View Full Version : Beer Thieving Nigger Who Murdered Police Officer Faces Death Penalty

01-16-2024, 04:55 PM
The three filthy niggrrs who stole 5 cases of beer EACH were arraigned in court.

The nigger who fired 5 shots into Officer Nix faces the death penalty. The other two niggers only face 20 years. That's insane, as they all were involved in the same crime.

I hope they fry the cop killer, but all three need to be introduced to the Bat Fairy, and sooner, not later.

Our "justice" system needs help.


Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 06:12 PM
Killing a police officer over beer. :mad:

Death is too good for them. Just bring back the medieval torture dungeons where they would hang prisoners upside down and let them piss and poop all over themselves. And, from time to time, a little bit of the Catherine Wheel, the Judas Cradle or Scavenger's Daughter and then back to hanging upside down. Make their lives so miserable they would yearn for death.

01-16-2024, 06:18 PM
Ironically it happened at ' Sheetz '

Fry em. Fucking shit apes.

01-16-2024, 06:31 PM
Look at those niggers. They are a shitstain on the earth. Murdering a cop used to be an automatic death sentence, but we know that nigger won't fry and the other two will be set free maybe in seven years or less. Where's the punishment when even the most heinous nigger crimes are excused?

The so-called "justice system" only works in favour of criminals and is hopelessly broken. They're all innocent until proven guilty even if they commit those crimes in front of a crowd - well, unless you're a YT celebrity accused of inappropriately looking at some female 20 years ago, and then the Salem Witch Trial laws apply, where the accused cannot win.

01-16-2024, 06:58 PM
The so-called "justice system" only works in favour of criminals and is hopelessly broken.

Try calling those fucking niggers " fucking niggers " in public and see how long you get. You're right Diva. The niggers are coddled to in a most devious way.

Ray Cizzums
01-16-2024, 09:59 PM
"The so-called "justice system" only works in favour of criminals and is hopelessly broken.

Back in the day, some dopey nigger piped up on The Phil Donahue Show, talking about the "Cwiminal justum systis",
and how it was unfair to blacks. They edited out the audience reaction, and Donahue continued his conversation with
said orangutan, despite it's mind boggling idiocy. This was almost 40 years ago, and nothing has changed - except niggers
are even stupider today....

01-16-2024, 10:11 PM
Killing a police officer over beer. :mad:

Death is too good for them. Just bring back the medieval torture dungeons where they would hang prisoners upside down and let them piss and poop all over themselves. And, from time to time, a little bit of the Catherine Wheel, the Judas Cradle or Scavenger's Daughter and then back to hanging upside down. Make their lives so miserable they would yearn for death.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

01-17-2024, 12:15 AM
Killing a police officer over beer. :mad:

Death is too good for them. Just bring back the medieval torture dungeons where they would hang prisoners upside down and let them piss and poop all over themselves. And, from time to time, a little bit of the Catherine Wheel, the Judas Cradle or Scavenger's Daughter and then back to hanging upside down. Make their lives so miserable they would yearn for death.

Post it all on pay-per-view and you could probably retire the national debt!

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-17-2024, 12:18 AM
Look at those niggers. They are a shitstain on the earth. Murdering a cop used to be an automatic death sentence, but we know that nigger won't fry and the other two will be set free maybe in seven years or less. Where's the punishment when even the most heinous nigger crimes are excused?

The so-called "justice system" only works in favour of criminals and is hopelessly broken. They're all innocent until proven guilty even if they commit those crimes in front of a crowd - well, unless you're a YT celebrity accused of inappropriately looking at some female 20 years ago, and then the Salem Witch Trial laws apply, where the accused cannot win.
This is so true….unfortunately.

01-17-2024, 12:21 AM
Try calling those fucking niggers " fucking niggers " in public and see how long you get. You're right Diva. The niggers are coddled to in a most devious way.

What's sick, is many of the assholes in the comments on the video. Some blaming the dead police officer for not "minding his own business" or how the nigger was defending himself. I know social media does always reflect real life, but still. For one person to side with the cold blooded killers, makes me fear for our civilization.

01-17-2024, 12:23 AM
Back in the day, some dopey nigger piped up on The Phil Donahue Show, talking about the "Cwiminal justum systis",
and how it was unfair to blacks. They edited out the audience reaction, and Donahue continued his conversation with
said orangutan, despite it's mind boggling idiocy. This was almost 40 years ago, and nothing has changed - except niggers
are even stupider today....

Donahue was always a leftist turd. One of the absolute worst.

Ray Cizzums
01-17-2024, 10:22 AM
Donahue was always a leftist turd. One of the absolute worst.

He pioneered the shit-for-brains talk show genre - moronic host, retard audience stacked with plants and kool-aid guzzlers,
defending the indefensible, and of course - licking black balls. He paved the road to Hell, for today's stupid commie cunts....

01-18-2024, 03:31 PM
He pioneered the shit-for-brains talk show genre - moronic host, retard audience stacked with plants and kool-aid guzzlers,
defending the indefensible, and of course - licking black balls. He paved the road to Hell, for today's stupid commie cunts....

Exactly. He created this cancer on all of humanity.