View Full Version : Aggressive nigger tries to get his muh dik on with non-compliant white girls who aren't down with coal burning

Whitey Ford
01-28-2024, 02:51 PM

01-29-2024, 10:45 AM
That was the worst case of Homo erectus behavior I've ever seen! That ape doesn't know how lucky it is that this didn't happen a hundred years ago!

But, hey! They're just like us.....

I'd be banned if I said what I'm thinking.

05-29-2024, 05:04 AM
A hundred years ago? As recently as 1955, vintage Di'ndoonuffin Emmet Till was appointed a set of bat wings, merely because of a misplaced wolf whisle.

Terrifying foo'idge fiwm'd in "Man"chester; Ends with overly-civilized Koonhunt:


Jim Crow
05-29-2024, 06:27 AM
Nigger needs it’s muhdik and hands aputated. And it’s boot lips stapled shut. I think that would be a good start towards rehabilitation!

05-29-2024, 07:57 AM
That was the worst case of Homo erectus behavior I've ever seen! That ape doesn't know how lucky it is that this didn't happen a hundred years ago!

But, hey! They're just like us.....

I'd be banned if I said what I'm thinking.

GREAT minds THINK alike!!

05-29-2024, 07:58 AM
Nigger needs it’s muhdik and hands aputated. And it’s boot lips stapled shut. I think that would be a good start towards rehabilitation!

Did you see the size of it's bootlips?! I wonder if this nigger is george groid's keyid?! It's bootlips were so big you'd need a BOX of staples to close them!!