View Full Version : La Shaunda causes $26K in damage to a convenience store while stealing 2 packs of cigarettes

Whitey Ford
01-04-2024, 07:20 PM
Wild moment one-woman wrecking crew totals entire convenience store in Missouri - causing over $26,000 of damage


This is the wild moment a woman ransacked a convenience store in Missouri and caused tens of thousands of dollars of damage while workers begged her to stop.

In a video published on Reddit, a woman can be heard claiming that employees 'kept f****** bothering her' and is seen appearing to steal two packets of cigarettes before trashing the store.

La Shaunda Angeline Johnson, 31, from Columbia, MO, has since been arrested over the incident. She was previously banned from the store in June 2023 for trespassing.

Police said Johnson allegedly caused $1,500 of damage to a cash register, broke $3,000 worth of liquor, damaged two drink machines worth $20,000 and caused $2,000 in damage to other store items, ABC17 reported.

Johnson has been charged with multiple felony charges including first-degree property damage, and is being held in Boone County Jail without bond. A court date has not yet been set.

01-04-2024, 07:29 PM
Literally a monkey without a cage. These creatures need exporting immediately. Where, I don't care, just gone.

Ray Cizzums
01-04-2024, 07:48 PM
I would just beat "La Shaunda" into a coma, and take my lumps in court. I'd tell the judge to GFYM, and that I'd beat that buffarilla 10 more times,
if given the chance. Then I'd call a press conference, and tell niggers, and their enablers, that I'm going to fuck them up every chance I get, as soon
as I'm released, so suck my hairy white cock, in Macy's window - the end.

01-05-2024, 03:39 AM
Wild moment one-woman wrecking crew totals entire convenience store in Missouri - causing over $26,000 of damage



This is why all employees should be armed and ready to rock and roll. You goodify a few of these wild rampaging niggers and this shit will stop.