View Full Version : Nigger Sow Steals Kia, Provides Endless Entertainment

01-24-2024, 10:49 PM
This is a fun little video. A big fat nigger sow, Tamiami Towns-Henderson, stole a Kia. Nigger Tajhami later claimed to be homeless and stole cars to live in, and get around in. I hope the stolen cars were burned if recovered. Only way to get the funky nigger smell out.

Holy hell.

Police observe Nigger Tajhami and begin pursuit. The nigger leads police on a long chase, blowing through stop signs, etc.

When the officer finally catches up to the nigger, he blocks the driver's door, but the nigger climbs out of the passenger side and starts running like the buffet is about to run out of all-you-can-eat fried chicken and watermelon! The officer chases after her for several blocks.

Once the officer corners Nigger Tajhami he's all business telling the fat, but surprisingly fast nigger sow to "get on the fucking ground!" Being a nigger, the sow refuses. Another officer arrives and tased the useless nigger and they throw her big black ass on the ground and tell her to stop resisting or she'll get another dose of lightning. That's when Nigger Tajhami remembered she was "with child" and started shouting "mu buby" over and over. We also get the tried and true "I can't breeve" a few times as well. The first officer is about to cough up a lung himself. The nigger is in better shape than the officer! Besides the obvious maternal concern for the (likely) non-existent baby, the nigger was also screaming nonstop from the get-go, like 5-0 was killing her.

Entertainment value aside, this further supports the need to send all of these things back to the motherland. Homeless (supposedly) and stealing cars left and right with little real consequences. Like all niggers, this thing offers nothing of value to society. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in civilized human society.



01-24-2024, 11:07 PM
A replacement video. I forgot to add that for whatever reason, the officer didn't sick the fur missile on the nigger. THAT would have been seriously entertaining!


I aint bin dun did dat!
01-25-2024, 12:56 AM
My God niggers are stupid. Like a cornered dog, instead of snarling and growling, they scream like chimps and go to the most basic primal instinct of “ahh caint breave and ahhs pregnit”. I wish they could just buss a cap in these parasites as soon as they start running. They’re putting people’s lives at risk driving a 2 ton vehicle recklessly. Fuck you nigger sow! Don’t worry, you’ll be out in no time to do it again and fill your monkey maker with more future felonious groids for us all to enjoy!

01-25-2024, 01:03 AM
They’re putting people’s lives at risk driving a 2 ton vehicle recklessly. Fuck you nigger sow! Don’t worry, you’ll be out in no time to do it again and fill your monkey maker with more future felonious groids for us all to enjoy!

ain't that the truth , and also :lol

01-25-2024, 03:01 AM
My God niggers are stupid. Like a cornered dog, instead of snarling and growling, they scream like chimps and go to the most basic primal instinct of “ahh caint breave and ahhs pregnit”. I wish they could just buss a cap in these parasites as soon as they start running. They’re putting people’s lives at risk driving a 2 ton vehicle recklessly. Fuck you nigger sow! Don’t worry, you’ll be out in no time to do it again and fill your monkey maker with more future felonious groids for us all to enjoy!

When caught, niggers should be sterilized before they can be released. As often as niggers are arrested, the species would be extinct in no time.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-25-2024, 09:44 AM
When caught, niggers should be sterilized before they can be released. As often as niggers are arrested, the species would be extinct in no time.
Yup. You could offer niggers ahundred bucks to get sterilized and a large portion of them would do it. They would chimp out as soon as they spent the money but the deed would already be done.

Niggers are Useless
01-25-2024, 10:53 AM
Yup. You could offer niggers ahundred bucks to get sterilized and a large portion of them would do it. They would chimp out as soon as they spent the money but the deed would already be done.

That’s brilliant. Start that campaign to go right along with cash advances from the tax refund only niggers get and it could be days before they start chimping about being out of my money to spend. Too late nigger !
Get drew Carey on board to say remember spay or neuter your niggers .

01-25-2024, 12:13 PM
This seems like it's a police documentary based on 10k cases of dealing with female criminiggers.

01-25-2024, 01:10 PM
This is a fun little video. A big fat nigger sow, Tamiami Towns-Henderson, stole a Kia. Nigger Tajhami later claimed to be homeless and stole cars to live in, and get around in. I hope the stolen cars were burned if recovered. Only way to get the funky nigger smell out.

Holy hell.

Police observe Nigger Tajhami and begin pursuit. The nigger leads police on a long chase, blowing through stop signs, etc.

When the officer finally catches up to the nigger, he blocks the driver's door, but the nigger climbs out of the passenger side and starts running like the buffet is about to run out of all-you-can-eat fried chicken and watermelon! The officer chases after her for several blocks.

Once the officer corners Nigger Tajhami he's all business telling the fat, but surprisingly fast nigger sow to "get on the fucking ground!" Being a nigger, the sow refuses. Another officer arrives and tased the useless nigger and they throw her big black ass on the ground and tell her to stop resisting or she'll get another dose of lightning. That's when Nigger Tajhami remembered she was "with child" and started shouting "mu buby" over and over. We also get the tried and true "I can't breeve" a few times as well. The first officer is about to cough up a lung himself. The nigger is in better shape than the officer! Besides the obvious maternal concern for the (likely) non-existent baby, the nigger was also screaming nonstop from the get-go, like 5-0 was killing her.

Entertainment value aside, this further supports the need to send all of these things back to the motherland. Homeless (supposedly) and stealing cars left and right with little real consequences. Like all niggers, this thing offers nothing of value to society. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in civilized human society.



Damn!! Video REMOVED!! This sounded pretty ENTERTAINING!!

01-25-2024, 01:12 PM
A replacement video. I forgot to add that for whatever reason, the officer didn't sick the fur missile on the nigger. THAT would have been seriously entertaining!


Thanks for that!!

01-25-2024, 03:53 PM
Yup. You could offer niggers ahundred bucks to get sterilized and a large portion of them would do it. They would chimp out as soon as they spent the money but the deed would already be done.

Absolutely! It would be a hundred bucks well spent too!

01-25-2024, 03:57 PM
Thanks for that!!

My pleasure. The original video came from channel that normally only posts about Little Rock crime. By the time I had finished the write up, the video had been removed. Not sure why. Anyhow, this was too good not to find a replacement!

01-25-2024, 04:46 PM
A replacement video. I forgot to add that for whatever reason, the officer didn't sick the fur missile on the nigger. THAT would have been seriously entertaining!


It would have been ENTERTAINING to see the "fur missile" lick it's @$$ to get the TASTE of nigger out of it's mouth!!

01-25-2024, 04:47 PM
My pleasure. The original video came from channel that normally only posts about Little Rock crime. By the time I had finished the write up, the video had been removed. Not sure why. Anyhow, this was too good not to find a replacement!

Tru Dat!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-26-2024, 01:35 AM
That’s brilliant. Start that campaign to go right along with cash advances from the tax refund only niggers get and it could be days before they start chimping about being out of my money to spend. Too late nigger !
Get drew Carey on board to say remember spay or neuter your niggers .
:lol I had the price is right in mind with this as well.

I love how the niggers call it a tax refund when they didn’t put anything in the pot to begin with. What are you being refunded niggers? Not that they know the definition of the word. It should be called tax gibs as that’s what it is for the parasites.