View Full Version : Nigger Trevon Batwings His Ho, Ikea Hood

01-11-2024, 01:10 AM
Ah, young romance in the hood. (Pun intended)

17 year old Nigger Trevon Wright kilt his on again off again ho of two years, Nigger Ikea Hood. (How's that for a nigger name!)

The two love birds had an on again off again relationship. During the off periods Nigger Ikea was with other bucks, and found herself "with child." Being a dishonest nigger, Ikea let Nigger Trevon think he was the pappy. According to Nigger Ikea's mammy, Ikea was set to tell Nigger Trevon that he wasn't the pappy. That conversation went about as well as expected, with Obama's son putting a cap in her ass!

A human male might have felt some relief at that age. Maybe a bit of sadness. But relief. And would have walked away so much the wiser. But that's not how things work with niggers. Ever.

Of course, this is a splendid outcome for mankind. One less felon factory. One less future felon. On nigger buck off to a graduate course at Nigger University.

The world is just a tiny bit better now.


01-11-2024, 01:11 AM
Just a note, that is one dark nigger. Charcoal would make a white mark on him!

01-11-2024, 03:50 AM
What a beautiful tale of nog love. I almost shed a tear over all the GOOD-ness.
Coongrats Nig Wrangler.. you may one day achieve the Chimpout golden quill award... :lol

Ray Cizzums
01-11-2024, 09:55 AM
Niggers love a good "Balloon release", after a well deserved set of batwings have been issued. Watch The First 48, and you'll always see a nest
filled with three generations of grieving sheboons, jibbering about their POS offspring. They always display shopping mall photo studio pics of the
fambly, featuring their departed and incarcerated male relatives. The balloon release in a city park should be changed to a bat release, into a cave....

01-11-2024, 11:12 AM
Ah, young romance in the hood. (Pun intended)

17 year old Nigger Trevon Wright kilt his on again off again ho of two years, Nigger Ikea Hood. (How's that for a nigger name!)

The two love birds had an on again off again relationship. During the off periods Nigger Ikea was with other bucks, and found herself "with child." Being a dishonest nigger, Ikea let Nigger Trevon think he was the pappy. According to Nigger Ikea's mammy, Ikea was set to tell Nigger Trevon that he wasn't the pappy. That conversation went about as well as expected, with Obama's son putting a cap in her ass!

A human male might have felt some relief at that age. Maybe a bit of sadness. But relief. And would have walked away so much the wiser. But that's not how things work with niggers. Ever.

Of course, this is a splendid outcome for mankind. One less felon factory. One less future felon. On nigger buck off to a graduate course at Nigger University.

The world is just a tiny bit better now.


The only BETTER option would have been if the nigger self-bat-winged!!

01-11-2024, 11:36 AM
That is one NASTY-looking nigger! Besides it's brillo hair and gorilla coke-snuffer, this thing has Wakanda-class lips and eyes as demonic as a cobra. But it looks SO "SWEET" with it's mammy's matching pearl ear studs. This coon could set Homo erectus evolution back another million years!

No doubt Buckwheat Obama is PROUD!

01-11-2024, 11:59 AM
*sniff* This tale of star-crossed young love brought a tear to my eye. The romance between the hilariously-named slut and her blacker-than-black suitor was ill-fated and ended in tragedy.

The young lady - at 17 - had rutted with so many bucks she had no idea who the venom injector was. Oh, Ikea (named after a Swedish furniture manufacturer) what a tangled web we weave! I weep for what might have been.

"Ikea" - To take my mind off my sadness, I thought about how so many mammy sows name their larvae, often with words for which they don't know the meaning. But this one surprises me. Even a nigger must know what Ikea is?

Reminds me of this: "Ah name muh chile after muh big screen TeeVee. Ain't that purty?"

I'm not criticizing. Those absurd handles always let us know if a perp is a nigger, even when the MSM goes to great lengths to try and hide the species. Keep on keepin' with Champagana, Sjohnquiallie, DaMerical, etc., mammies.

01-11-2024, 12:03 PM
Niggers love a good "Balloon release", after a well deserved set of batwings have been issued. Watch The First 48, and you'll always see a nest
filled with three generations of grieving sheboons, jibbering about their POS offspring. They always display shopping mall photo studio pics of the
fambly, featuring their departed and incarcerated male relatives. The balloon release in a city park should be changed to a bat release, into a cave....

Ain't dat da troof! Mammies, "untys", grandmammies, but never a pappy. Well, they can't ook that this spook "lights up a room".

01-11-2024, 01:46 PM

You guys are killing me


01-11-2024, 09:22 PM
What a beautiful tale of nog love. I almost shed a tear over all the GOOD-ness.
Coongrats Nig Wrangler.. you may one day achieve the Chimpout golden quill award... :lol

Thanks! That's an honor I will look forward to!

01-11-2024, 09:24 PM
The only BETTER option would have been if the nigger self-bat-winged!!

Would have been the considerate thing to do.

01-11-2024, 09:29 PM
*sniff* This tale of star-crossed young love brought a tear to my eye. The romance between the hilariously-named slut and her blacker-than-black suitor was ill-fated and ended in tragedy.

The young lady - at 17 - had rutted with so many bucks she had no idea who the venom injector was. Oh, Ikea (named after a Swedish furniture manufacturer) what a tangled web we weave! I weep for what might have been.

"Ikea" - To take my mind off my sadness, I thought about how so many mammy sows name their larvae, often with words for which they don't know the meaning. But this one surprises me. Even a nigger must know what Ikea is?

Reminds me of this: "Ah name muh chile after muh big screen TeeVee. Ain't that purty?"

I'm not criticizing. Those absurd handles always let us know if a perp is a nigger, even when the MSM goes to great lengths to try and hide the species. Keep on keepin' with Champagana, Sjohnquiallie, DaMerical, etc., mammies.

Toshiba! Holy hell what a nigger name.

I miss the good old-fashioned nigger names, but as you point out, no matter how hard the media tries to hide the truth, nigger names always let us know.

01-11-2024, 11:33 PM
The whole nigger "we wuz Vikangz" propaganda started appearing about 15-20 years ago, when a lot of the fake history channels began promoting it on orders from their owners. So it's not surprising that a 17-year-old thankfully now daed hoe was named "Ikea" by baby mammy (baby daddy nowhere in sight, of course). We beez Swedes an sheeit!

Nigger Trevon sho did have a category N chimpout over the news. Usually on Maury, when a nigger is revealed not to be the baby daddy, they celebrate with a tribal jungle dance. Guess nigger Trevon was embarrassed about being cucked, maybe insecure about not "measuring up," desperately wanting to have a BBC instead of his LBC. Oh well.

01-12-2024, 10:33 AM
Well if barbwire ever comes in handy we sure know were to get it cheaply.

Whitey Ford
01-13-2024, 04:20 PM

01-13-2024, 06:27 PM


Our "Ikea" certainly is well and truly "Defuncto". Thanks, Trevon, you black bastard, for this 2-fer! True, the taxpayers will now have to supply you with everything you want and need in NU, but at least they won't have to support the slut, her crotch-dropping, AND you for decades.

01-13-2024, 06:29 PM
The whole nigger "we wuz Vikangz" propaganda started appearing about 15-20 years ago, when a lot of the fake history channels began promoting it on orders from their owners. So it's not surprising that a 17-year-old thankfully now daed hoe was named "Ikea" by baby mammy (baby daddy nowhere in sight, of course). We beez Swedes an sheeit!

Nigger Trevon sho did have a category N chimpout over the news. Usually on Maury, when a nigger is revealed not to be the baby daddy, they celebrate with a tribal jungle dance. Guess nigger Trevon was embarrassed about being cucked, maybe insecure about not "measuring up," desperately wanting to have a BBC instead of his LBC. Oh well.

You people are killing me here! 24246