View Full Version : Niggers claim every great historical figure was one of them, and now Abe Lincoln too

08-02-2017, 01:06 AM
Niggers claim all the Pharaohs, Moses, Cleopatra, even Greeks and Romans.


Like everyone else, I grew up believing Lincoln was a great man. In high school, I learned his priority was the Union, whatever he had to do about slavery. Then I got a little older and found it was all the War of Northern Aggression, and John Wilkes Booth was not history's villain like kids learn. Still, if only Lincoln had lived, because he wanted to ship niggers back.

Cracka Jack
08-02-2017, 07:08 PM
In all fairness, niggers were the last thing on Lincoln's mind. He understood that if the Union was broken, European powers would quickly take control in the South and it would be a never ending battle.

We face a similar dilemma today. The East and West coasts are largely populated by niggers, nigger lovers and commies. When the second Civil War comes, the stongholds of decent human areas would be cut off from access to the oceans.

We need to pray the Bernie perfects his sickle cell, aids, ebola super bug soon!