View Full Version : Nigger/Spigger mini bike teenaper gang terrorize/assault humans in LA while their sows twerk in da skreet !

01-04-2024, 12:21 AM
Ready for Nigger Road Warrior ? What the hell it's Gollywoghood ....




01-04-2024, 05:08 PM
Ready for Nigger Road Warrior ? What the hell it's Gollywoghood ....




FOX News is all over this. Of course they are careful not to blame niggers. All I can say is an armed society is a polite society.

01-04-2024, 06:13 PM
Someone at DM.uk fell asleep on the job. Usually, no comments on any crime stories by "POC", LBGTQRSTUVW, etc, are allowed, and if they are, they're heavily moderated for fear of raycisms.

Ray Cizzums
01-04-2024, 07:40 PM
This is but one nigger trend, in regards to fucking up traffic for YT. Here in NY, the latest monkeyshines are "Pro-Palestinkian" demonstrations,
intended to shut down bridges and other choke points, at the worst possible times of day. They actually pulled this shit at Kennedy Airport, on
one of the busiest holiday travel days. These retards are being paid by Marxist cocksuckers, like George Soros, while the "feds" look the other way.
Younger retard niggers are now weaving into oncoming traffic, coming close to getting squashed, calling themselves "Wheelie Boyz".
These could be the dumbest schvartzers I've ever seen. Just run them the fuck over, and keep going....


01-05-2024, 11:17 AM
This is but one nigger trend, in regards to fucking up traffic for YT. Here in NY, the latest monkeyshines are "Pro-Palestinkian" demonstrations,
intended to shut down bridges and other choke points, at the worst possible times of day. They actually pulled this shit at Kennedy Airport, on
one of the busiest holiday travel days. These retards are being paid by Marxist cocksuckers, like George Soros, while the "feds" look the other way.
Younger retard niggers are now weaving into oncoming traffic, coming close to getting squashed, calling themselves "Wheelie Boyz".
These could be the dumbest schvartzers I've ever seen. Just run them the fuck over, and keep going....


Man that's fucked up, that nigger mayor sure doesn't give a F **k how much chaos his shitape army causes the metro facilities and disturbs the populace.
Not sorry at all that red states are sending that cocksucker plenty of useless eaters to EAT the public resources. Sure it sucks for the city dwellers, and likely the whole state,
but if it throws that useless tootsie turd out of office, maybe it was worth it.

01-05-2024, 11:49 AM
Man that's fucked up, that nigger mayor sure doesn't give a F **k how much chaos his shitape army causes the metro facilities and disturbs the populace.
Not sorry at all that red states are sending that cocksucker plenty of useless eaters to EAT the public resources. Sure it sucks for the city dwellers, and likely the whole state,
but if it throws that useless tootsie turd out of office, maybe it was worth it.

Yes. It seems people are waking up to the fact that having a typical nigger for a mayor may not be working out, no matter how woke it is.
