View Full Version : Low I.Q. tards blow a fuse after TPUSA's Charlie Kirk tells the truth about Fartin Looter Kang

Whitey Ford
01-15-2024, 08:48 PM
'So moronic': Pro-Trump activist sparks fury with attack on MLK Jr.


Scroll to 2:09.

As Americans around the world commemorated Martin Luther King Day, right-wing activist Charlie Kirk took to X to mark the occasion by condemning the civil rights activist — and those who honor him.

"Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," he wrote. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century. Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born. Happy Monday."

Dr. King, a Southern Black minister, became one of the nation's most prominent civil rights activists in the 1950s and '60s through a doctrine of nonviolent civil disobedience inspired in large part by the liberation movement of Mahatma Gandhi in India

Gandhi hated niggers, too! :lol
"..the kaffir is, as a general rule, inferior" Gandhi

"So moronic. So, so, moronic.," replied conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg in response to Kirk's remarks.

Jonah Goldberg is the kind of liberal asshole that prolly likes fellating negroids in his spare time. ;)


Whitey Ford
01-15-2024, 09:01 PM

Fox News columnist David Marcus added, “Tearing down an American hero who united and continues to unite us is not the answer. Whatever his flaws, King taught America to value content of character over the color of skin and that legacy will live long after his critics are forgotten.”

No. His "legacy" will crumble and go straight to hell after they finally unseal the FBI records on him that that allegedly conservative Barry Goldwater sealed while he was still alive.


01-15-2024, 10:22 PM
I guess that's why so many niggroes batwing each other on MLK Blvd - to honour their fallen hero.

Ray Cizzums
01-15-2024, 11:37 PM
Jimmy Ray's rifle was a pump-action .30-06 Remington 760 Game Master.
Today, you don't see many pump action rifles, but they were very popular back in the day.
If you're used to a pump shotgun, the handling is identical....

01-16-2024, 12:28 AM
Martyrdom works for blacks. Turns them into saints, bigger than what's true and real. Look at St. George Floyd.

This is why leave niggers alone. They will batwing each other one way or the other, and who cares if a nigger is kilt by another nigger? No one!

They don't deserve the attention, sainthood, or any unrealistic portrayal.

01-16-2024, 06:48 AM
Martyrdom works for blacks. Turns them into saints, bigger than what's true and real. Look at St. George Floyd.

This is why leave niggers alone. They will batwing each other one way or the other, and who cares if a nigger is kilt by another nigger? No one!

They don't deserve the attention, sainthood, or any unrealistic portrayal.

St. George batwinged himself by overdosing on fentanyl. No matter how much we leave niggers alone, niggers will keep giving themselves Darwin Awards and the woketards will blame white people and make the daed nigger into a martyr anyway.

Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 11:55 AM
Jimmy Ray's rifle was a pump-action .30-06 Remington 760 Game Master.
Today, you don't see many pump action rifles, but they were very popular back in the day.
If you're used to a pump shotgun, the handling is identical....

I noticed that!
I have never actually seen a pump action rifle, and never even knew they existed until I looked up James Earl Ray's rifle just recently. Weird that they don't make them anymore, as it would be easier to pump a rifle round into the chamber instead of using a bolt action.

Ray Cizzums
01-16-2024, 04:26 PM
I noticed that!
I have never actually seen a pump action rifle, and never even knew they existed until I looked up James Earl Ray's rifle just recently. Weird that they don't make them anymore, as it would be easier to pump a rifle round into the chamber instead of using a bolt action.
The upstate NY "woodchucks" of the '70s and '80s loved their 760 Gamemaster pump, and 742 Woodsmaster auto rifles.
Handle an 870 Wingmaster shotgun much, and you could shoot the 760 in your sleep. Same for the Remington 1100 / 742.
Great rifles for deer, and apparently, African jungle bat...


01-16-2024, 04:29 PM
When Charlie Kirk speaks, I listen. He is a great man and is not one who is afraid of the truth.