View Full Version : Feral Sheboon Assaults 10 Year Old White Girl

01-23-2024, 07:04 PM
A feral, knuckledragging sheboon, slams a 10 year old white girl's head against the glass, sees her begin crying, then skips off laughing.


01-23-2024, 08:31 PM
A feral, knuckledragging sheboon, slams a 10 year old white girl's head against the glass, sees her begin crying, then skips off laughing.


Hunt it down and introduce it to the Bat Fairy.

01-23-2024, 11:32 PM
Why? Would would the sow do that? The answer is always, "Because she's a nigger and it's what they do." Just look at that feral sow. You know the minute it gets through the "Nigger Catch and Release" program it will be doing it again. The black slut obviously hates pretty little white girls, as they all do.

A misdemeanor? If a YT had done that to a niglet, it would be an international incident.

01-24-2024, 12:01 AM
Hunt it down and introduce it to the Bat Fairy.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-24-2024, 12:13 AM
A misdemeanor? If a YT had done that to a niglet, it would be an international incident.
This is what pisses me off so bad. If this sow had a value of one, this little pretty white girl would have a value of 1 billion. She would be 1 billion times as valuable as this sorry, sack of shit nigger sow. However, the she-ape has a value of 0 and I can’t multiply by zero. This nigger is completely worthless and will never contribute 1 thing to mankind besides more filthy niggers that are equally worthless. Fuck you nigger whore!

01-24-2024, 01:48 AM
The niggers prey on the young, the old, the defenseless, until one day they get shot or killed by self-defense. Blacks attack Asians, as kids, because they are far larger for the most part. Same with smaller white children. Blacks have no moral code, no morality, no humanity. This incident just shows how much they deserve rope.

And I'm aghast that this is only as misdemeanor. It should be a felony, because it was intentional, malicious, and resulted in injury. Plus hate crime enhancement should be added. Curse you you bastard monkeys!

01-24-2024, 08:10 AM
When wild animals attack people, they usually have to be taken down. Misdemeanor, ridiculous! Nigger superiority at its best!

01-24-2024, 10:24 AM
The niggers prey on the young, the old, the defenseless, until one day they get shot or killed by self-defense. Blacks attack Asians, as kids, because they are far larger for the most part. Same with smaller white children. Blacks have no moral code, no morality, no humanity. This incident just shows how much they deserve rope.

And I'm aghast that this is only as misdemeanor. It should be a felony, because it was intentional, malicious, and resulted in injury. Plus hate crime enhancement should be added. Curse you you bastard monkeys!

The fact that this assault was maliciously committed against a defenseless child should weigh into this "misdemeanor"ruling. Only YT can be guilty of hate crimes, generally speaking. There will be zero consequences for the vicious sheboon, as per the New Agenda. Maybe next time she'll be able to crack some kid's skull.

Aside from that, this little girl speaks better than any fully-grown, hulking, bixnood nigger anywhere.

Ray Cizzums
01-24-2024, 10:50 AM
"Showing off, for the people she was with" ? "On tether, for a misdemeanor charge" ? WTF !
Why isn't this aggravated assault, on a person under 12 ? "On tether" means what ? Not allowed
outside of her welfare nigger nest ? This boon should be in the county lockup, no bail, wig confiscated,
bread and water rations, forced to scrub toilets. A year or two in Nigger U to follow....

01-24-2024, 11:33 AM
Fucking subhuman sherilla

animal mother
01-24-2024, 12:27 PM
"Showing off, for the people she was with" ? "On tether, for a misdemeanor charge" ? WTF !
Why isn't this aggravated assault, on a person under 12 ? "On tether" means what ? Not allowed
outside of her welfare nigger nest ? This boon should be in the county lockup, no bail, wig confiscated,
bread and water rations, forced to scrub toilets. A year or two in Nigger U to follow....

NU is a complete and total waste of time and money when it pertains to niggers.
It provides no real punishment. I advocate bringing back the whip and inflicting agonizing pain to these beasts. Pain is the only thing these lower life forms can comprehend. If every time a shit beast was wrangled it faced the whip crime would decline.

Ray Cizzums
01-24-2024, 04:47 PM
NU is a complete and total waste of time and money when it pertains to niggers.
It provides no real punishment. I advocate bringing back the whip and inflicting agonizing pain to these beasts. Pain is the only thing these lower life forms can comprehend. If every time a shit beast was wrangled it faced the whip crime would decline.
Violent niggers should get tuned up when arrested, at the station house, in county jail, before/during/after court, followed by regular
beatings at Nigger U. In the 1970's Army, the MP's, and guards at the stockade, were just waiting to teach shitbirds a lesson, and anyone
I knew that ended up in there, got the living shit kicked out of them. And being white counted for nothing. We all knew to fly right, or else...

animal mother
01-24-2024, 07:13 PM
Violent niggers should get tuned up when arrested, at the station house, in county jail, before/during/after court, followed by regular
beatings at Nigger U. In the 1970's Army, the MP's, and guards at the stockade, were just waiting to teach shitbirds a lesson, and anyone
I knew that ended up in there, got the living shit kicked out of them. And being white counted for nothing. We all knew to fly right, or else...

I experienced the same thing back in the late 60’s. An Army stockade or Navy brig is somewhere no one wanted to be. Most occupants were either niggers or other dumb fucks waiting for their bad conduct discharge.

01-24-2024, 09:34 PM
Violent niggers should get tuned up when arrested, at the station house, in county jail, before/during/after court, followed by regular
beatings at Nigger U. In the 1970's Army, the MP's, and guards at the stockade, were just waiting to teach shitbirds a lesson, and anyone
I knew that ended up in there, got the living shit kicked out of them. And being white counted for nothing. We all knew to fly right, or else...

As others point out, the only thing niggers understand is violence and pain. If every time they encountered police an ass whipping was on the menu, things might change. Unless and until then we'll have to deal with these violent savages roaming free.