View Full Version : Ft Worth Officer Shoots Smash and Grab Nigger Who Tried to Grab His Gun

01-13-2024, 02:50 AM
Nigger Walker Cadd, 37, decided he was going to rob a vape shop in Ft Worth. The nigger has a box and starts scooping merchandise into it. He was reportedly armed with a crowbar.

Police responded quickly and Nigger Walker ran off. The nigger was spotted crossing a creek bed behind the shopping center. Police tracked the nigger, who was hiding in a shed. Evidently he smiled!

The police officer ordered Nigger Walker to surrender. Instead, the nigger advanced towards the officer, eventually grabbing at his gun. The officer shot the nigger, who delightfully screamed in pain.

After being released from the hospital, Nigger Walker was booked on multiple charges, including robbery and attempting to take the officer's gun.
