View Full Version : A niglet shot another one for being beaten in a bike race - Coonifornia

01-12-2024, 05:12 PM

01-12-2024, 05:54 PM

It cannot be denied that niggers are never, ever too young to bust a cap in another nigger, or its own mammy.

The most shocking thing in this story is that the niglet knew its sperm donor. The groid leaves its firearms lying in its hoopty and then sends the niglet to fetch his ciggies from the car. Of course, the little felon is going to grab the gun. It's learned that the nigger way of settling even the most minor dispute is with violence.

A fine-looking niggroe is the pappy, who teaches its crotch droppings by example.


The nigger pappy, who was reportedly not legally authorized to own a firearm, may have tried to throw away the gun to conceal potential evidence.
Imagine that!

01-12-2024, 11:12 PM
It cannot be denied that niggers are never, ever too young to bust a cap in another nigger, or its own mammy.

The most shocking thing in this story is that the niglet knew its sperm donor. The groid leaves its firearms lying in its hoopty and then sends the niglet to fetch his ciggies from the car. Of course, the little felon is going to grab the gun. It's learned that the nigger way of settling even the most minor dispute is with violence.

A fine-looking niggroe is the pappy, who teaches its crotch droppings by example.


Imagine that!

There have been, not one, but two 5 year old niggers shoot their teachers! The last one's mammy was given a sweetheart deal, but failed probation and went to prison.

That Tommy Chong looking nigger pappy needs to go to prison forever, on general principles.

01-16-2024, 02:11 AM
Alas this story has already appeared within our hallowed halls, however it's worth repeating due to it's exceptional degree on the scale of niggerishness ;)

Courtesy of animal mother


01-16-2024, 09:06 AM
“Instead of aiding my baby, he tried to hide it. He tried to cover it up. He left my baby there,” Brittani Frierson said.

Ah, the value of nigger life to other niggers. If niggers do this to each other, just imagine what they'll do to you ?

Never trust a nigger. They're black for a reason. To help you avoid them. Never turn your back on black.

Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 11:37 AM
A niglet shot another niglet...for its Jawdins.
A niglet shot another niglet... for 'disaspeck.'
A niglet shot another niglet... for gang beefs.
A niglet shot another niglet... for muh drugs.
A niglet shot another niglet... for kicks.


01-16-2024, 02:34 PM
Alas this story has already appeared within our hallowed halls, however it's worth repeating due to it's exceptional degree on the scale of niggerishness ;)

Courtesy of animal mother

I bet some day it will make the program on TV...C.O.P.S. Can't wait to see it.