View Full Version : Nigger Sow Chimpout and Aperest at Traffic Stop

01-14-2024, 11:06 PM
From the Great State of Ohio:

The video starts as a police officer pulls over a nigger sow for speeding and reckless driving. Things quickly go down hill from there.

First the nigger argues about her driving and cries about the driver holding her up, doing 15 mph (in a 25 zone.) "U means daz kin du fi-teen, but I kantz du fasta?" No nigger, you can't.

As the belly aching continues, we learn the nigger's license be suspended, there's no insurance, no registration, etc.

A female officer arrives and the nigger is told to exit the vehicle, which it refuses to do, of course. They finally get the nigger out of the car, and there's clearly something in the right front pocket of the nigger's sweat pants. The male officer ask the nigger if she has any weapons. Immediately we get the "just cause I be black don't mean I gots a weapon!!!" The race card will be played again during this stop.

The female officer takes the lead with the nigger, while the male officer starts searching the nigger's car, after smelling dope smoke. The female officer starts asking questions and the nigger starts lying. My favorite is when the nigger tells the officer she be having a pointment to gets dat license back on Monday. The officer replied with a question: "On Memorial Day?" Check and mate.

The female officer sits the nigger in the police car, even being nice enough to roll the window down, because it's warm. Taking advantage of the kindness of humans, we next see the nigger has retrieved her purse and sail fone from her about to be towed car. At this point the male officer has found dope and some unspecified pills in the hooptie, and it's time to put the nigger in chains.

This is when the nigger turns violent.

The nigger punches the male officer in the face and the fight is own. The nigger protesting that she AIN'T DOIN' NUTHIN'!!!! Totally predictable bullshit.

The police get the nigger wrangled and toted off in short order. They weren't gentle about it, but the sow needed a good old-fashioned Rodney King Special. An extended session.

The nigger was charged with:

Driving without a license.

Resisting arrest with violence.

Possession of Marijuana.

So sick of niggers.


I aint bin dun did dat!
01-14-2024, 11:23 PM
I wonder what percentage of niggers have valid driver’s licenses. I would bet at least 25% of all niggers above driving age have no license and probably as high as 50%. None carry insurance either.

01-15-2024, 12:19 AM
I wonder what percentage of niggers have valid driver’s licenses. I would bet at least 25% of all niggers above driving age have no license and probably as high as 50%. None carry insurance either.

The only time you'll see a nigger with insurance of any kind for any thing is in a TV commercial for insurance.

I think you are about right when it comes to licenses. Somewhere between 25 and 50 percent.

01-15-2024, 03:56 AM
Percentage of niggers who play the race card when pulled over: 100 percent.

Like fucking seriously. I'll admit I'm wrong when someone can show ONE example of a nigger saying, "Yes, Officer, I ran the red light, you were right to pull me over and I deserve a ticket."

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-15-2024, 01:42 PM
The only time you'll see a nigger with insurance of any kind for any thing is in a TV commercial for insurance.

I think you are about right when it comes to licenses. Somewhere between 25 and 50 percent.
You would think these companies would want to target an audience of potential customers.

01-15-2024, 03:56 PM
Percentage of niggers who play the race card when pulled over: 100 percent.

Like fucking seriously. I'll admit I'm wrong when someone can show ONE example of a nigger saying, "Yes, Officer, I ran the red light, you were right to pull me over and I deserve a ticket."

I'm quite confident the sun will rise in the west and set in east before that happens.

01-15-2024, 03:57 PM
You would think these companies would want to target an audience of potential customers.

They damned sure aren't fooling anyone!

01-15-2024, 10:24 PM
Nigger..." Ieze gots duh appointment on Munday "

cop... " On Memorial Day ? "

Nigger... " Oh yuz, day daints gunna beez doin it on Munday iz day ? "

Niggers are born liars. The nigger should have been tazed and dazed off the bat. The cops were far too lenient and trusting of this feckless and indolent beast.