View Full Version : Advil launches niggerloving "pain equality" campaign

01-16-2024, 06:57 AM
Saw an ad for Advil's new "Pain Equality" campaign because apparently, raciss wypipo don't believe niggers when they say they have pain an sheeit. As an ER nurse, I can tell you from firsthand experience that niggers are the KANGZ of drug-seeking behavior. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Niggers LOVE to treat a trip to the ER as an opportunity to "score sum mofine."

I don't want to give those ghouls more clicks by linking the video. The only positive that may come out of this is that perhaps Big Pharma sees niggers as their new market to flood with opioids. In that case we can look forward to an increase in goodified niggers.

Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 01:08 PM
Pain be raycisss?

In psychology, genetic memory is a theorized phenomenon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_memory_(psychology)#:~:text=In%20psycholog y%2C%20genetic%20memory%20is,over%20long%20spans%2 0of%20time.) in which certain kinds of memories could be inherited, being present at birth in the absence of any associated sensory experience, and that such memories could be incorporated into the genome over long spans of time.

Lamarckism, also known as Lamarckian inheritance or neo-Lamarckism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamarckism#:~:text=Lamarckism%2C%20also%20known%20 as%20Lamarckian,or%20disuse%20during%20its%20lifet ime.), is the notion that an organism can pass on to its offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime.

So, obviously, dindu pain originates from injuries sustained by black slaves, which they then genetically passed down!

The only antidote is large sums of reparations money. And anti-racist pain medication.


Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 01:10 PM
Muh menstrual cramps!


01-16-2024, 11:23 PM
After dealing with niggers all day long at my work, I need a pill or something

01-17-2024, 03:00 AM
Pain be raycisss?

So, obviously, dindu pain originates from injuries sustained by black slaves, which they then genetically passed down!

The only antidote is large sums of reparations money. And anti-racist pain medication.


Now it's called neo-Lamarckism, huh niggers? On one side, you use this great man's name for your cause, yet call him a racist when he correctly called out your species as inferior and dim witted? Make up your minds, niggers! Ooops...you don't have a mind. A pre-reptilian walnut brain is what you have.

Whitey Ford
01-17-2024, 04:42 PM

01-21-2024, 03:26 AM


That made my day!

01-21-2024, 07:00 PM
Niggers are gigantic pains in the asses.

Niggers are Useless
01-21-2024, 07:45 PM
I can't wait to see these coonmecials aired back to back with Skyrizzi or some other big pharma gimmick. I already mute coonmecials, but these disastrous apetempts at apefirmative gibbs are over the top. Niggers are too stupid to feel pain, just some type of annoyance if one of their rape appendages fails to function properly.
Anastasia, you have a great point. Niggers always seem to try to get all the drugs they can from the ER visits. My wife spends hours a week trying to apesplain to the niggers why these parasites got a bill for their visits. It's infuriating that she has to deal with these primates and their free gibbs we pay for with our taxes. The niggers are just too stupid to realize that their free gibbs programs don't cover all the tests they have to get to get the opiates they so crave.
Hopefully we do start to see a resurgence in Batwing awards from the new Equity campaign for niggers.

01-22-2024, 11:16 AM

Thank you! I was getting too angry and depressed to read any more nigger news, and this brightened up my day!! "Yer name's TOBY!" will never get old.


01-26-2024, 12:10 AM
74% of stupid nigger grifters think their is racism in pain management, which PROVES NOTHING.