View Full Version : Illegal Hateshun Rape Ape Wrangled in Bahstaun, then Set Free by Libturds in Sanctuary Shittee

01-19-2024, 12:11 AM
Haitian illegal immigrant charged with rape released back onto streets in Boston despite ICE appeals
A Haitian illegal immigrant charged with raping a developmentally disabled person was released back into the community in Boston, as authorities ignored an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) request to transfer them into its custody.

"Disturbingly and despite our filing an immigration detainer, this individual was released back into the community by the criminal court," ICE said in a statement.

In a press release, ICE said that the illegal immigrant arrived at the border at a port of entry in Brownsville, Texas, in December 2022 and was released with a notice to appear after being deemed inadmissible. ICE sources identified the man as Pierre Lucard Emile.
In September, he was arrested for rape and indecent assault and battery on a developmentally disabled person. ICE immediately lodged a detainer, a request that an illegal immigrant be held so that ICE can take them into custody and begin deportation proceedings.
However, "sanctuary" jurisdictions like Boston do not typically honor ICE detainer requests and forbid or limit cooperation with federal immigration officials. Consequently, ICE’s detainer was ignored, and he was released with an electric monitoring tag in November.https://www.foxnews.com/politics/haitian-illegal-immigrant-charged-with-rape-released-back-onto-streets-in-boston-despite-ice-appeals

24279 :gorilla

01-19-2024, 12:49 AM
I blame the raving psychotic Democrats who run Boston every bit as much as the rape ape.

First , rape should carry the death penalty.

Secondly, creating a sanctuary for criminals should be considered Treason and we all know what the punishment for that is.

Enough is enough.