View Full Version : Bang! Bang! Yooz dead! she boon school principal stages impromptu, unauthorized active shooter drill

Whitey Ford
02-09-2024, 05:53 PM
Principal on leave after ‘upsetting’ active shooter drill at L.A. County school


A school principal was placed on administrative leave after witnesses said she held a disturbing active shooter drill at a San Gabriel elementary school.

The incident happened at Washington Elementary on Wednesday and involved Nina Denson, a woman who joined the school as principal in Fall 2023.

Children and parents are upset at what they say was an inappropriate series of actions by Denson during the lockdown drill.

“She proceeded to walk around campus and pretended to shoot people she saw using finger movements and banging on windows,” said Jennifer Chavez, a parent. “From what I heard, she said to one of the students, ‘Boom. You’re dead.’”

According to Jim Symonds, superintendent of the San Gabriel Unified School District, the safety drill was not authorized.

After the drill, staff members claimed Denson then made an announcement saying seven children were dead.


Jim Crow
02-10-2024, 08:13 AM
The thing most upsetting to me is that the sherilla was allowed to become principal in the first place!Niggers should never be appointed a highly responsible position. especially one where they are around human children.Only violence,rape and stealing can ensue.

02-10-2024, 02:00 PM
The thing most upsetting to me is that the sherilla was allowed to become principal in the first place!Niggers should never be appointed a highly responsible position. especially one where they are around human children.Only violence,rape and stealing can ensue.

Kinda like that nigger in congress jamaal bowman!! Nigger doesn't even know how to use a FIRE ALARM!!

Niggers are Useless
02-10-2024, 04:23 PM
That nigger was probably high on Jenkem and fantasizing about killing white kids. Then realizes its not in its nest but actually in public, gets caught and screams the nigger manta. I dindu nuffins that was a practice drill. I wonder how that would be received if a white chick did that. It sure wouldn't be a suspension, which we know is code for (nigger keeps getting paid until everyone forgets a useless nigger), it would be prosecution for hate crimes and terrorist activities.
Every time niggers are put on a pedestal, they never fail to entertain us with their complete and total incompetence and unfailing ability to be unable to resist TNB.

02-10-2024, 06:05 PM
So, there must be some Diversity Hire niggers shoved into positions of power, influence, authority, etc., who have NOT committed crimes, stolen money, got a DUI, been caught with drugs, engaged in rampant and/or illegal muh dik, and all the usual TNB, but I haven't heard about them.

Do these ridiculous nigger-loving libtards really think you can be kind to a nigger, dress it up, teach it a language other than bixnood, give it a title and it will magically become civilized? It seems they never learn. It's the old "keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.'

Ray Cizzums
02-10-2024, 08:00 PM
These are two other stank sheboon "principals",
but I guarantee they look exactly like the Ms. Shooty Finger...

02-11-2024, 02:04 AM
So, there must be some Diversity Hire niggers shoved into positions of power, influence, authority, etc., who have NOT committed crimes, stolen money, got a DUI, been caught with drugs, engaged in rampant and/or illegal muh dik, and all the usual TNB, but I haven't heard about them.

Do these ridiculous nigger-loving libtards really think you can be kind to a nigger, dress it up, teach it a language other than bixnood, give it a title and it will magically become civilized? It seems they never learn. It's the old "keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.'

That's why all niggers in positions of authority, power, responsibility, are definitely there just because of diversity. Clearly, the negroid species is inferior, in thought, logic, morality, and looks. They're a foul hideous species, unfit to mingle with us.

What a dumbass "principal". Again, no forethought. No planning. No common sense. I hope they fire this overpaid gorilla.

07-04-2024, 01:23 AM
The thing most upsetting to me is that the sherilla was allowed to become principal in the first place!...Here's another what looks like an "Affirmative Action" appointment, intellectually capable of only being able to pull off imperfect crimes, leaving traces everywhere:

Missouri principal who murdered pregnant mistress via hitman receives double life sentence - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/missouri-principal-who-murdered-pregnant-mistress-via-hitman-receives-double-life-sentence/?utm_source=daily-usa-2024-07-04&utm_medium=email)

...When that didn’t work, he turned to a hitman. He stole $2,500 from his school’s dance team fundraiser and hired Phillip Cutler to kill Peters. She was murdered...

A more detailed report:


"Ok, that will work, u gonna b sending the pacge?...
