View Full Version : “Black Folks Didn’t Climb Up In The Trees And Lynch Themselves”

Whitey Ford
01-17-2024, 09:09 PM
Whoopi Goldberg Has Words For History-Denying Nikki Haley: “Black Folks Didn’t Climb Up In The Trees And Lynch Themselves”


Before welcoming Vice President Kamala Harris to ABC’s The View today, moderator Whoopi Goldberg had strong words for Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who recently said that America has “never been a racist country.”

“Black folks didn’t climb up in the trees and lynch themselves,” Goldberg said at the top of today’s episode. “Emmett Till did not do that to himself.”


01-17-2024, 09:21 PM
Whoopi Goldberg Has Words For History-Denying Nikki Haley: “Black Folks Didn’t Climb Up In The Trees And Lynch Themselves”



Actually, et did!!

01-18-2024, 12:09 AM
But blacks ought to climb a tree and do the world a favor.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-18-2024, 12:18 AM
But muh Emmit Till! Fuck Emmit Till niggers! You fuckers kill humans day in and day out, not to mention each other but for some reason this one dead nigger is so important to them. All other dead niggers be damned! This one was killed by da white man dammit! Mr. Nigger you killed 23 other rapper niggers how do you plea? Ahhh diint kilt emmit till though!
Liberals and niggers are very similar. They burn down niggervilles, commit murders and random acts of violence for months on end over dead nigger george the groid floyd. That’s ok but that January 6th thing is the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the country! 200 unarmed idiots damn near overthrew the government! Fuck you liberals and fuck you niggers!

01-18-2024, 12:57 AM
We literally can't have colonies on Mars because we're too busy devoting time and money for memorials for worthless niggers like Emmett Till. Niggers and libtards love to boast about being "progressive" and "forward-thinking" an sheeit, but all they do is whine about the past and prevent humanity from moving forward.