View Full Version : Nigger files complaint to UN against Spain over 2014 border deaths

02-01-2024, 05:13 PM
I'd rather say that nigger-loving libtard lawyers found a nigger to file on behalf. The nigger for sure neither had any idea he can and how to file nor money for a lawyer.


Despite not being able to swim, he said, he attempted to make it around the human-made breakwater that straddled both countries. As he clung to the breakwater with one hand and paddled forward with the other, he said he heard shots ring out and saw police spraying teargas.

Like a nigger, you cannot swim but you still go to deep water.

Ludovic said he kept pushing towards Spain (https://www.theguardian.com/world/spain) despite the police efforts to deter him. A Guardia Civil officer struck him on the arm with a baton, he said, tearing his skin.

What a fucking nigger.

Bleeding and struggling to breathe amid the teargas, he said it made it on to Spanish soil, only to be pushed back to Morocco alongside 23 others. At no point was he offered medical aid, translation or legal assistance, he said.

Was not offered gibs ... the only thing he would deserve is getting a price tag while being offered for sale.

By this time Ludovic had made it back on to EU soil, settling in Germany where he was granted protection. As he embarked on an apprenticeship as an electrician, he was in contact with NGOs to express his interest in testifying to the Spanish courts as a survivor.

Nigger-rigged electricity, do Germans really desire this?

Meanwhile, Spain’s ombudsman, Ángel Gabilondo, joined the chorus of voices who have expressed concerns in recent months about the conditions in which about 400 people seeking asylum were being held at the Madrid airport.The asylum seekers had been left to wait in “unacceptably overcrowded and unsanitary conditions” after requesting international protection upon arrival, Gabilondo said.
He cited a room where women and some of the children had been transferred while waiting for their entry into Spain to be either granted or refused. The room lacks beds, access to telephones and basic furniture such as chairs and tables, forcing people to sleep on mattresses on the floor and choose between eating on the floor or on mattresses, he said.
Still better than in the muthaland, is not it?

“The only shower has been out of service for two weeks, they lack basic hygiene kits and feminine hygiene products,” he added.
:becauseWell, normally people have their own stuff, I guess.