed.But,at least he has enough sense to say “no” to a nigger.Getting involved with a nigger never ends well for the human!
As far as the nigger using his song anyway,that’s expected.Niggers are all criminals.It’s in their DNA.And they are protected by their liberal cucks.Hopefully,Ozzy can sue the spook.but,niggers are like crime.they don’t pay!

It's really amazing. If someone happens to have a single note in a song that even remotely sounds like something the nigger recorded, the lawsuits start flying. Marvin Gaye's useless family is notorious. Niggers, on the other hand, have been stealing actual recordings made by humans, calling it "sampling" and get away with it.

Niggers never face consequences.

Whitey Ford
02-13-2024, 02:06 PM
Niggers are always stealing. You'd think that Ozzy in his older age would've figured that out years ago. ;)

02-16-2024, 07:02 PM
Koonye wants to look like a James Bond villain.