View Full Version : Wild Naked Ethiopian Nigger Attacks Baltimore Police with Bladed Weapons and Feces!

01-11-2024, 09:21 PM
Baltimore Police were forced to deal with a crazed nigger, who eventually threw a bucket of shit at them and had multiple bladed weapons.

You know what you got when you see the giant EBT sign out front.

Light skinned Nigger Russom Gebretsedik, a common last name in Ethiopia, is seen on surveillance tape outside of the market, wearing only black socks and shoes. As police arrive Nigger Russom goes inside the market, into a back room, and eventually upstairs, to what appears to be some kind of multi-level nigger nest.

Police enter and start to make their way upstairs when Nigger Russom throws a bucket of shit at them. Police gear up. Meanwhile Nigger Russom gets dressed and grabs some weapons. It comes to a head when one of the officers fired 5 shots at the nigger, hitting him once in the leg. One would think all 5 should have hit, but the really narrow stairs made dealing with the nigger tough.

Sadly, Nigger Russ will be back on the streets up to his usual monkeyshines in no time.

You couldn't pay me enough to get me to live in that shit-hole of a town, let alone be a police officer there. Not enough money in the world.
